FAQ 159355
Invoice error messages

Below is a list of possible error messages produced by the Ariba Network for invoices. These messages are generated if invoice processing detects errors when suppliers submit invoices through any channel (online, cXML, EDI, or CSV).

Keep in mind, this list is not exhaustive as suppliers might receive custom rejection messages from their customers. If this happens, suppliers need to reach out to their customers directly for more information.

If you receive an ANERR message, try the steps described here.


Error No. Error Message Meaning and suggested resolution
1 INVOICE_DUPLICATE An invoice with the same ID has already been received. If the invoice is not a duplicate, resubmit it with a different ID.
2 INVOICE_NO_ID The invoice number is blank in the submitted invoice. Enter an invoice number, and resubmit the invoice
3 SHIPPING_IN_LINE_ERROR The isShippingInLine element indicates shipping information is provided at the line level. The invoice indicates that shipping information is provided at line item level but the invoice header also contains shipping information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
4 SUMMARY_AND_DETAIL The InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator contradicts the InvoiceDetailOrder element. The InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator element indicates that the invoice is a summary invoice. The InvoiceDetailOrder element can appear in only a detail invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
5 DETAIL_AND_SUMMARY The InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator contradicts the InvoiceDetailHeaderOrder element. The InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator element indicates that the invoice is a detail invoice. The InvoiceDetailHeaderOrder element can appear in only a summary invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
6 INV_ROLE_IN_SHIPPING The Contact role in the InvoiceDetailShipping element is not a valid value. Check the cXML specification or DTD for the list of valid roles for the Contact element. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
7 INV_ROLE_IN_PARTNER The Contact role in the InvoicePartner element is not a valid value. Check the cXML specification or DTD for the list of valid roles for the Contact element. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
8 INV_LINE_DUPLICATE There are multiple invoice line items with the same ID. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
9 ASN_NOT_FOUND The invoice references a nonexistent shipping notice document. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
10 NO_PCARD_INVOICE This customer does not allow suppliers to generate invoices for PCard orders.
11 PCARD_INF_ONLY PCard order invoices are for information only. The isInformationOnly attribute in the InvoiceDetailRequestHeader must be set to yes.
12 PO_NOT_FOUND Cannot find the PO referenced in the invoice. Correct the PO number and resubmit the invoice.
13 PO_OBSOLETE The invoice references an obsolete, replaced, or duplicate PO. Use the current version of the PO and resubmit the invoice.
14 MULTIPLE_PO The Order ID matches multiple purchase orders. Use the DocumentReference element in cXML to reference the purchase order. You must provide the payloadID of the PO you want to invoice.
15 NON_PO_INVOICE This customer does not accept invoices for orders sent outside of the Ariba Network. The invoice references a PO that does not exist in the Ariba Network. Change the PO number and resubmit the invoice.
16 HEADER_WITH_ACCOUNT_IN_LINE The isAccountingInLine indicator must be set to false if the isHeaderInvoice element is set to true. The header invoice cannot have accounting specified at the line-item level. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
17 CREDIT_DEBIT_MEMO_NOT_HEADER The isHeaderInvoice indicator must be set to true for a credit or debit memo. A credit or debit memo must be a header invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
18 CREDIT_MEMO_PAYMENT Payment terms are not allowed in a credit memo. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
19 SHIPPING_NO_CONTACT The shipFrom or shipTo contact roles are missing from the InvoiceDetailShipping element. The InvoiceDetailShipping element must contain Contact elements with both shipFrom and shipTo roles. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
20 DELETE_NO_REFERENCE A delete invoice must contain a DocumentReference for an existing invoice. An invoice with the delete operation must reference an existing invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
21 NET_PAYMENT_INVALID The net payment terms in the invoice do not match the net payment terms in the PO. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
22 DISCOUNT_PAYMENT_INVALID The discount payment terms in the invoice do not match the discount payment terms in the order. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
23 QUANTITY_INVALID_NUMBER The quantity value is not a valid number. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
24 LINE_NUMBER_LINE_ITEM_REF_INVALID The lineNumber attribute of a InvoiceDetailItemReference is not a valid number. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
25 PO_LINE_QUANTITY_INVALID The quantity of a line item exceeds the buying organization's quantity limits. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
26 PO_LINE_UOM_INVALID The unit of measure of an invoice line item does not match the unit of measure of the original PO line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
27 PO_LINE_PART_ID_INVALID The supplier part ID in the invoice does not match the supplier part ID of the original PO line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
28 PO_LINE_CURRENCY_INVALID The unit price currency of an invoice item does not match the unit price currency of the original PO line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
29 PO_LINE_PRICE_INVALID The unit price of an invoice item does not match the unit price of the original PO line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
30 PO_LINE_NOT_FOUND The invoice line item does not exist in the original PO. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
31 CREDIT_MEMO_DUE_POSITIVE The Due Amount must be negative for a credit memo. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
32 DEBIT_MEMO_DUE_NEGATIVE The Due Amount must be positive for a debit memo.Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
33 EXCEPTION An exception occurred while processing the invoice. The invoice contained unexpected errors.
34 INVALID_REF_HEADER Invalid DocumentReference element in the InvoiceDetailRequestHeader. Check the cXML specification or DTD for the list of valid values. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
35 INVOICE_UPDATE The invoice status has been successfully updated.
36 INVOICE_UPDATE_WITH_PAYMENT The invoice status has been successfully updated.
37 INVOICE_VALIDATION_FAIL Invoice validation failed. The submitted invoice contains errors and is invalid. Check for errors in the invoice history for more information on the failure.
