December |
December 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide |
Release Guide |
Unit price tolerance for order confirmation Ariba Network buyers can enforce unit price tolerances (over and under) during order confirmation creation through cXML control keys. This gives buyers more control over price deviations from the original order. |
Ariba Network |
Display classification domain and code in Purchase Orders Display the classification domain and code on purchase orders UI if they are available in the Purchase Order cXML at the line item level. |
Ariba Network |
External service entry sheet import This feature provides buyers an option to upload service entry sheets in Ariba Network on behalf of their supplier. The service entry sheets created in the buyer's ERP system or in SAP Ariba Buying can be sent directly to the Ariba Network via integration layer or through a manual upload using a CSV file. |
Ariba Network |
Support for India GST in Ariba Network Support for India GST regulations of 2017 in Ariba Network. |
Ariba Network |
Tax invoicing in Mexico Suppliers now see a new option available in Ariba Network to upload their CFDI invoices through a wizard-based user Interface. User can browse their file system to select the corresponding invoices. PDF file upload support is provided but optional. Basic validations are performed so that Buyer and Supplier TaxID's are validated against the Ariba portal. |
see release guide |
Ariba Network |
Hungary supplier notifications and opt-out option for tax invoicing This enhancement will provide active notifications for suppliers in case of errors or warnings received after the NAV-online reporting. It further will provide an option for suppliers to only create "pro-forma" invoices in the Ariba Network and suppress the NAV online reporting and other tax-relevant features, such as the offline report and invoice number creation. |
Ariba Network |
NAV reported XML file attachment to invoices in Hungary This feature attaches the NAV reported invoice to the AN invoice to make it visible in the Supplier's outbox. However, the current feature has a dependency on an earlier feature NP-8767 Hungary eInvoicing enhancements and invoice data reporting, which is not enabled by default. Contact SAP Ariba Support to have NP-8767 Hungary eInvoicing enhancements and invoice data reporting enabled for your organization. |
see release guide |
Ariba Network |
Assignment of a planning process to supplier groups Supplier Groups and Suppliers can be assigned to Supplier Managed Inventory (SMI) process to set up the planning parameters like Process Type , Time Bucket configuration and additional parameters that could be made available in the future. |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Custom key figure editability and supplier-owned inventory updates Planning collaboration enhancements to support error monitoring and additional reference column for component inventory. |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Build plan reporting When there is a shortage of resources, suppliers need a way to understand which forecasts and quantities should be prioritized above others. Also, a buyer may have multiple quantities forecast for a given week, but needs certain supplies earlier in the week than others. The build plan report feature enables buyers to communicate these priorities to their suppliers through a downloadable Theory of Constraints (ToC) or build plan report. This report shows the priority level for each part needed during a given time period. |
see release guide |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
MRP area data for purchase order line items and integration with forecast firmed orders MRP Area data can be additionally sent via Purchase Orders along with Plant Information. Forecast data will allow the Forecast Data planned at an MRP location level to be mapped to the PO data. The data can be viewed via the Firmed Order KF. |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Enhancements to quality review search filters and custom types Quality Review improvements including:
- Customer search based on multiple suppliers in the search filter
- Buyer ability to create new QR type using existing template
- Legal hold functionality improvement
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers
Italian Invoice Mandate (Ariba Network supplier outbound) This feature will enable Ariba Network suppliers to create e-invoices according to the new Italian regulations. |

 Additional resources (Buyers)
 Additional resources (Suppliers)
Ariba Network |
November |
November 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide |
Release Guide |
Editing and resubmitting declined service entry sheets (SES) Suppliers can now differentiate between service entry sheets that were rejected by buyers and those that were declined in the ERP system. Suppliers can edit and resubmit the declined service entry sheets if the buyer administrator allows. |
Ariba Network |
Ship notice customization With this feature, customers can customize portions of the ship notice user interface and their ship notice CSV template with assistance from SAP Ariba Services. |
Ariba Network |
Enhancement of Japan eDocument Act Invoices in Japan must be timestamped and verified by government approved service providers to ensure authenticity and integrity of invoices. |
Ariba Network |
Migration of Mexico Tax Invoicing from Quadrem ESP to Ariba Network Today, online invoices for Mexico are created in Ariba Network but processed through Quadrem ESP to transform cXML to CFDI 3.3 and communicate it to our Certified Provider EDICOM. With this feature, online invoices in Mexico are created as well as processed in Ariba Network. |
see release guide |
Ariba Network |
Fuzzy search capability Buyers can search for suppliers using fuzzy search capability by checking the Enable fuzzy search checkbox. By default, this checkbox is unchecked. With fuzzy search functionality, for example, you can type a misspelled name and SAP Ariba Discovery will display results which are relevant to the words. Fuzzy search capability provides relevant matches when the maximum edit distance is two characters. |
Ariba Network: Quote Automation
Displaying translated labels of custom fields to buyer users With this feature buyers can now view the translated labels of the custom fields. |
see release guide |
Ariba Network: Quote Automation |
Downloading the last submitted bid Suppliers can now download the details of the last submitted bid irrespective of how the supplier has bid previously, online or through CSV upload. |
see release guide |
Ariba Network: Quote Automation |
e-Invoicing support for Iceland This feature will allow customers to receive electronic invoice from their suppliers without the need for a paper invoice. It includes Iceland in the list of countries that allow electronic invoicing using Ariba Network according to the current regulatory requirements in Iceland. |
Ariba Network: Invoice Automation |
Component consumption enhancements With the component consumption enhancements, suppliers can duplicate a line item or subcontracting component that was flipped from a purchase order, scheduling agreement, or scheduling agreement release and can remove a duplicated entry. |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Enhancements to quality review search filters and custom types Quality Review Improvements including:
1.Customer search based on multiple suppliers in the search filter. 2. Ability for buyers to create new QR type using existing template. 3. Legal hold functionality improvement.
