Support Note KB0393458
Error: "User already exists. Please enter a different username." while registering

I receive the error message below when trying to register a new user account.

Error: User already exists. Please enter a different username.


You are receiving this message because the username you are entering is already associated with an SAP Business Network, SAP Business Network Discovery, or Ariba Sourcing supplier account. You will still be able to register a new user account, but the new username will need to be unique to satisfy system requirements.


Business Network requires that all usernames be formatted like an email address, but they do not have to be a valid email address. For example, if your username of was not accepted, you can try using

See Also

If you would like to access an account that already exists, go to the supplier Login page and click Password.

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Pre Log & Login
SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Registration & Onboarding
Strategic Sourcing > Sourcing Events > Sourcing Event Registration/Login

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