38 INVOICE_RECEIVED The invoice was successfully received.
39 BLANK_PERIOD_START_DATE The startDate attribute cannot be blank. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
40 BLANK_PERIOD_END_DATE The endDate attribute cannot be blank. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
41 MISSING_UNIT_RATE The UnitRate is required for labor items. The UnitRate is not specified in InvoiceDetailServiceItem with InvoiceLaborDetail. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
42 MISSING_QUANTITY The Quantity is required for labor items. The Quantity is not specified in InvoiceDetailServiceItem with InvoiceLaborDetail. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
43 INVALID_TIMECARD_REFERENCE Invalid TimeCardReference value for labor item. The invoice references a time sheet that does not exist on the Ariba Network. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
44 MULTIPLE_TIMECARD_FOUND Multiple time sheets match TimeCardReference in a labor item.
45 MISSING_PERIOD The Period in the labor item is a required value. The Period value is not specified in InvoiceDetailServiceItem with InvoiceLaborDetail. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
46 PERIOD_NO_MATCH The Period in InvoiceDetailServiceItem with InvoiceLaborDetail does not match the period in the time sheet specified by the InvoiceLaborDetail InvoiceTimeCardDetail TimeCardReference element. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
47 MISSING_PAYCODE The Pay code is a required value in the labor item. UnitRate TermReference with termName (payCode) is not specified in InvoiceDetailServiceItem with InvoiceLaborDetail. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
48 CAN_NOT_SAVE_CHANGES Cannot save changes to the invoice. Changes to the invoice conflict with other changes made by the system. The invoice will reprocess in the next scheduled time frame.
49 PSFT_INVOICE_STATUS_UPDATE The status of the invoice has been successfully updated.
50 PSFT_INVOICE_STATUS_RESET The invoice has been successfully reset to its initial status.
51 NO_CANCEL_INVOICE This customer does not allow invoice cancelation.
52 PO_LINE_AMT_OVER_BILLING The subtotal of a line item exceeds the buying organization's line item subtotal limits. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
53 INVOICE_NET_AMT_OVER_LIMIT The net amount exceeds the buying organization's net amount limits.Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
54 INVOICE_UPDATE_COMMNETS The invoice status has been successfully updated with comments from your customer.
55  INVOICE_STATUS_UPDATE The invoice status has been successfully updated by your customer.
56 UNIT_PRICE_MISSING The unit price is missing for a line item.
57 MISSING_ORDER_ID Order ID is required by this buying organization. Enter an order ID and resubmit the invoice.
58 TAX_INFO_MISMATCH The tax information at invoice line {0} does not match the tax information in the PO. This customer requires that the PO tax information match the tax information included in the invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
59 TAX_SUMMARY_WRONG The tax information in the summary does not match the total from the line item. The Tax Summary information is wrong. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
60 TAX_SUM_INCORRECT The total tax does not equal the sum of all tax lines. The tax total is calculated incorrectly at the specified line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
61  BILL_TO_REQUIRED The bill-to information is missing or incomplete. Your customer requests this information. Complete the bill-to information and resubmit the invoice.
62 CUSTOMER_VAT_ID_REQUIRED The Customer VAT ID is missing. Your customer requests this information. Enter a valid Customer VAT ID and resubmit the invoice.
63 REMIT_TO_REQUIRED The remit-to information is missing or incomplete.Your customer requests this information. Complete the remit-to information and resubmit the invoice.
64 SUPPLIER_VAT_ID_REQUIRED The Supplier VAT ID is missing. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Supplier VAT ID and resubmit the invoice.
65 TAX_POINT_DATE_REQUIRED_AT_LINE The Supply Date in the VAT entry is missing from the line. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Supply Date and resubmit the invoice.
66 ITEM_DESCRIPTION_REQUIRED The Item Description is missing from the line. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Item Description and resubmit the invoice.
67 VAT_REQUIRED_AT_LINE The VAT information is missing from the line. Your customer requests this information. Enter the VAT information and resubmit the invoice.
68 VAT_PERCENTAGE_MISSING_AT_LINE The VAT rate is missing from the line. Your customer requests this information. Enter the VAT rate and resubmit the invoice.
69 VAT_REQUIRED_AT_SUMMARY The VAT information in the invoice summary is missing. Your customer requests this information. Enter the VAT information in the invoice summary and resubmit the invoice.
70 VAT_PERCENTAGE_MISSING_AT_SUMMARY The VAT rate in the invoice summary is missing. Your customer requests this information. Enter the VAT rate in the invoice summary and resubmit the invoice.
71 TAX_POINT_DATE_REQUIRED_AT_SUMMARY The Supply Date in the VAT entry in the invoice summary is missing. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
72 TAX_AMOUNT_INVALID_AT_LINE The VAT amount for the line item is not a valid value. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
73 TAX_AMOUNT_INVALID_AT_SUMMARY The VAT amount in the invoice summary is not a valid value. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
74 TAXABLE_AMOUNT_INVALID_AT_LINE The VAT taxable amount for the line item is not a valid value. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
75 TAXABLE_AMOUNT_INVALID_AT_SUMMARY The VAT taxable amount in the invoice summary is not a valid value. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
76 SHIP_FROM_MISSING_AT_LINE The Ship From information for the line item is missing or incomplete. Your customer requests this information. Complete the Ship From information and resubmit the invoice.
77 SHIP_TO_MISSING_AT_LINE The Ship To information for the line item is missing or incomplete. Your customer requests this information. Complete the Ship To information and resubmit the invoice.
78 SHIP_FROM_MISSING_AT_HEADER The Ship From information is missing or incomplete in the invoice header. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Ship From information in the invoice header and resubmit the invoice.
79 SHIP_TO_MISSING_AT_HEADER The Ship To information is missing or incomplete in the invoice header. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Ship To information in the invoice header and resubmit the invoice.
80 INVALID_LINE_NUMBER The invoiceLineNumber attribute value is not a valid value. The line number in the invoice is not a number. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
81 MISSING_REASON_FOR_ZERO_RATE_VAT The explanation for zero-rate VAT is missing. The TaxDetail/Description field in InvoiceDetailHeader must contain a reason for zero-rate VAT. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
82 INVOICE_MODIFIED Invoice was modified. The resolution for this error varies based on the presence of other error messages.