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Forecast and supplier-managed inventory data unification Multi-ERP Process requires Unified Data View for buyers and suppliers to support unique collaboration process to ensure there is consistency of data to support easy and efficient collaboration. |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Quality notification code based on type and system ID Suppliers need a way to select the correct quality notification code for a quality notification type and system. A quality notification will be failed in the ERP if an incorrect quality notification code is used. With the quality notification code based on type and system ID feature, suppliers can select the correct code for a particular quality notification type and system ID. |

All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
October |
October 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide |
Release Guide |
Messaging in Ariba Network This new innovation in the Ariba Network shall support conversations via instant messages / email between a buyer user (in SAP Ariba Buying & Invoicing solution or Ariba Network) and a supplier user. With this specific feature, users in Ariba Network can exchange context-free messages without reference to any transactional document. |
Ariba Network |
Messaging in SAP Ariba Buying & Invoicing solutions This new innovation in the SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing solutions will support conversations via instant message/email between a buyer and a supplier user as well as between internal user groups and individuals within the buyer organization.
Conversations (messages with attachments) can be initiated with reference to PO and Invoice, both at the header and line item level and can be responded to both via the application and email. |
SAP Ariba Buying SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing SAP Ariba Invoice Management |
Support Service Master ID on SES and invoice Documents like Service Entry Sheet (SES) and/or Invoice created with reference to a Purchase Order (PO) using service master information (from a referenced service contract with a service hierarchy), should maintain the relationship with the Service Master information traveling back and forth between SAP ERP and AN/P2P. Maintaining this information is important because later in time it is used in a reconciliation process and it is mandatory to have it in SAP ERP. |
see release guide |
Ariba Network |
Duplicating a service entry sheet line item With this feature, suppliers can use the Copy option on the line item to create a copy of the line item. Ariba Network automatically populates the copied line item with data from the original line item. Suppliers can then make the required changes to the new line item. |
Ariba Network |
Return "Not Interested" reason code in quote message The Quote Message contains the reason code for supplier rejection, both at header and line item level. In both cases the information is sent on an extrinsic field named RejectionReason. |
Ariba Network |
Exporting the details of an RFQ Suppliers can now export the details of an RFQ in PDF format. The downloaded PDF for an RFQ includes the following details:
- RFQ details
- Line item details
- Bid details for each line item if the supplier has bid
Ariba Network |
Hungarian invoice online reporting enhancements This feature will add further enhancements, localization and process support related to the NAV online reporting requirement which was introduced earlier in 2018. |
Ariba Network |
Italian Invoice Mandate (Buyer) This feature will enable Ariba Network Buyers to receive invoices (from AN and Non-AN suppliers) through the SDI portal operated by the Italian Tax Authorities. |
Ariba Network |
Prevent re-defaulting of accounting fields on change of item price or quantity With this feature enabled, the SAP Ariba solution does not re-trigger the defaulting of accounting details when doing a change order (e.g. change requisition). When enabled, it prevents triggering the defaulting of the Commodity Export Map Entry (CEME) selection (account type defaulting) when a user edits the price or quantity values of the line items on a requisition during a change requisition activity. |
SAP Ariba Buying SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing |
Excel order confirmation upload/download With the Excel order confirmation upload/download feature, suppliers can upload or download order confirmation information in Excel format, in addition to CSV format. The template (both Excel and CSV formats) now includes additional fields: customer and supplier part numbers, material revision level, purchase order version, and price and currency information. |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Enhancements to component inventory Planning collaboration enhancements to support Error Monitoring and additional reference column for Component Inventory. |
see release guide |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Automatic save of search filters for Quality Review and Quality Inspection views The feature will allow users to store Search filter, Column restore based on last login settings. |
see release guide |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Pricing conditions for volume & time breaks in sourcing & contracts The feature provides ability to conduct sourcing events with pricing conditions with the ability to capture pricing & quantity along with time breaks. The feature also adds ability to create PIR (Price info record to export the pricing along with conditions to ERP) and create follow-on documents like contracts. |

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite |
September |
September 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide |
Release Guide |
Enabling suppliers to add custom search keywords in their company profiles Suppliers can add custom keywords which help them to be more discoverable when buyers search for suppliers. |
Ariba Network: Supplier |
Saving Line Item Credit Memo in draft mode with edit and resubmit This feature allows a credit memo to be created for invoice items and the document can be saved for further edits. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network: Supplier |
Enhancements to routing exceptions for orders This feature allows Ariba Network suppliers to override their default routing method for orders that match up to twenty exceptions instead of only five. Suppliers can use this feature to prevent types of orders from being routed to a supplier's external integration channel. An order that matches the condition specified for an exception is routed to up to five email addresses instead.
