Ariba Network users can request the administrator to remove their personal information from the system. If approved, the user no longer can log into Ariba Network, and their personal information is no longer visible to users, including in transaction documents.
Currently, Ariba Network does not provide a user friendly way to revoke the access of users when they are leaving Ariba Network or when they do not want their personal information to be accessible or visible anywhere in Ariba Network.
This feature will help Ariba Network to comply with DPP's SEC-224 requirement, by providing mechanisms for customer users to request revocation of their access from Ariba Network. In addition, the feature will also help users to remove their personal information as desired, for example, when they leave the company or stop using Ariba Network.
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SAP Business Network
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Comments or attachment files associated with transaction documents aren’t affected when users remove personal information. Therefore, avoid entering personal information in comments or attached files.
After a user’s revocation of user access request is approved, their personal information is pseudonymized in SAP Business Network transaction documents. However, transaction documents that were integrated with other systems (such as an ERP) or downloaded before the request was approved may still have the user’s personal information. The customer needs to take additional action, including informing impacted business partners, to remove it.
If a customer needs to re-identify a user that has been pseudonymized for legal purposes, the administrator of the account can provide that information.
SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain 2108