83 FROM_REQUIRED The From information is missing or incomplete. Your customer requests this information. Enter the From information and resubmit the invoice.
84 SOLDTO_REQUIRED The Sold To information is missing or incomplete. Your customer requests this information. Enter the Sold To information and resubmit the invoice.
85 MISSING_TAX_RATE_IN_SUMMARY The line item tax rate does not appear in the tax summary. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
86 NO_MATCHING_TAX_IN_SUMMARY The Tax does not match any customer-configured tax entries in the tax summary. Your customer requires tax entries to be compliant to the rule. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
87 NO_MATCHING_TAX_IN_LINE The Tax does not match any customer-configured tax entries for the line item. Your customer requires tax entries to be compliant to the rule. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
88 TAX_MUST_BE_IN_LINE Tax information must be specified for line items. Your customer requires that tax entries are compliant to this rule. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
89 MISSING_REASON_FOR_ZERO_RATE_VAT_AT_LINE The explanation for zero-rate VAT for the line is missing. The TaxDetail/Description field in InvoiceDetailItem or InvoiceDetailServiceItem must contain the reason for zero-rate VAT. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
90 INVALID_TOTAL_NET_AMOUNT The total net amount is not a valid value. The total net amount is required by the cXML DTD. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
91 MISSING_UNIT_OF_MEASURE The Unit of Measure (UOM) is missing. Your customer requires a UOM.Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
92 TAX_LOCAL_CURRENCY_MISSING_IN_SUMMARY The tax amount is not specified for the required local currency in the tax summary. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
93 TAX_LOCAL_CURRENCY_MISSING_IN_LINE The tax amount is not specified for the required local currency in the line. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
94 INCOMPLETE_TAX_REPRESENTATIVE_ADDRESS The Tax Representative information is missing or incomplete in the invoice header. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
95 MISSING_TAX_REPRESENTATIVE_VAT_ID The Tax Representative VAT ID is missing. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
96 INVOICE_DATE_MISSING The Invoice date is invalid or missing. The Invoice date is required. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
97 FAX_ERROR Cannot send fax notification.
98 SUPPLIER_TAX_ID_MISSING The supplier Tax ID value is missing. Your customer requests this information. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
99 MISSING_INVOICE_ATTACHMENT The attachment is missing for this invoice.Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
100 BUYER_DOES_NOT_ACCEPT_INVOICES This customer does not accept invoices.
101 INVALID_SYSTEM_ID The SystemID value in the invoice does not match the SystemID in the corresponding PO. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
102 DIRECT_BPO_INVOICING_NOT_ALLOWED This blanket PO does not allow direct invoicing.
104 BUYER_DOES_NOT_ALLOW_INVOICE_ON_PO The customer does not accept invoices for the PO.
105 MULTIPLE_HANDLING_SERVICE_LINES_NOT_ALLOWED Only one special handling service line item per purchase order is allowed. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
106 MULTIPLE_SHIPPING_SERVICE_LINES_NOT_ALLOWED Only one shipping service line item per purchase order is allowed. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
107 INVOICE_REFERENCE_REQUIRED_FOR_CREDIT Reference to previous invoice is required for credits. Your customer requires that credits reference a previous invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
108 CREDIT_REASON_REQUIRED Reason comment for credit is required. Correct the error and resubmit the credit memo.
109 WELCOME_LETTER_BOUNCE_ERR Cannot deliver Quick Enablement CC invoice welcome letter. Failed with terminal error.
110 WELCOME_LETTER_WARNING_MSG Quick Enablement CC invoice welcome letter delivered with a warning.
111 WELCOME_LETTER_SUCCESSFUL_DELIVERY_MSG Quick Enablement CC invoice welcome letter delivered successfully.
112 LINE_ITEM_CREDIT_POSITIVE_LINE_AMOUNT The subtotal for the line must be negative.
113 NO_MATCHING_SOLD_TO Customer requires that Sold To on invoices match the Sold To on customer's list. Enter the Sold To information and resubmit the invoice.
114 NO_MATCHING_VAT_ID Customer requires that Customer VAT ID on invoices match the VAT ID on customer's list. Enter the VAT ID and resubmit the invoice.
115 NO_MATCHING_INVOICE_SOLD_TO_NAME_COUNTRY The Sold To Name and isoCountryCode on the invoice does not match the Sold To list for this buyer relationship. Enter the Sold To information and resubmit the invoice.
116 NO_MATCHING_PO_BILL_TO_NAME_COUNTRY Customer requires that Sold To Name and Country Code on invoices match the Bill To or Sold To information on purchase orders. Enter the Sold To information and resubmit the invoice.
117 REFERENCED_PO_IS_INVALID_CXML_DOCUMENT The referenced purchase order is an invalid cXML document. The purchase order failed cXML and XML validation. Contact your customer about this invalid purchase order.
119 INVALID_SOURCE_DOC Invalid invoiceSourceDocument value. The purchase order failed cXML and XML validation. Contact your customer about this invalid purchase order.
120 INVALID_SUBMISSION_METHOD Invalid invoiceSubmissionMethod value. The purchase order failed cXML and XML validation. Contact your customer about this invalid purchase order.
121 AUCTION_STATUS_REJECTED Invoice was rejected.
122 AUCTION_STATUS_BOUND The invoice was included in an auction.
123 AUCTION_STATUS_UNBOUND The invoice was selected for auction but not included in an auction.
124 AUCTION_STATUS_AUCTIONED The invoice was sold in an auction.
125 AUCTION_STATUS_BUYER_DEFAULATED The invoice was sold in an auction, but the funds were not transferred.
126 AUCTION_STATUS_DEBTOR_DEFAULATED The repurchase date of the invoice was passed.
127 AUCTION_STATUS_REPURCHASED The auction was completed.
128 EXEMPT_DETAIL_MISSING_AT_LINE The Exempt Detail for zero-rate VAT in the line item is missing. The TaxDetail/exemptDetail in InvoiceDetailItem or InvoiceDetailServiceItem must contain a reason for zero-rate VAT. Enter the Exempt Detail and resubmit the invoice.