The following types of conditions are supported for each order routing exception you create:
- External Document Type
- Item Category
- Extrinsic Transaction Category Type
- Location Code.
In addition, the logic operator between them can be chosen now, it used to be only "AND".
See release guide |
Ariba Network: Supplier |
Include attachments in invoice approval emails In organizations using email approval, users can now receive invoice-related attachments in their email approval notifications so they can make informed decisions without logging in to the application. |
SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing SAP Ariba Invoice Management |
Deliver PO in the Ariba Network using buyer defined email address When a supplier is registered on Ariba Network, the supplier can choose their preferred order routing method, and if the preferred routing method is email the supplier can provide up to five email addresses for purchase order delivery. |
Ariba Network |
Allow additional supplier contact emails for order routing This feature enables requesters to provide an additional supplier direct sales contact to send the PO email to apart from the designated supplier contact. This can be used when creating a requisition for both public as well as private suppliers, for email, electronic as well as manual orders.
The existing capability to ˜Resend PO" has been extended to the requester of the PO, as well as to suppliers with ˜Preferred ordering method" as ˜Online." The PO email will now also be resent to the designated supplier contact, apart from any additional supplier direct sales contact specified. (This is a change from the earlier behavior wherein the user could could choose to resend to the ad-hoc supplier email address only.)
SAP Ariba Buying SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing SAP Ariba Buying, with guided buying capability SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing, with guided buying capability |
Chile Tax Invoicing partner expansion for DTE invoices Ariba Network now supports an integration with Acepta, an e-invoicing provider in Chile, for inbound tax documents (DTE). |
Ariba Network |
Service entry sheet usability enhancements The following functionalities have been included with this feature:
- Additional field to display service description on SES/Invoice page.
- Provide an option to the supplier to select/unselect lines from the service sheet like there is for invoices.
- Make the delete option as a button, like it does for Invoices.
- Display the service sheet number auto generated by SAP ECC as read-only at header level on the service sheet page.
- If the supplier excludes a service line on the service sheet, then those lines should not be validated.
Ariba Network |
Defaulting the purchase order's currency for a service entry sheet With this feature, when a supplier adds a contract/catalog line item that has a different currency, Ariba Network will convert the currency to that of the currency used in the purchase order and also calculate the amount as per the exchange rate maintained by Ariba Network. If the supplier adds an unplanned item, the currency is now defaulted to PO currency. |
Ariba Network |
Extended invoice corrections for real-time audit in Hungary This feature will allow further invoice correction processes (such as invoice annulments and invoice storno) which are introduced with the Hungarian online reporting. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network |
Flag line item as not interested in bidding The supplier will be provided an option to flag at the line level that they will not provide a bid. This information will be transmitted to the Buyer as well via the integration layer. |
Ariba Network: Quote Automation
Support for paper invoices and disputing in goods receipt-based invoice verification Buyers using goods receipt-based invoice verification can now:
- Apply the verification to paper invoices entered in SAP Ariba Invoice Management
- Dispute (short-pay) exceptions for price, quantity, and amount variance between the receipt and invoice
SAP Ariba Invoice Management |
Translation requirements for non-Latin company names and addresses. This feature adds a requirement that all company profiles in Ariba Network supplier and buyer accounts include a company name and address in Latin characters to meet compliance guidelines and help your business partners worldwide find you. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network
Includes suppliers who respond to customer orders through Ariba Network using one-time passwords.
