版本更新 198034
增强发票抬头数据提取 API 以支持状态更新日期查询


Feature Description

Previously, there was no option for API consumers to extract invoice header data based on the date an invoice was updated. All invoice header data extraction was based on the date on which the invoice was created. Therefore, they were unable to check the status changes of invoices, and perform business tasks accordingly.

Now, Ariba Network allows SAP Ariba API portal consumers who have access to the Invoice Header Data Extraction API, to query invoice header data based on the date the invoice was updated. The Invoice Header Data Extraction API is enhanced with an optional filter for querying invoices using a date range based on the date an invoice was updated. For example:

GET {{runtime_url}}/invoices?$filter=startDate eq '2021-02-02T00:01:01' and endDate eq '2021-02-02T23:59:58'&$filter=documentStatusUpdatedStartDate eq '2021-02-02T00:01:01' and documentStatusUpdatedEndDate eq '2021-02-02T00:01:01'&$skip=0&$top=100

Customer Problem

Currently there is no option for API consumers to extract invoice header data based on the date an invoice was updated. All invoice header data extraction is based on the date on which the invoice was created. Therefore, they are unable to check the status changes of invoices and act on that information.

Customer Value Proposition

The enhancement to the Invoice Header Data Extraction API now allows the customer to use invoice status updates via invoice update date queries to drive business flows, increasing the scope of business functionality this API supports.


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SAP Ariba APIs

SAP Ariba 开发人员门户

Ariba Network


要创建应用程序并请求访问以使用与此功能相关的 SAP Ariba API,您必须有权访问 SAP Ariba 开发人员门户。有关详细信息,请参阅《 SAP Ariba 开发人员门户 》的帮助中的“开始使用 SAP Ariba API 的步骤”。

必须使用 OAuth 身份验证来验证对此 API 进行的所有查询。有关详细信息,请参阅《 SAP Ariba 开发人员门户 》的帮助中的“开发人员门户身份验证”。

必须在 Ariba Network 中配置 API 客户端标识符。


对使用 SAP Ariba 开发人员门户的供应商使用 SAP Ariba API 仅限于具有企业帐户的 Ariba Network 供应商。

对于所有其他 Ariba Network 供应商帐户类型,对 SAP Ariba 开发人员门户的访问受到限制。例如,标准帐户供应商无法访问 SAP Ariba 开发人员门户。


SAP Business Network 2108

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