129 EXEMPT_DETAIL_MISSING_AT_HEADER The Exempt Detail for zero-rate VAT is missing. The TaxDetail/exemptDetail in InvoiceDetailHeader must contain a reason for zero-rate VAT. Enter the Exempt Detail and resubmit the invoice.
130 NO_OC_BEFORE_INVOICING The your customer. does not have an order confirmation. This customer requires suppliers to create an order confirmation for the order before creating an invoice. Create an order confirmation for this order and resubmit the invoice.
131 SELF_SIGNED_INVOICES_NOT_ACCEPTED The customer does not accept self-signed invoices. The invoice must not contain any digital signatures. Submit invoices without any digital signatures.
132 TOTAL_LOCAL_CURRENCY_MISSING_IN_SUMMARY The subtotal amount or amount due is not specified for the required local currency in the summary. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
133 NO_ASN_BEFORE_INVOICING The purchase order does not have a ship notice. This customer requires suppliers to create a ship notice for the order before creating an invoice. Create a ship notice for this order and resubmit the invoice.
134 INVOICE_BACKDATE_TOO_MANY The invoice cannot be back-dated for more than [x] days. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
135 ORDER_INFO_REQUIRED This customer requires the Order Information in the invoice. In this case, cXML validation failed as order information is missing in the invoice. Enter the order information and resubmit the invoice.
136 NO_DISCOUNT_AT_HEADER This customer does not allow you to add discounts at the invoice header level. In this case, cXML validation failed as the discounting is not allowed in the invoice header. Provide discount at line level and resubmit the invoice.
137 WITHHOLDING_TAX_RATE_ERROR Withholding tax rate must be negative.
138 PO_LINE_PRICE_TOLERANCE_ERROR The unit price on invoice line does not match the unit price on order line for purchase order, and it exceeds the unit price tolerance limit specified by the buyer. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
139 PBQ_NOT_ALLOWED This customer does not accept invoices with pricing details. Remove this information and resubmit the invoice.
143 NON_PO_PBQ_NOT_ALLOWED This customer does not accept non-PO invoices with pricing details. To create a non-PO invoice with pricing details, contact your customer or remove this information and resubmit the non-PO invoice without pricing details.
144 PO_LINE_PRICE_TOLERANCE_ERROR_PO_HAS_PBQ The unit price on the invoice line does not match the unit price on the order line for purchase order, and it exceeds the unit price tolerance limit specified by the buyer. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
145 PO_LINE_PRICE_TOLERANCE_ERROR_INV_HAS_PBQ The unit price on the invoice line does not match the unit price on the order line for purchase order, and it exceeds the unit price tolerance limit specified by the buyer. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
146 PO_LINE_PRICE_TOLERANCE_ERROR_WITH_PBQ The advanced pricing that you specified in the invoice violates the tolerances configured by your customer for the difference between the PO unit price and invoice unit price. 
147 BUYER_DOES_NOT_ACCEPT_CONTRACT_INVOICES This customer does not accept invoices with a contract reference. Contact your customer about the contract invoice with contract ID.
148 INVOICE_TITLE_REQUIRED The buyer requires invoice documents to include the InvoiceTitle element with the text. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
149 CREDIT_MEMO_TITLE_REQUIRED The buyer requires credit memo documents to include the InvoiceTitle element with the text. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
150 PO_HEADER_EXTRINSIC_INVALID The extrinsic value on invoice header does not match the extrinsic value on order header. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
151 PO_LINE_EXTRINSIC_INVALID  The extrinsic value on the invoice line does not match the extrinsic value on the order line. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
155 MISMATCHED_ITEM_TYPE The invoice item type should match with service sheet item type. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
156 MISSING_QUANTITY_FOR_SERVICE_INVOICE_ITEM The quantity in invoice item should not be empty. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
157 QUANTITY_NOT_EQUAL_WITH_SES The quantity in invoice item and service sheet item should be same. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
158 UOM_NOT_EQUAL_WITH_SES  The unit of measure in invoice item and service sheet item should be same. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
159 UNIT_PRICE_NOT_EQUAL_WITH_SES  The unit price in invoice item and service sheet item should be same. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
160 SUBTOTAL_NOT_EQUAL_WITH_SES  The subtotal in invoice item and service sheet item should be same. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.  
161 SERVICE_SHEET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND  The referenced service sheet item is not found. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.  
162 PO_ITEM_NOT_FOUND  The referenced PO item cannot be found. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.  
163 SERVICE_SHEET_LINE_NUMBER_NOT_NEED The service sheet item and po item reference are invalid. An order item in the purchase order does not need a service sheet. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
164 SERVICE_SHEET_LINE_NUMBER_REQUIRED The service sheet item and po item reference are invalid. An order item in the purchase order requires a service sheet, but a service sheet document reference was not included. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
165 SERVICE_SHEET_DOCUMENT_REFERENCE_REQUIRED Both service sheet document number and payload id are not specified on invoice item. THe service sheet document reference should be specified. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
166 SERVICE_SHEET_LINE_NUMBER_INVALID The service sheet line number is invalid. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
167 SES_ITEM_HAS_INVOICED The referenced Service Sheet item has already been included in another invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
168 INVOICE_ITEM_QTY_ZERO_VALIDATION The invoice item quantity must be greater than zero. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
169 INVOICE_ITEM_PRICE_ZERO_VALIDATION The unit price must be greater than zero. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
170 SES_ITEM_PART_ID_INVALID The part number in the invoice line does not match the part number in the original service sheet line. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
171 PAYMENT_METHOD_MANDATORY The payment method is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
172 PAYMENT_NOTE_MANDATORY The payment note is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
173 INVOICE_TYPE_MANDATORY The Invoice Type is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
174 TAX_REGIME_MANDATORY The Tax Regime is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
175 MUNCIPALITY_MISSING_FROM_ADDRESS The municipality is missing in Supplier address. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
176 BILLFROM_MISSING The Bill From Contact is missing in Supplier address. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
177 WITHHOLDING_TAX_TYPE_MANDATORY The withholding tax type is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
178 INVOICE_ID_LENGTH_INCORRECT The invoice ID exceeds maximum length of [x] characters. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
179 KEYSTORE_MISSING A digital certificate is required. No digital certificate is configured in your Ariba account. Please configure a digital certificate on the Electronic Invoice Routing page of your Ariba account, then create an invoice.
180 BUYER_VAT_ID_REQUIRED The buyer VAT id is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
181 KEYSTORE_INVALID The digital certificate configured in your Ariba account is not valid. Please configure a digital certificate on the Electronic Invoice Routing page of your Ariba account, then create an invoice.
182 SERVICE_SHEET_NOT_FOUND The service sheet which is referenced in invoice item doesn't exist. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
183 SERVICE_SHEET_INVALID_STATUS The service sheet which is referenced in invoice item is not an approved document. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
184 CONTRACT_NUMBER_MISMATCH_WITH_PO_ITEM The contract number defined in the Service Sheet should be same as the contract number defined in the purchase order line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
185 CONTRACT_NUMBER_MISMATCH_WITH_PO_HEADER The contract number defined in the Service Sheet should be same as the contract number defined in the purchase order header. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
186 BUYER_DOES_NOT_ACCEPT_INVOICES_WITH_MOD Only allowances or charges that were specified in the purchase order can be included on this invoice.
187 PO_LINE_QUANTITY_GREATER_THAN_SHIPPED_QTY The quantity of line item exceeds the shipped quantity limits. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
188 PO_LINE_QUANTITY_GREATER_THAN_RECEIVED_QTY The quantity of line item exceeds the received quantity limits. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
189 BILLFROM_CITY_MISSING The city is missing in the BillFrom address Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
190 STREET1_MISSING_FROM_ADDRESS Street1 is required in the Supplier address on the invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
191 STATE_MISSING_FROM_ADDRESS  State is required in the Supplier address on the invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
192 POSTALCODE_MISSING_FROM_ADDRESS  The Postal Code required in the Supplier address on the invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
193 NO_SERVICE_SUBSCRIPTION  The supplier is not subscribed to the required service. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
194 NEGATIVE_QUANTITY_NOT_EQUAL_WITH_SES  The quantity in the invoice item should be the negative number of the quantity in the service sheet item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
195 NEGATIVE_SUBTOTAL_NOT_EQUAL_WITH_SES  The subtotal in the invoice item should be the negative number of the subtotal in the service sheet item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
196 NO_LICM_ON_QUEUED_INVOICE  Cannot create a line item credit memo for an invoice in the Queued status. 
197 CANNOT_CANCEL_QUEUED_INVOICE  Cannot cancel an invoice that is in the Queued status. 
198 CANNOT_ADD_SERVICE_ITEM  This customer does not allow you to add the InvoiceDetailServiceItem element on the invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
199 INVOICE_MISSING_SUBTOTAL  Your customer requires either Subtotal or Total Amount Without Tax in the invoice summary. 
200 PO_OF_TYPE_SCHEDULING_AGREEMENT_RELEASE_NOT_SUPPORTED  The scheduling agreement release is not supported as a valid order reference. 
201 INVOICE_MISSING_TOTAL_TAX Your customer requires a Total Tax amount in the invoice summary.
202 INV_ATTACHMENT_REQUIRED_ERROR Your customer requires attachments for invoices. Upload at least one attachment before submitting this invoice.
203 CM_ATTACHMENT_REQUIRED_ERROR Your customer requires attachments for credit memos. Upload at least one attachment before submitting this credit memo.
204 EDIT_PBQ_ERROR This customer does not allow changes to advanced pricing details. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
205 EXPIRED_BPO_INVOICING_NOT_ALLOWED This customer does not accept invoices for expired blanket purchase orders.
206 CUSTOMSINFO_DOCUMENTINFO_DOCUMENTDATE The document date for the customs info is mandatory for Mexican invoices in the line number. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
207 PO_LINE_PARTAUX_ID_INVALID The auxiliary part id in the invoice does not match the auxiliary part id in the original PO line item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
208 PARENT_LINE_DO_NOT_EXIST The invoice has a grouped item, which points to a nonexistent item group. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
209 LINE_IS_ITS_PARENT The invoice item with line number is simultaneously marked as an item group and a grouped item. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
210 INVOICE_SUPPLIER_COMMERCIAL_IDENTIFIER_MISSING The mandatory supplier commercial identifier is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
211 INVOICE_SUPPLIER_COMMERCIAL_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_INVALID  The supplier commercial identifier has a blank value. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
212 INCORRECT_MODIFICATIONS_ON_ITEM_MODIFICATIONS This buyer requires allowances and charges to affect the unit price. You cannot add modifications on InvoiceItemModifications, so modifications must be included in UnitPrice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
213 NO_MATCH_MOD_WITH_PO_HEADER Allowances and Charges elements at the header level of the invoice do not match the PO.
214 NO_MATCH_MOD_WITH_PO_ITEM Allowances and Charges elements at invoice line do not match the PO.
215 SUPPLIER_VAT_ID_MISMATCH_EXPECTED_PATTERN The supplier VAT ID should be a valid RFC for Mexican invoices. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
216 INVOICE_LEGALIZATION_FAIL  The submitted invoice failed tax compliance and is invalid. Check errors in the invoice history for more information on the failure. 