Applying catalog tiered pricing when contract price is not defined With this feature, an item in a shopping cart (leading to a requisition) will honor the tiered pricing set up in the catalog (any catalog file format), even in a scenario when the item is a contracted item and there's no pricing information available in the contract. |
SAP Ariba Catalogs SAP Ariba Buying SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing SAP Ariba Invoice Management |
Quality certificates in ship notices Based on the material specification in the ERP system, some materials have a requirement to receive quality certificates as part of each delivery. With this feature, a buyer can require suppliers to attach quality certificates to a ship notice. When the buyer receives the ship notice with attached quality certificates, a quality certificate record is automatically created in the ERP system. |
SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration |
Subcontracting enhancements for maintenance, repair, and overhaul scenarios With this feature, the subcontracting process for maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) scenarios can now be handled more effectively by suppliers. This feature adds specific information for subcontracting suppliers by enhanced Subcontracting type details to the supplier screens, and provides specific filtering in the due lists screens. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration |
Batch validation in component consumption With the batch validation in component consumption feature, it is possible for SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration suppliers to link a supplier batch to component consumption. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration |
External document type visibility ERP customers usually have customized item types which are often associated with specific types of orders, such as rush orders. This order type can be transferred to Ariba Network and it is now displayed in the Orders and releases tab, the purchase order page (at header level) and in the Order and Failed Order reports (as columns). |
SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration |
Supplier search by keywords Suppliers can now associate themselves with certain keywords. If a buyer does a search in guided buying, the suppliers will be returned if the keyword is searched and the supplier is a qualified supplier. |
SAP Ariba Buying, with the guided buying capability SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing, with the guided buying capability |
PDF Invoices Capability for suppliers to submit PDF invoices to Ariba Network via e-mail or upload invoices on Ariba Network Supplier portal. |
SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing SAP Ariba Invoice Management Ariba Network |
New harmonized Terms Of Use (TOU) for Network Suppliers participating in Spot Buy program For customers using the SAP Ariba Spot Buy solution, this feature introduces a new marketplace option within Spot Buy Admin Marketplace tab called "Ariba Network." Customer procurement admins need to accept the TOU (harmonized across all network suppliers) in order to activate the channel formerly presented as "Network Suppliers" in the Spot Buy Admin page. |
SAP Ariba Spot Buy Catalog |
August |
August 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide |
Release Guide |
Enhancements to routing exceptions for orders This feature allows Ariba Network suppliers to override their default routing method for orders that match up to five exceptions. Suppliers can use this feature to prevent types of orders from being routed to a supplier's external integration channel. An order that matches the condition specified for an exception is routed to up to five email addresses instead.
The following types of conditions are supported for each order routing exception you create.
- External Document Type
- Item Category
- Extrinsic Transaction Category Type
- Location Code
See release guide |
Ariba Network: Supplier |
Creating a copy of a Service Entry Sheet With this feature, suppliers can edit and submit the new service entry sheet from a copy of a previous document. Suppliers can use the Copy button on the service entry sheet to create a copy of it. Ariba Network automatically links the copied service entry sheet to the purchase order and populates it with data from the original service entry sheet. Suppliers can make the required changes to the new service entry sheet. |
Ariba Network: Supplier |
Extend order confirmation and ship notice control keys to all Ariba Network users Extension of the confirmation and ship notice control keys and confirmation tolerances to all Ariba Network. Control Keys allow you to override default business rules at an line item level. Tolerances for Quantity, Price and Delivery dates can also be defined for Order Confirmation. |
Ariba Network |
Functional acknowledgment and transaction advice in status update requests With this enhancement, the Status Update Request supports additional capabilities such as functional acknowledgement and transaction advice for the Advanced Ship Notice (ASN). |
See release guide |
Ariba Network |
Broadcast messages to all suppliers Broadcast messages need to be distributed to suppliers (all or groups thereof) to inform them about events that are occurring, such as holiday schedules, production facility closure, or, completion of certain activities such as planning run completion. |
Ariba Network |
Fixed bin location addition to ship notices at line item level The fixed bin location on an order document will be available as an extrinsic and subject to the customization app to be displayed on the ASN ship line level. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network |
Auto calculation of taxes on charge and allowance lines Taxes on charges and allowances will be flipped over if identified in the purchase order. Suppliers will be able to add additional charges and specify allowances in the invoice. If the supplier updates taxable amount for allowances or charges, then Ariba will NOT recalculate them. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network |
Invoice enhancements to assist audit/tax Inspector The following features are added to Invoicing to help audit process and tax inspectors:
- Hide "Bill From" address - Customers can now hide "Bill From" address on invoices with a network rule configuration
- Tax Representative - A new contact type "Tax representative" is available. Customers and Suppliers can assign a tax representative contact and list them on the invoice. A new network rule is created to allow to display tax representative
- Tax summary - When multiple VAT tax lines are present with the same rate, the lines with same rate will be added together to give a VAT summary
- Invoice page numbers - Adding a page number at the end of the page for printable/downloadable invoices
See release guide |
Ariba Network |
Hungarian Invoice Online Reporting This feature will report domestic Hungarian invoices (excerpts) with a VAT amount of more than 100.000 HUF to the online system provided by the Hungarian tax authorities (NAV online system). |
Ariba Network |
Serial numbers upload With the serial numbers upload feature, buyers can require suppliers to provide serial numbers for finished goods in a purchase order. Suppliers can bulk upload this information in a CSV file. A CSV template can be downloaded which checks that serial numbers uploaded in the template match purchase order and line item numbers. |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Advanced ship notice support for third-party integrated suppliers Advanced ship notice support for third-party suppliers allows the creation of an Advanced Ship Notice by one supply chain partner, such as a 3rd party logistics provider, on behalf of another supply chain participant, such as a material supplier. |
