FAQ KB0394096
How do I view/print a copy of my subscription Invoice or Credit Memo from SAP Business Network?

How do I view/print a copy of my subscription Invoice or Credit Memo from SAP Business Network?

  1. In the upper-right corner of the application, click [user initials] > Service Subscriptions.
  2. Click on either the Paid Bills, Open Bills or Credits and Adjustments tab. If you don't see the bill in the list, you can perform a search by clicking Find Bills on the Open Bills tab or Extend Search on the Paid Bills tab, selecting the search filters you would like to use, and clicking Find.
  3. Click the document number hyperlink (appears underneath the Bill Description column) to view the details.
  4. If you want to print the Invoice or Credit Memo, scroll down and click Print.

Note: To access the Service Subscriptions page, you must be the administrator for your account or have the Premium Membership and Services Management permission. The administrator of the account can add users with the following steps in How do I add a new user to my company's SAP Business Network supplier account?

See Also

You can see a breakdown of the invoice details by downloading a PDF copy. To do this, follow steps 1-2 above but before clicking on the bill number, use the icon to Display Bill in PDF Format.

In order to see invoices generated before 2019, please see How to find invoices generated before January 2019?

These credit memos can be applied to invoices. Contact your SAP Business Network Billing representative with any questions.

Attached File
How do I viewprint a copy of my subscription Invoice or Credit Memo from SAP Business Network.png1000 bytes

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Discovery & Sourcing/Contract Punchout Scenario
SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Subscription fees

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