217 FULLY_CONFIRMED_ITEM_REQUIRED  The buyer can only accept invoices with fully confirmed items. Check errors in the invoice history for more information on the failure. 
218 CONSIGNMENT_ITEM  The submitted invoice must not contain items marked for consignment. Check errors in the invoice history for more information on the failure. 
219 RPS_NUMBER_MISSING  The RPS number is required.
220 RPS_NUMBER_VALUE_INVALID  RPS numbers must be no longer than 12 digits. 
221 RPS_SERIES_MISSING The RPS series is required.
222 RPS_SERIES_VALUE_INVALID Invalid RPS series. The RPS series must contain 5 characters.
223 INVOICE_SUPPLIER_LEGAL_FORM_VALUE_MISSING The mandatory business entity type is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. (Business entity type is the Legal form of the company, such as Inc., Ltd. S.A., S.A.S, etc.)
224 INVOICE_SUPPLIER_LEGAL_FORM_VALUE_INVALID The mandatory business entity type has a blank value. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. (Business entity type is the Legal form of the company, such as Inc., Ltd. S.A., S.A.S, etc.)
225 INVOICE_SUPPLIER_COMPANY_CAPITAL_VALUE_MISSING The mandatory supplier company capital is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
226 INVOICE_SUPPLIER_COMPANY_CAPITAL_VALUE_INVALID The supplier company capital has a blank value. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
227 INVOICE_HAS_NO_RECEIPT_REFERENCE The purchase order in the invoice does not have a Receipt(s) reference. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
228 INVOICE_HAS_NO_SHIPNOTICE_REFERENCE  The purchase order in the invoice does not have a Ship Notice(s) reference. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
229 NOT_ALLOWED_PARAFISCAL_TAX  The buyer does not allow parafiscal taxes. Check errors in the invoice history for more information on the failure. 
230 HAVE_PARAFISCAL_TAX_WITHOUT_MANDATORY_CODE  The required parafiscal tax code is missing. Check errors in the invoice history for more information on the failure. 
232 BUYER_VAT_ID_MISMATCH_EXPECTED_PATTERN  The buyer VAT ID is not a valid RFC for Mexican invoices. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
233 INVOICE_LATE_PAYMENT_PENALTY_MISSING  Either the Penalty term or the Penalty Information is required. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
234 INVOICE_EARLY_PAYMENT_DISCOUNT_MISSING  Either the Discount Term or the Discount Information is required. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
235 INVOICE_PAYMENT_DATE_MISSING The required Net Term is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
236 RPS_TYPE_MISSING The RPS type is required. Include the RPS type and resubmit the invoice.
237 RPS_TYPE_VALUE_INVALID The RPS type value is invalid.
238 TAXATION_TYPE_MISSING The Taxation Type is required.
239 TAXATION_TYPE_VALUE_INVALID The Taxation Type is invalid. Enter a valid value for Taxation Type and resubmit the invoice.
240 FISCAL_REGIME_TYPE_MISSING The mandatory fiscal regime type is missing.
241 AUTO_DEDUCTION_STATUS_MISSING The mandatory auto deduction status is missing.
242 RESOLUTION_NUMBER_MISSING The mandatory resolution number is missing.
243 RESOLUTION_DATE_MISSING The mandatory resolution date is missing.
244 ECONOMIC_ACTIVITY_CODE_MISSING The mandatory economic activity code is missing.
245 ECONOMIC_ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTION_MISSING The mandatory economic activity description is missing.
248 INVOICE_FUTUREDATE_TOO_MANY The invoice cannot be future-dated for more than [x] days. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
249 INVOICE_FUTUREDATE_FORBIDDEN This buyer does not allow future-dated invoices. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
251 SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAIL The signature is not valid: [signature name].
252 SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_ERROR An error occurred while validating signature: [signature name].
253 INVOICE_SUPPLIER_LEGAL_PROFILE_MISSING No matching legal profile found. You must have a valid legal profile to create tax invoice for services in Brazil.
254 ARCHIVING_SERVICE_FAILED The invoice has not been archived. Archiving service with service ID: [x] and title: [y] has failed. Please contact Ariba Support.
255 HAVE_PARAFISCAL_TAX_WITHOUT_SUMMARY InvoiceDetailSummaryLineItemModifications is required for Parafiscal tax charges. Check errors in the invoice history for more information on the failure.
256 INTEROPABLE_INVOICE_HAS_NO_PDF_ATTACHMENT The invoice does not contain a PDF attachment.
257 BR_POSTAL_CODE_INVALID The Brazilian postal code is invalid. The postal Code must contain 7 or 8 digits.
258 SERVICE_CODE_MISSING The service Code is required on the invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
259 SERVICE_CODE_VALUE_INVALID The service code is invalid. The service code must be a 5-digit number. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
260 PROFORMA_INVOICE_VALIDATION_FAIL The validation failed for automatically generated service sheet [x]. Check errors in auto-generated service sheets history for more information on the failure.
261 CANCEL_NOT_ALLOWED You cannot cancel invoices that are more than [x] days old.
262 LICM_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_LEGAL_INVOICE You cannot create line-item credit memos for externally signed XML invoices.
263 INVALID_TAX_CATEGORY The Tax is invalid for the selected country. Enter a valid tax category and resubmit the document.
