My Purchase Order (PO) is failing with below error in SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network:
SAP Business Network Response is :"Forbidden" and Error Code:"403" and Error Code Response:"Error:Customer not entitled to create new supplier. Please contact support with the Error Reference Number: ANERR-XXXXX for more details. Suggested Action : Document Failed in SAP Business Network.For further assistance, please contact Ariba Support with the code mentioned in Response.Managed Gateway for Spend&Network Support Error Code : CIG-PLT-00644.
This happens because a data sync is required to Managed Gateway for Spend&Network. The above steps will do the needed sync.
Please follow below steps to resolve the issue:
Resend the PO which failed initially.
Disabling/ Enabling the Managed Gateway for Spend&Network checkbox is not allowed if Managed Gateway for Spend&Network is the default end point for any system ID configured in your buyer account. In this case, you need to temporarily change the default end point to some other non Managed Gateway for Spend&Network end point for all the system IDs configured.
Once the resolution steps are completed, please revert the end point configuration to the original settings.
SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration