FAQ 169352
How do I contact my customer as a Standard account user?

How do I contact my customer if I have a Standard account?


To contact your customer:

Option 1:

  1. Locate the original purchase order notification.
  2. If the custom content section provides contacts, use them to contact your customer.
  3. Otherwise, you can click the link for your customer's email address in the From section of the purchase order details, which opens a new email message populated with your customer's email address.

Option 2:

 By the contact information they have provided. If you are the account administrator or a non-administrator user with the Customer Administration permission, you can locate your customer's contact information by taking these steps:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the application, click [user initials] > Settings and select Customer Relationships.
  2. Click the customer's name in the Current section.

For specific information about how to configure your account and transact with a customer, select Supplier Information Portal.

Your customer is responsible for following up with you.

Your customer can help you with questions or issues related to:

Additional Information

This article applies to Standard accounts only. If you are unsure of your account type, it appears in the upper-left part of the application after you have logged in.

Applies To

SAP Business Network

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