FAQ KB0394765
Invoice error messages

How do I troubleshoot an invoice error?


Below is a list of possible error messages produced by the SAP Business Network for invoices. These messages are generated if invoice processing detects errors when suppliers submit invoices through any channel (online, cXML, EDI, or CSV). To search the list, press CTRL+F on your keyboard and then enter the text of the error message.

If you receive an ANERR message, try the steps described here.

Error No.Error MessageMeaning and suggested resolution
1INVOICE_DUPLICATEAn invoice with the same ID has already been received. If the invoice is not a duplicate, resubmit it with a different ID.
2INVOICE_NO_IDThe invoice number is blank in the submitted invoice. Enter an invoice number, and resubmit the invoice
3SHIPPING_IN_LINE_ERRORThe isShippingInLine element indicates shipping information is provided at the line level. The invoice indicates that shipping information is provided at line item level but the invoice header also contains shipping information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
4SUMMARY_AND_DETAILThe InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator contradicts the InvoiceDetailOrder element. The InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator element indicates that the invoice is a summary invoice. The InvoiceDetailOrder element can appear in only a detail invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
5DETAIL_AND_SUMMARYThe InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator contradicts the InvoiceDetailHeaderOrder element. The InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator element indicates that the invoice is a detail invoice. The InvoiceDetailHeaderOrder element can appear in only a summary invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
6INV_ROLE_IN_SHIPPINGThe Contact role in the InvoiceDetailShipping element is not a valid value. Check the cXML specification or DTD for the list of valid roles for the Contact element. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
7INV_ROLE_IN_PARTNERThe Contact role in the InvoicePartner element is not a valid value. Check the cXML specification or DTD for the list of valid roles for the Contact element. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
8INV_LINE_DUPLICATEThere are multiple invoice line items with the same ID. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
9ASN_NOT_FOUNDThe invoice references a nonexistent shipping notice document. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
10NO_PCARD_INVOICEThis customer does not allow suppliers to generate invoices for PCard orders.
11PCARD_INF_ONLYPCard order invoices are for information only. The isInformationOnly attribute in the InvoiceDetailRequestHeader must be set to yes.
12PO_NOT_FOUNDCannot find the PO referenced in the invoice. Correct the PO number and resubmit the invoice.
13PO_OBSOLETEThe invoice references an obsolete, replaced, or duplicate PO. Use the current version of the PO and resubmit the invoice.
14MULTIPLE_POThe Order ID matches multiple purchase orders. Use the DocumentReference element in cXML to reference the purchase order. You must provide the payloadID of the PO you want to invoice.
15NON_PO_INVOICEThis customer does not accept invoices for orders sent outside of the SAP Business Network. The invoice references a PO that does not exist in the SAP Business Network. Change the PO number and resubmit the invoice.
16HEADER_WITH_ACCOUNT_IN_LINEThe isAccountingInLine indicator must be set to false if the isHeaderInvoice element is set to true. The header invoice cannot have accounting specified at the line-item level. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
17CREDIT_DEBIT_MEMO_NOT_HEADERThe isHeaderInvoice indicator must be set to true for a credit or debit memo. A credit or debit memo must be a header invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
18CREDIT_MEMO_PAYMENTPayment terms are not allowed in a credit memo. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
19SHIPPING_NO_CONTACTThe shipFrom or shipTo contact roles are missing from the InvoiceDetailShipping element. The InvoiceDetailShipping element must contain Contact elements with both shipFrom and shipTo roles. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
20DELETE_NO_REFERENCEA delete invoice must contain a DocumentReference for an existing invoice. An invoice with the delete operation must reference an existing invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
21NET_PAYMENT_INVALIDThe net payment terms in the invoice do not match the net payment terms in the PO. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