See release guide |
All supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Ability to hide countdown clock from suppliers view in Dutch auctions Allows Buyers to hid the countdown clock from suppliers view in Dutch auctions. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Sourcing |
Make Purchase Order currency for Service Sheet With this feature, when a supplier adds unplanned items to a Service Sheet from a contract or catalog in a different currency than then PO currency, the items will be converted to the PO currency automatically. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing SAP Ariba Buying |
July |
July 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide |
Release Guide |
Enhancement to items to confirm list feature The list view, Items to Confirm, allows suppliers to process purchase order line item for order confirmations faster and more efficiently. The functionality is now being made available to all Ariba Network suppliers. |
Ariba Network |
Suppliers can cancel a failed ship notice When ship notices are not delivered to the buyer's ERP, Ariba Network changes the routing status of the document to *_Failed_*,. Suppliers can now cancel a failed ship notice, which releases the shipped quantities specified in the ship notice document. |
Ariba Network |
Require header service dates on integrated SES and invoice A new option is being provided to buyers to enforce suppliers to send Start/End date at the header for integrated Service Entry Sheet (SES) and invoices if needed by the ERP. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation: Invoice Automation |
Remove line item from bid Suppliers can now remove any line item from the Provide Your Quote page and continue with the bidding process. Quote automation removes the line item from the bid. Suppliers can include the line item when they create a new bid. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation: Quote Automation |
Email notification enhancements With this feature, quote automation includes the following information in the email notifications that are sent to suppliers:
- Supplier organization's Ariba Network ID
- Address specified for the Ariba Network ID
- Vendor ID
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation: Quote Automation |
Build priority in aggregated view of forecast With build priority in aggregated view of forecast, build priority data for multiple locations and time buckets can be displayed in the aggregated sheet of the Excel forecast spreadsheet. |
See release guide |
Suppliers with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Allow service order-based invoicing without service sheet With this feature, SAP Ariba can be configured to NOT require approved service sheets as part of the process when manually creating an invoice against a service order. |
SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing SAP Ariba Invoice Management |
June |
June 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide |
Release Guide |
Allow suppliers to partially confirm fully rejected line items If the customer only allows full line item rejection, suppliers will now be able to partially confirm an item that had been fully rejected in the previous order confirmation. The remaining quantity (i.e. the quantity that has not been confirmed by the supplier) will go back to being unconfirmed. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network |
Standardized display of rejection reasons for invoices and service entry sheets When the buyer rejects a Service Entry Sheet (SES), he can provide a comment. The supplier can now view the rejection reasons specified by buyers on the Details tab of invoices and SES. Suppliers need not navigate to the History tab of the documents to find the these rejection reasons. |
Ariba Network |
Replenishment orders for supplier-managed inventory The SMI model expects the buyers to have a Scheduling Agreement defined to allow the suppliers to replenish. But in many industries and regions, the suppliers need to plan and replenish based on their MRP requirements. In such a scenario, suppliers don't rely on an order from the buyers. Instead the suppliers MRP system plans for fulfillment by automatically creating a Sales Order in their system based on buyers demand. |
Suppliers with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Cancellation of a replenishment order Replenishment Orders can be linked to the Buyer generated PO and the suppliers can Cancel the Replenishment Order which will allow the cancellation of the PO. |
Suppliers with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Planning collaboration usability improvements This feature enables additional date filters and settings to make it easier for the user to determine which data is displayed and available for download and upload. |
See release guide |
Suppliers with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
May |
May 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide |
Release Guide |
Override default order routing based on extrinsic Transaction Category Type This feature allows Ariba Network suppliers to override their default routing method for orders that match extrinsic values for Transaction Category Type (transactionCategoryOrType). Suppliers can use this feature to prevent types of orders from being routed to a supplier’s external integration channel. An order that matches the condition specified for the Transaction Category Type extrinsic is routed to up to five email addresses instead. |
Ariba Network |
Visibility of correct customer and delivery address in receipts The logic for the From address has been changed to more accurately reflect the actual address where goods have been received by the buyer. The From section is now populated with the Sold To address, if available, or the Bill To address from the order. The Receipt page also now includes a Delivery Address field, which shows the delivery address for each line item, if it is present in the cXML. |
Ariba Network |
Ship Notice generation based on delivery location Currently, the Ariba Network (AN) prevents sellers from sending items with different Ship To locations in the same Ship Notice document. A new ship notice transaction rule, called Do not allow multiple Ship To addresses on a ship notice, has been added . If a buyer checks this rule, suppliers must use only one ship-to address for each ship notice they create for all subsequent orders they receive. This functionality is triggered by a buyer business rule and it is applied to online and cXML transactions. |
Ariba Network |
PDF attachment option for order routing methods Suppliers can now receive a PDF version of the Purchase Order with the addition of a new configuration option when their Order Routing method is set as email, cXML or Integration Gateway. Ariba Network will send the standard version of the PO as a PDF attachment in the email or cXML respectively. |
Ariba Network |
UAE VAT e-Invoicing This feature enhances Ariba Network e-Invoicing capability by allowing suppliers to create and send regulatory consistent United Arab Emirates (UAE) VAT invoices to buyers. |
Ariba Network |
Support for custom privacy policies SAP Ariba allows you to configure the Privacy Statement popup that appears at first login. Organizations can link to their own privacy policy, link to the SAP Ariba Privacy Statement, or omit the privacy policy link and the consent prompt altogether. SAP Ariba provides this feature to offer customer administrators more control over privacy-related messaging presented to users, because there are varying regional legal approaches to privacy statements and consent requirements. |
Ariba Network |