264 TAX_INVOICE_ATTACHMENT_MISSING The tax invoice attachment is missing. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
265 CUSTOMSINFO_ISSUER_ADDRESS_NAME_MANDATORY The name for the customs info is mandatory for Mexican invoices in the line number [x]. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
266 CUSTOMSINFO_DOCUMENTINFO_DOCUMENTID The document ID number for the customs info is mandatory for Mexican invoices in the line number. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
267 CUSTOMSINFO_DOCUMENTINFO_DOCUMENTTYPE The document type for the customs info is mandatory for Mexican invoices in the line number [x]. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
268 INCORRECT_VERIFICATION The taxInvoiceVerification has an incorrect value. Accepted values are "null" and "Signed."
269 INCORRECT_ATTACHMENT_FORMAT The externalVersion for invoice attachment format has an incorrect value. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
270 MISSING_ATTACHMENT_FORMAT The name of the tax invoice attachment is provided but file format is missing. Use externalVersion to specify the format.  If a value is provided for taxInvoiceAttachmentName, then the corresponding externalVersion value must also be provided. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
271 MISSING_ATTACHMENT_NAME The format of the tax invoice attachment is provided but the file name is missing. Add taxInvoiceAttachmentName to specify the file name. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
272 DISALLOWED_ATTACHMENT_COMBINATION The taxInvoiceVerification tag has an incorrect value. The [x] value is not accepted for [y] tax invoices. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
273 BR_BUYER_VAT_ID_INVALID  Invalid Customer Vat ID. The Customer Vat ID must contain 14 digits.
274 BR_BUYER_MUNICIPAL_ID_INVALID The Buyer Municipal ID must contain 8 digits.
275 BR_BUYER_STATE_ID_INVALID The Buyer State ID must be no longer than 19 digits.
276 PROFORMA_INVOICE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_REGULAR_FLOW The services invoicing flow for this purchase order does not allow you to create an invoice directly. You must create a service sheet instead, and then you will be able to generate an invoice after your customer approves the service sheet.
277 ITEM_BELONG_TO_WRONG_BRANCH The invoice line [x] belongs to a different branch than the one starting with PO line [y]. Service invoices cannot contain lines which belong to different branches (different root PO items) when the auto-generation of service sheets flow is used.
278 DUPLICATE_TAX_CATEGORY The tax category is duplicate. Enter a different tax category and resubmit the document.
280 TAXPAYER_TYPE_MISSING The mandatory taxpayer type is missing.
281 SPECIAL_REGIME_STATUS_MISSING The mandatory special regime status is missing.
282 CL_SUPPLIER_VATID_MISMATCH_EXPECTED_PATTERN The Supplier RUT is not valid. Is must follow the format XXXXXXXX-X.
283 CL_BUYER_VATID_MISMATCH_EXPECTED_PATTERN The Customer RUT is not valid. Is must follow the format XXXXXXXX-X.
284 CO_SUPPLIER_VATID_MISMATCH_EXPECTED_PATTERN The Supplier NIT is not valid. It must follow the format XXXXXXXXX.
285 CO_BUYER_VATID_MISMATCH_EXPECTED_PATTERN The Customer NIT is not valid. It must follow the format XXXXXXXXX.
286 SUMMARY_INVOICE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_PROFORMA_FLOW Auto-generation of service sheets is not supported for summary invoices.
287 TAX_CATEGORY_PERCENTAGE_MISMATCH The tax category percentage rate is different. Enter the same percentage rate for tax category [x] on all items and resubmit the document.
288 CL_FROM_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR The Supplier name must have between 1 and 100 characters.
289 CL_FROM_STREET_LENGTH_ERROR The Supplier street must have between 1 and 70 characters.
290 CL_FROM_MUNICIPALITY_LENGTH_ERROR The Supplier municipality must have between 1 and 20 characters.
291 CL_FROM_CITY_LENGTH_ERROR The Supplier city must have between 1 and 20 characters.
292 CL_SOLD_TO_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR The Customer name must have between 1 and 100 characters.
293 CL_SOLD_TO_STREET_LENGTH_ERROR The Customer street must have between 1 and 70 characters.
294 CL_SOLD_TO_MUNICIPALITY_LENGTH_ERROR The Customer municipality must have between 1 and 20 characters.
295 CL_SOLD_TO_CITY_LENGTH_ERROR The Customer city must have between 1 and 20 characters.
296 CL_SUPPLIER_ECONOMIC_ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_ERROR The Supplier Economic activity description must have between 1 and 80 characters.
297 CL_SUPPLIER_ECONOMIC_ACTIVITY_CODE_LENGTH_ERROR The Supplier Economic activity code must have between 1 and 6 characters.
298 CL_CUSTOMER_ECONOMIC_ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_ERROR The Customer Economic activity description must have between 1 and 40 characters.
299 CL_SUPPLIER_RESOLUTION_NUMBER_LENGTH_ERROR The Supplier Resolution number must have between 1 and 6 digits.
300 CL_SUPPLIER_PART_ID_LENGTH_ERROR The Supplier Part ID must have between 1 and 35 characters.
301 CL_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_ERROR The item description must have between 1 and 80 characters.
302 CL_SUPPLIER_PART_ID_LENGTH_BACKEND_ERROR The Supplier Part ID must have between 1 and 35 characters at invoice line [x].
303 CL_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_BACKEND_ERROR The item description must have between 1 and 80 characters at invoice line [x].
305 SIGNATURE_REQUIRED The signature is not valid: Digital signature is required.
306 LINE_LEVEL_ATTACHMENTS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_PROFORMA_FLOW You cannot add line level attachments to invoices that automatically generate service sheets.
307 TAX_BOOK_ENTRY_ERROR An error occurred while recalculating the tax book entry.
311 INVOICE_REJECTED_BY_SYSTEM The invoice failed because it violated at least one of the buyer transaction rules.
312 INVOICE_REJECTED_BY_CUSTOMER The invoice was rejected by the customer.
313 CO_MISSING_WITHHOLDING_TAX_TYPE The withholding tax type is missing. You must enter a withholding tax type.
314 CO_INVALID_WITHHOLDING_TAX_TYPE The tax type entered is invalid. Correct the tax type and resubmit the invoice.
315 REQUIRED_FIELD A required field is missing. Enter all of the required fields and resubmit the invoice.
316 SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED Signature validity for this invoice is not supported, so it cannot be checked.