22DISCOUNT_PAYMENT_INVALIDThe discount payment terms in the invoice do not match the discount payment terms in the order. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
23QUANTITY_INVALID_NUMBERThe quantity value is not a valid number. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
24LINE_NUMBER_LINE_ITEM_REF_INVALIDThe lineNumber attribute of a InvoiceDetailItemReference is not a valid number. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
25PO_LINE_QUANTITY_INVALIDThe quantity of a line item exceeds the buying organization's quantity limits. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
26PO_LINE_UOM_INVALIDThe unit of measure of an invoice line item does not match the unit of measure of the original PO line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
27PO_LINE_PART_ID_INVALIDThe supplier part ID in the invoice does not match the supplier part ID of the original PO line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
28PO_LINE_CURRENCY_INVALIDThe unit price currency of an invoice item does not match the unit price currency of the original PO line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
29PO_LINE_PRICE_INVALIDThe unit price of an invoice item does not match the unit price of the original PO line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
30PO_LINE_NOT_FOUNDThe invoice line item does not exist in the original PO. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
31CREDIT_MEMO_DUE_POSITIVEThe Due Amount must be negative for a credit memo. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
32DEBIT_MEMO_DUE_NEGATIVEThe Due Amount must be positive for a debit memo.Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
33EXCEPTIONAn exception occurred while processing the invoice. The invoice contained unexpected errors.
34INVALID_REF_HEADERInvalid DocumentReference element in the InvoiceDetailRequestHeader. Check the cXML specification or DTD for the list of valid values. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
35INVOICE_UPDATEThe invoice status has been successfully updated.
36INVOICE_UPDATE_WITH_PAYMENTThe invoice status has been successfully updated.
37INVOICE_VALIDATION_FAILInvoice validation failed. The submitted invoice contains errors and is invalid. Check for errors in the invoice history for more information on the failure.
38INVOICE_RECEIVEDThe invoice was successfully received.
39BLANK_PERIOD_START_DATEThe startDate attribute cannot be blank. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
40BLANK_PERIOD_END_DATEThe endDate attribute cannot be blank. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
41MISSING_UNIT_RATEThe UnitRate is required for labor items. The UnitRate is not specified in InvoiceDetailServiceItem with InvoiceLaborDetail. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
42MISSING_QUANTITYThe Quantity is required for labor items. The Quantity is not specified in InvoiceDetailServiceItem with InvoiceLaborDetail. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
43INVALID_TIMECARD_REFERENCEInvalid TimeCardReference value for labor item. The invoice references a time sheet that does not exist on the SAP Business Network. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
44MULTIPLE_TIMECARD_FOUNDMultiple time sheets match TimeCardReference in a labor item.
45MISSING_PERIODThe Period in the labor item is a required value. The Period value is not specified in InvoiceDetailServiceItem with InvoiceLaborDetail. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
46PERIOD_NO_MATCHThe Period in InvoiceDetailServiceItem with InvoiceLaborDetail does not match the period in the time sheet specified by the InvoiceLaborDetail InvoiceTimeCardDetail TimeCardReference element. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
47MISSING_PAYCODEThe Pay code is a required value in the labor item. UnitRate TermReference with termName (payCode) is not specified in InvoiceDetailServiceItem with InvoiceLaborDetail. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
48CAN_NOT_SAVE_CHANGESCannot save changes to the invoice. Changes to the invoice conflict with other changes made by the system. The invoice will reprocess in the next scheduled time frame.
49PSFT_INVOICE_STATUS_UPDATEThe status of the invoice has been successfully updated.
50PSFT_INVOICE_STATUS_RESETThe invoice has been successfully reset to its initial status.
51NO_CANCEL_INVOICEThis customer does not allow invoice cancelation.
52PO_LINE_AMT_OVER_BILLINGThe subtotal of a line item exceeds the buying organization's line item subtotal limits. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
53INVOICE_NET_AMT_OVER_LIMITThe net amount exceeds the buying organization's net amount limits.Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
54INVOICE_UPDATE_COMMNETSThe invoice status has been successfully updated with comments from your customer.
