Aggiornamento di versione 198034
Posta elettronica
Miglioramento dell'API Invoice Header Data Extraction (estrazione dati di intestazione fattura) per il supporto della query sulla data di aggiornamento dello stato
ID funzionalità


Feature Description

Previously, there was no option for API consumers to extract invoice header data based on the date an invoice was updated. All invoice header data extraction was based on the date on which the invoice was created. Therefore, they were unable to check the status changes of invoices, and perform business tasks accordingly.

Now, Ariba Network allows SAP Ariba API portal consumers who have access to the Invoice Header Data Extraction API, to query invoice header data based on the date the invoice was updated. The Invoice Header Data Extraction API is enhanced with an optional filter for querying invoices using a date range based on the date an invoice was updated. For example:

GET {{runtime_url}}/invoices?$filter=startDate eq '2021-02-02T00:01:01' and endDate eq '2021-02-02T23:59:58'&$filter=documentStatusUpdatedStartDate eq '2021-02-02T00:01:01' and documentStatusUpdatedEndDate eq '2021-02-02T00:01:01'&$skip=0&$top=100

Customer Problem

Currently there is no option for API consumers to extract invoice header data based on the date an invoice was updated. All invoice header data extraction is based on the date on which the invoice was created. Therefore, they are unable to check the status changes of invoices and act on that information.

Customer Value Proposition

The enhancement to the Invoice Header Data Extraction API now allows the customer to use invoice status updates via invoice update date queries to drive business flows, increasing the scope of business functionality this API supports.


Buyer and Supplier

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Soluzioni applicabili


SAP Ariba Developer Portal

Ariba Network


Per creare un'applicazione e richiedere l'accesso per l'utilizzo delle API SAP Ariba rilevanti per questa funzionalità, è necessario disporre dell'accesso a SAP Ariba Developer Portal. Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare "Steps to start using the SAP Ariba APIs” nella guida del SAP Ariba Developer Portal.

Tutte le query effettuate a questa API devono essere autenticate utilizzando l'autenticazione OAuth. Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare “Developer Portal Authentication” nella guida del SAP Ariba Developer Portal.

È necessario configurare l'ID client API in Ariba Network.


L'utilizzo di SAP Ariba APIs per i fornitori che utilizzano SAP Ariba Developer Portal è limitato solo ai fornitori Ariba Network con account Enterprise.

L’accesso a SAP Ariba Developer Portal è limitato per tutti gli altri tipi di account fornitore Ariba Network. Ad esempio, i fornitori con account standard non possono accedere a SAP Ariba Developer Portal.

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SAP Business Network 2108

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