AribaPay EFT for Light Accounts Buyers will be able to invite Light Account Suppliers to AribaPay EFT program. Suppliers will be received remittance in email and also will the capability to resend remittance from AN home page. |

SAP Ariba Payables |
Excel upload/download for Forecast and Supplier-managed inventory reports Supplier-managed inventory and forecast involve mass processing of data. Organizations need the flexibility to have Excel interface for better usability. With Excel upload / download for Forecast, SMI, and Inventory data suppliers can use Excel for downloading and uploading mass data and planned shipments and manage these processes more efficiently. |
Suppliers with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Manufacturing type field to filter forecast and build priority views The Manufacturing type field is added to the Upload/Download job search filters and results data. |
Suppliers with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Enhancements to RFx Event import/export file to include the Comments field This feature enhances the current RFx Event excel import/export functionality with the ability to now include the comments as part of the system generated import/export file. The enhanced functionality will be available to both Buyers and Suppliers. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Sourcing |
Suppress supplier RFX award indicators and emails This feature enables organizations to hide the RFX View Awards and Download Award Summary tabs from suppliers and automatically suppress RFX award emails. he functionality is controlled by the new "Hide Award Info" template rule so organizations can control which events will have award indicators and emails suppressed. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Sourcing |
Include line level ship notice reference in reconciled Invoices Supplier can send invoice lines with references to ship notice lines on the Ariba Network. The ship notice ID and ship notice line reference on the invoice line is now included when the invoice is sent to the buyer's ERP system from SAP Ariba Invoice Management and SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing. There is no processing logic for the ship notice reference in SAP Ariba Invoice Management or SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Invoice Management SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing |
Template upgrade for supplier registration This feature introduces the ability to upgrade existing supplier registration projects that were created with previous template versions to the latest published template version. The SM administrator can manage the upgrade process by selecting groups of suppliers impacted by the template change for each of the previous template versions, by triggering the template upgrade, and sending an automatic notification to the primary contact at each supplier. |
SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance SAP Ariba Supplier Information and Performance Management (new architecture) |
Supplier certificate management Supplier certificate management leverages modular questionnaires to collect supplier certificates, including meta data like certificate expiration date. A modular certificate questionnaire has its own approval workflow and lifecycle state, and can generate external and internal notifications before expiration. All collected certificates are displayed in the supplier 360 profile view under the certificate tab, and show the associated qualification status. In addition, supplier search has been enhanced with filters for certificate type, status and expiration date. |
SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance SAP Ariba Supplier Information and Performance Management (new architecture) |
April |
April 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide |
Release Guide |
Support for catalog files in Microsoft Excel format With this feature, SAP Ariba solutions support catalog files in Microsoft Excel format, both when imported locally, as well as downloaded from Ariba Network. |
SAP Ariba Catalog |
Tax and Segment Support in the Bmecat catalog format Tax and segment information is now be supported in a catalog that is formatted using Bmecat. |
SAP Ariba Catalog |
Support for additional catalog fields: Content Unit and Packing Quantity This feature provides support for 2 new fields Content Unit and Packing Quantity in BMEcat and CIF. |
SAP Ariba Catalog |
Multiple order confirmation control at line-item level Order confirmation control at line-item level. |
SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration |
Suppler Lifecycle and Performance, and Sourcing - Supplier Invitation Improvements This release introduces several improvements to the supplier invitation process:
- Sourcing and SLP invitations are buyer-branded.
- Sourcing and SLP invitations sent to named supplier contact
- Sourcing and SLP invitation includes the buyer's deadline.
- Supplier sees reason for request for additional email in in email
- Denial email includes buyer's contact information (email distribution list)
SAP Ariba Sourcing SAP Ariba Suppllier Lifecycle and Performance |
Manual generation of invoices and LICM based on Reversal Receipts Ariba Network (AN) allows suppliers to generate manually Invoices based on a list of Receipts that contain received quantities and Line Item Credit Memos based on returned quantities. However, AN did not list reversal movements (Received reversal or Returned reversal) so the supplier was not able to select and reference these documents during the Invoice and/or Line Item Credit Memo creation. Through this feature suppliers are now able to select reversal movements to generate the invoice/credit and AN incudes the correct Receipt reference in the cXML that is sent to the buyer. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network |
Enabling tolerances for shipped quantities on an invoice Buyers can specify the tolerance limits applicable for shipped quantities on an invoice. This allows suppliers to generate invoices from ship notices where the quantity shipped value in the invoice can differ from the quantities specified in the ship notice within the specified tolerance limits. |
Ariba Network |
Enhancements for invoice autogeneration from receipts for ERS and consignment orders The invoice auto-generation from receipts should not take place if the ERS (Self-billing) indicator is sent in the Purchase Order. Currently the invoice is generated automatically in AN with "Failed" status which is confusing for suppliers. The same happens when orders with consignment items are received in AN which is not correct because suppliers can only bill based on buyer's item consumption. This behavior is being changed through this feature. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation: Invoice Automation |
Showing buyer sub-user information on the Request for Quote (RFQ) posting Suppliers can view the details of the buyers so that they can contact them to seek clarifications. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation: Quote Automation |
Showing supplier company name in the email notifications All notifications to suppliers now include the supplier company name. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation: Quote Automation |
Labeling of RFQ postings that suppliers are not interested in bidding for The listing page will show a visual indicator that the supplier has marked the event as "Not Interested." |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation: Quote Automation |
Sorting of RFQ postings on the SAP Ariba Discovery dashboard Provides the option to turn off Closed postings in the leads tab. Suppliers will then not see closed postings first for responses in this tab. In addition, on the Wins tab, SAP Ariba Discovery sorts the RFQ postings based on descending award date. The RFQs which were recently awarded are shown first.