55 INVOICE_STATUS_UPDATEThe invoice status has been successfully updated by your customer.
56UNIT_PRICE_MISSINGThe unit price is missing for a line item.
57MISSING_ORDER_IDOrder ID is required by this buying organization. Enter an order ID and resubmit the invoice.
58TAX_INFO_MISMATCHThe tax information at invoice line {0} does not match the tax information in the PO. This customer requires that the PO tax information match the tax information included in the invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
59TAX_SUMMARY_WRONGThe tax information in the summary does not match the total from the line item. The Tax Summary information is wrong. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
60TAX_SUM_INCORRECTThe total tax does not equal the sum of all tax lines. The tax total is calculated incorrectly at the specified line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
61 BILL_TO_REQUIREDThe bill-to information is missing or incomplete. Your customer requests this information. Complete the bill-to information and resubmit the invoice.
62CUSTOMER_VAT_ID_REQUIREDThe Customer VAT ID is missing. Your customer requests this information. Enter a valid Customer VAT ID and resubmit the invoice.
63REMIT_TO_REQUIREDThe remit-to information is missing or incomplete.Your customer requests this information. Complete the remit-to information and resubmit the invoice.
64SUPPLIER_VAT_ID_REQUIREDThe Supplier VAT ID is missing. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Supplier VAT ID and resubmit the invoice.
65TAX_POINT_DATE_REQUIRED_AT_LINEThe Supply Date in the VAT entry is missing from the line. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Supply Date and resubmit the invoice.
66ITEM_DESCRIPTION_REQUIREDThe Item Description is missing from the line. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Item Description and resubmit the invoice.
67VAT_REQUIRED_AT_LINEThe VAT information is missing from the line. Your customer requests this information. Enter the VAT information and resubmit the invoice.
68VAT_PERCENTAGE_MISSING_AT_LINEThe VAT rate is missing from the line. Your customer requests this information. Enter the VAT rate and resubmit the invoice.
69VAT_REQUIRED_AT_SUMMARYThe VAT information in the invoice summary is missing. Your customer requests this information. Enter the VAT information in the invoice summary and resubmit the invoice.
70VAT_PERCENTAGE_MISSING_AT_SUMMARYThe VAT rate in the invoice summary is missing. Your customer requests this information. Enter the VAT rate in the invoice summary and resubmit the invoice.
71TAX_POINT_DATE_REQUIRED_AT_SUMMARYThe Supply Date in the VAT entry in the invoice summary is missing. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
72TAX_AMOUNT_INVALID_AT_LINEThe VAT amount for the line item is not a valid value. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
73TAX_AMOUNT_INVALID_AT_SUMMARYThe VAT amount in the invoice summary is not a valid value. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
74TAXABLE_AMOUNT_INVALID_AT_LINEThe VAT taxable amount for the line item is not a valid value. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
75TAXABLE_AMOUNT_INVALID_AT_SUMMARYThe VAT taxable amount in the invoice summary is not a valid value. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
76SHIP_FROM_MISSING_AT_LINEThe Ship From information for the line item is missing or incomplete. Your customer requests this information. Complete the Ship From information and resubmit the invoice.
77SHIP_TO_MISSING_AT_LINEThe Ship To information for the line item is missing or incomplete. Your customer requests this information. Complete the Ship To information and resubmit the invoice.
78SHIP_FROM_MISSING_AT_HEADERThe Ship From information is missing or incomplete in the invoice header. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Ship From information in the invoice header and resubmit the invoice.
79SHIP_TO_MISSING_AT_HEADERThe Ship To information is missing or incomplete in the invoice header. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Ship To information in the invoice header and resubmit the invoice.
80INVALID_LINE_NUMBERThe invoiceLineNumber attribute value is not a valid value. The line number in the invoice is not a number. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.

See Also

Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive as you might receive custom rejection messages from your customer. If this happens,you need to reach out to your customers directly for more information.

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Transaction Documents > Transaction (Invoicing)

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