

Air Canada

Training Guides, Video Tutorials, & Additional Resources


Training Guides, Video Tutorials, & Additional Resources

Learn how to use the SAP Business Network to transact with Air Canada and manage your account. 


How to create a new Supplier with Air Canada Steps to follow to become a new Air Canada Supplier on the SAP Business Network -
How to Add Roles and Users Add roles and users (when you are the Account Administrator) to your SAP Business Network Account
How to Configure Notifications Configure your SAP Business Network account to receive essential notifications about your purchase orders and invoices
Enterprise Account Downgrade  Downgrade your fully enabled Enterprise Account
Enterprise Account Downgrade (Option not Available / Not able to see the Convert to Standard Button)  Downgrade your fully enabled Enterprise Account when you are not able to see the Convert Button -
Standard Account Upgrade How to upgrade your account from Standard to Enterprise -
Manage POs  Manage your Purchase Orders on SAP Business Network Account
Create Order Confirmation Create an Order Confirmation, required to Invoice a PO
Update Order Confirmation  Update an Order Confirmation, required to invoice a PO -
Create Credit Memo  How to enter a Credit Memo
Invoice Requirements Air Canada Invoice Requirements -
End-to-End Process Guide

Air Canada Master Supplier Guide which covers:

  • How to set up a SAP Business Network Account
  • Different invoicing methods
  • Other resources to help you navigate the tool
Registering a SAP Business Network Account  When you are registering for a new SAP Business Network Account
Accepting a Trading Relationship Request  How do you accept a Trading Relationship Request to transact with Air Canada on the Network
Supplier Login and Homepage Overview  How do you navigate through the Supplier Login Page -
SAP Business Network Configuration  How to navigate through your SAP Business Network Account -
Supplier Training Guide  Navigate through your account, and manage your account information


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