- On the Responses tab, SAP Ariba Discovery sorts the RFQ postings based on descending response date. The RFQs which were recently responded to are shown first.
- On the Invitations, Matches, and Watchlist tabs, SAP Ariba Discovery sorts the RFQ postings based on the ascending start date of the RFQs.
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation: Quote Automation |
RFQ posting closure notification emails Quote automation sends notification emails to invited suppliers when an RFQ is terminated or closed. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation: Quote Automation |
Increased frequency of bidding invitation digest email For approved suppliers, SAP Ariba Discovery sends the RFQ bidding invitation digest email every four hours if the duration of the RFQ posting is less than three days. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation: Quote Automation |
Support for custom privacy policies SAP Ariba allows you to configure the Privacy Statement popup that appears at first login. Organizations can link to their own privacy policy, link to the SAP Ariba Privacy Statement, or omit the privacy policy link and the consent prompt altogether. SAP Ariba provides this feature to offer customer administrators more control over privacy-related messaging presented to users, because there are varying regional legal approaches to privacy statements and consent requirements. |
Platform |
March |
March 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide
Release Guide |
Delivery date value considered in fully confirmed line items validation Through a new subrule, Ariba Network checks now whether the supplier's delivery or completion date for a line item matches the buyer's need-by date from the order. If the dates are different, the line item is not considered fully confirmed, meaning it can't be added to a ship notice, a service sheet, or an invoice. |
Ariba Network Buyers & Suppliers |
Mask Price (Undisclosed Price) in Order Confirmations (Services) This feature extends the Ariba Network capabilities for Hide Price on Purchase Orders feature (released January, 2018) to the Order Confirmation document for orders originating from either the ERP, SAP Ariba Buying, or SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing solution for Services orders. See TRN-10 for Materials orders. |
Ariba Network Buyers & Suppliers |
Comments from Receipts included in autogenerated Credit Memos Comments included in negative Receipts (Return or Received reversal) are now flipped into the autogenerated Credit Memo in AN. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network Buyers & Suppliers |
Hungarian e-invoicing enhancements This feature contains a couple of enhancements to provide more intuitive and robust e-invoice localization according to the Hungarian local requirements. |
Ariba Network Buyers & Suppliers |
Tax invoicing line-item debit memo for Chile Ariba Network now allows LIDM for Chilean Tax Invoicing, with regards to material or service invoices as generated through the Ariba Network user interface or through integrated invoices. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network Buyers & Suppliers |
Self-billing / Evaluated Receipt Settlement Ariba Network currently supports a self-billing process called Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS). Based on contractual agreement, the buyer creates invoices on behalf of the supplier based on goods received. This feature adds functionality around integrity and authenticity, labeling, and country-specific acceptance processes of self-billing invoices, including:
- An indicator in the cXML to identify an invoice as a self-billing invoice for legal purposes. - New Self-Billing label on the invoice (in the user interface and on the PDF). - Signed invoice propagated to the buyer.
