Najčešća pitanja KB0392441
Kako promijeniti administratora?

How do I change the administrator user in my SAP Business Network supplier account?


Kako promijeniti administratora?  Kako mogu promijeniti administratora? Kako mogu prenijeti ulogu administratora na drugog korisnika? 


Za prijenos uloge administratora na postojećeg korisnika:

  1. U gornjem desnom kutu aplikacije kliknite Postavke poduzeća Korisnici
  2. Odaberite korisnika koji će biti novi administrator
  3. Kliknite Stvori administratora
  4. Odaberite Ulogu za vlastitog korisnika i kliknite Dodijeli.
  5. Kliknite OK kako biste prenijeli ulogu administratora računa

Za ažuriranje informacija o računu administratora:

  1. U gornjem desnom kutu kliknite Ime > Moj račun.
  2. Ažurirajte tu stranicu informacijama o novom administratoru. Ne zaboravite promijeniti sljedeće:
    • Korisničko ime
    • Ime i prezime korisnika
    • E-adresu korisnika
    • Informacije o kontaktu
  3. Kliknite Spremi
Dodatne informacije

Kada je bilo koja od ovih mogućnosti dovršena, trebate potvrditi da su ažurirane i postavke obavijesti e-poštom, a to uključuje i one povezane s odredištima kamo se šalju narudžbenice ako taj račun upotrebljavate za narudžbe i fakturiranje.

Također vidi

If the current account administrator left your company and you can't access the email address associated with their user profile, contact SAP Business Network Customer Support from the Support Center to change the administrator email address. You must provide the following to be considered for the account reassignment:

In case you don't have this information, please contact your buyer, since SAP Support is not authorized to provide this information.

If you go through this process, SAP Support is only authorized to update the administrator email address. Therefore, after the administrator email address is updated, we will send a password reset email to the requested email address. The new administrator will then need to log in with the former administrator's username along with the new password. Once logged in, the new administrator can change any additional information in the account such as first name, last name etc.

After reassigning a the administrator role, it's best to confirm that all email notification settings are updated as well. If you use the account for orders and invoicing, these notifications include those related to where purchase orders are sent.

For more details on making changes to your account, please review the articles below:

Primjenjuje se na

Administracija S2C
SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Administracija (administriranje računom kupca i dobavljača)
SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Discovery i Sourcing/PunchOut scenarij ugovora
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