Release Update KB0409123
Ability to force complete tasks in a contract workspace
Feature ID


Feature Description

This feature introduces a new user group, Customer Task Administrators, that enables its members to bypass the workflows in SAP Ariba Contracts to force complete tasks in a contract workspace. A new option, Force Complete Task, is added to the Actions menu for tasks to enable members of the Task Administrator group to override dependencies and mark tasks as completed. When they force complete a task, Task Administrator users can select a relevant AltStatus value and optionally, add a descriptive comment for the action.

Customer Problem

Previously, if a task has to be closed outside the workflow by ignoring dependencies, a support request had to be opened and only Customer Support Administrators could mark the task as completed. This brought in a lot of additional manual overhead for customers.

Customer Value Proposition

This feature removes the need for a support ticket and allows users who are part of the Customer Task Administrator group the ability to force close tasks outside the workflow irrespective of any dependencies the task has.

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: SC-15243
Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Contracts
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite


Ensure that users who need to access this feature are added to the Customer Task Administrator user group.


The Force Complete Task option is available only for tasks in a contract workspace.

Applies To

Strategic Contracts 2202
Strategic Sourcing 2202

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