317 REFERENCE_TAX_INVOICE_NUMBER_MISSING The mandatory Reference Tax Invoice Number is missing. Wait until the original invoice is fully processed before creating a line-item credit memo.
318 CL_NO_CREDIT_MEMO_REASON You must specify a reason for the credit memo.
319 CL_INVALID_CREDIT_MEMO_REASON An invalid reason was provided for the credit memo.
321 CL_DISCOUNT_CURRENCY_ERROR The Discount must be in local currency.
322 CL_DISCOUNT_CURRENCY_BACKEND_ERROR The Discount must be in local currency at invoice line [x].
323 CL_SPECIAL_HANDLING_CURRENCY_ERROR The Special Handling must be in local currency.
324 CL_SPECIAL_HANDLING_CURRENCY_BACKEND_ERROR The Special Handling must be in local currency at invoice line [x].
325 CL_UNITARY_PRICE_CURRENCY_ERROR The Unitary Price must be in local currency..
326 CL_UNITARY_PRICE_CURRENCY_BACKEND_ERROR The Unitary Price must be in local currency at invoice line [x].
327 CL_LINE_TAX_CURRENCY_ERROR  Tax amount must be in local currency. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice. 
328 BR_SHIPPING_IN_LINE_ERROR  You cannot add shipping information at the line level on Brazilian tax invoices for services.
329 BR_BUYER_ADDRESS_INVALID  You must select a Brazilian address in the customer's address fields to create the Brazilian tax invoice for services. 
330 SAR_NOT_FOUND  Cannot find the Scheduling Agreement Release [x] referenced in the invoice. Verify that the Agreement ID is correct and resubmit the invoice. 
331 INVOICE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_SAR_TYPE  Cannot invoice this Scheduling Agreement Release [x] because buyer accepts invoices only for a different release type. The customer's rule is not turned on to allow invoice generation for the given scheduling agreement release type. 
332 BANK_DETAILS_REQUIRED Some required bank account details are missing.
333 NOT_ALLOW_MULTI_INV_FOR_ABS_ITEM Invoice for service item [x] already exists. [This customer] does not allow you to create multiple invoices for an amount-based service item.
334 CANNOT_ADD_INFORMATION_LINE_TO_SERVICE_SHEET Cannot create an invoice because it contains at least one information service line [x] from the purchase order [y]. The Ariba Network does not support information service lines in invoices. Remove the information service lines present in the invoice and resubmit it.
335 MANDATORY_TAX_CATEGORY A mandatory Tax is missing at the header level.
336 SVC_INV_ATTACHMENT_REQUIRED_ERROR This buyer requires attachments for service invoices. Add at least one attachment before submitting this invoice.
337 BR_CEI_CODE_INVALID The CEI code must be a number between 1 and 12 digits.
338 BR_WORK_REGISTRATION_ID_INVALID The Work Registration ID must be a number of between 1 and 12 digits.
339 BR_SERVICE_BROKER_ISS_RETENTION_INVALID Buyers and Service brokers cannot both retain the ISS Retention value for the same invoice.
340 BR_SERVICE_BROKER_CPF_CNPJ_INVALID The CPF or CNPJ ID must contain either 11 digits or 14 digits.
341 BR_SERVICE_BROKER_PROVINCIAL_TAX_ID_INVALID The Municipal ID must contain 8 digits.
342 INVALID_PERCENTAGE_RATE The percentage rate for the tax category must not have more than [x] decimal digits. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
343 TAX_CATEGORY_CURRENCY_MISMATCH Different items on this invoice have [tax category] in different currencies. Enter the same currency for tax category [x] on all items and resubmit the document.
344 SERVICE_PERIOD_MANDATORY This customer requires a start date and end date for each service item.
345 SERVICE_END_DATE_ERROR This customer does not accept invoices for services that are still in progress.
346 MANDATORY_TAX_AT_LINE_ITEM Tax [x] is missing at line-item level.
347 MANDATORY_TAX_AT_HEADER_ALLOWANCES_AND_CHARGES Tax [x] is missing from header-level allowances and charges.
348 MANDATORY_TAX_AT_LINEITEM_ALLOWANCES_AND_CHARGES Tax [x] is missing from line item-level allowances and charges.
349 INVOICE_NOT_ALLOWED Cannot create an invoice against line item [x] from purchase order [y].
350 MATERIAL_DELIVERY_DATE_ERROR This customer requires a delivery date for each material item.
351 MATERIAL_DELIVERY_DATE_INVALID The Material Line Delivery Date is Invalid.
352 NO_SUCH_CUSTOM_MODIFICATION A [x] charge or allowance is not allowed by the buyer. (x = the name of the modification in the invoice cXML that does not exist in custom modification list).
353 CNAE_CODE_INVALID The CNAE code must be no longer than 7 digits. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
354 RIO_SERVICE_CODE_INVALID Invalid Municipality Service code. Municipality Service code must be between 1 and 20 digits.
355 RIO_SERVICE_CODE_MISSING The Municipality Service code is Required on the Invoice. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
356 REG_ENG_ASSOCIATION_NUM_INVALID The regional engineer association number must be between 1 and 15 characters. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
357 BR_RIO_WORK_REGISTRATION_ID_INVALID The Work Registration ID must be between 1 and 15 characters. Correct the error and resubmit the invoice.
358 MTRL_INV_ATTACHMENT_REQUIRED_ERROR This buyer requires attachments for material invoices. Add at least one attachment before submitting this invoice.
360 INVOICE_TIMESTAMPED A timestamp has been added to invoice [x].
361 INV-480: Unplanned spend exceeds the overall limit for Line Item 1 on purchase order 3501026173. Buyer has to update the Purchase order by adding the overall limit for Line Item 1
362 DOC-172: The document has been successfully validated by Ariba Network and started processing. The document has to be acknowledged by Buyer's system



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