This feature is applied to countries where this process is accepted. Acceptance processes is handled within the "paper" agreement prior using the Self-Billing process in Ariba Network. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Invoice Automation |
Price adjustment for integrated line-item credit memo and line-item debit memo Currently, Ariba Network suppliers can use a line-item credit memo (LICM) to correct the purchase order history if the quantity invoiced was too high or if part of the quantity was returned. However, suppliers also need to update the ordering transaction on the price basis, which can be an increased invoiced amount (line-item debit memo or LIDM) or a reduced invoiced amount (LICM). New invoice transaction rules have been added that control whether buyers allow LIDM and LICM on price adjustments. These rules allow integrated suppliers to send LIDM and LICM on price adjustments through cXML. Note: Suppliers can't create LIDM and LICM on price adjustments in the Ariba Network user interface yet. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Invoice Automation |
Price adjustment for line-item credit memo and debit memo New invoice transaction rules have been added that control whether buyers allow suppliers to create line-item credit memos and debit memos to make price adjustments to invoices. Suppliers can use a line-item credit memo to correct invoices in which quantities were too high or some items were returned. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Invoice Automation |
Restrict partial credits for invoices Suppliers can create partial or fully line-item credit memo through the UI in AN. However there are agreements between trading partners where partial credit memos are not allowed to avoid reconciliation issues only “cancel” invoices through a credit memo for the full amount on the invoice. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Invoice Automation |
Receipts not required to invoice Blanket Orders Previously, the invoicing rule "Require suppliers to include only received quantities on invoices" included blanket purchase orders in its validation. However, with blanket purchase orders there are not goods receipts. Consequently, when the rule was enabled blanket purchase orders couldn't be invoiced. Now, blanket purchase orders are ignored by this rule providing alignment with SAP ECC behavior. Note: This feature will not be available with the March 2018 release., it will be available in a later release. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Invoice Automation/Purchase Order Automation |
February |
February 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide
Release Guide |
Extension of Delivery Date Tolerance rule for Order Confirmation to regular suppliers When the business rule "Apply line item delivery date tolerance to order confirmations"was implemented, it was applied to CSC suppliers only. We are extending it to Ariba Network regular suppliers with this feature. |
Ariba Network |
Ship notice failure notification for suppliers Supplier administrators can configure an electronic order routing notification if they want the supplier users to receive alerts about ship notice failures. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network |
Update the RFQ status of closed postings to Terminated This feature allows the buyer to abandon an RFQ (after a posting is closed for bids) if they do not want to move forward with the event, award and subsequent purchase order. Moving to terminated status removes the RFQ from the buyer queue.
The sequence of events are below:
- Buyer issues an RFQ
- Buyer receives bids and closes the event in Discovery
- Buyer later decides to abandon the RFQ
- Buyer cancels the RFQ in the ERP and the system sends the cXML with type=delete
- The system moves the RFQ status from closed to terminated in Discovery
- The system sends a 'Cancel' email to the supplier
The email will mimic the closed email but the text will say - The buyer has canceled the event and will not be moving forward with this request. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Quote Automation Network Procurement |
Quality review collaboration With quality review collaboration, SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration enables buyers and suppliers to do the following:
- Collaborate on batch-record reviews, finalize batch record information, and allow quality releases of product bulk materials.
- The supplier can initiate the batch record process after the quality inspection process is completed for the final batch documentation.
- Collaborate on product complaint investigations from the buyer’s customer. Buyers usually receive complaints through a third-party system but reports them to suppliers and CMOs through quality reviews.
- Collaborate on material changes, processes, or equipment.
- Collaborate on quality process-type definitions.
Supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Goods Receipt Status update for tolerance based orders and copy ship notice SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration provides the following functionalities with this feature:
- Contract manufacturers can view the copy ship notice received status and are therefore informed when buyers acknowledge receiving component receipts.
- When a buyer indicates that no more shipments are expected, the supplier sees the order tagged Received even if the order is only partially received. This behavior is triggered by a default transaction rule the buyer can enable or disable.
- The supplier can't make additional shipments when a buyer indicates that a delivery is complete and that additional shipments are not allowed.
See release guide |
Supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers |
Prevent private LE relationship creation for SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration documents The Ariba Network light account capability doesn't support SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration documents, such as sub-contracts and scheduling agreement release orders. This feature prevents existing light account suppliers from receiving SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration documents, and it stops private LE relationship from being created automatically when buyers send SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration documents to unregistered suppliers. |
See release guide |
Supplier users with a relationship with one or more SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration buyers with Ariba Network light account capability |
Push Notification of OC document failure in Supplier Mobile After a supplier confirms an order, the PO status changes to Confirm, but the actual order confirmation (OC) document might fail due to buyer settings, transaction rules, etc. Currently if the OC fails, the supplier gets an email notification but if the email goes to spam, the supplier is not aware of this confirmation failure until later. This push alert feature in mobile helps the supplier to get informed in real-time and take appropriate action. |
See release guide |
Suppliers using the SAP Business Network Supplier Mobile Application |
Restrict partial credits for invoices Allow only fully Line Item Credit Memo. Note: This feature was not made available with the February 2018 release. Please see the March 2018 release. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Invoice Automation |
January |
January 2018 Ariba Network Release Guide
Release Guide |
Generic framework for upload and download - manufacturing planning visibility upload Typically, in contract manufacturing, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) maintain only critical bills of material (BOMs) while their contract manufacturers maintain exhaustive lists of components.
With the "Generic framework for upload and download- manufacturing planning visibility upload" feature, suppliers can upload manufacturing-planning CSV files for inventory, supplier planning data, and visibility; and can search for these documents by type. After a supplier uploads a manufacturing-planning CSV file, Ariba Network generates a corresponding cXML document and triggers a transaction based on the cXML document. |
Ariba Network Suppliers with Collaborative Supply Chain Buyer Relationship |
Adding components and batch in order confirmation Between the time a contract manufacturer receives a purchase order and the time the contract manufacturer begins manufacturing, the contract manufacturer might change the batches of components assigned to a particular order. Contract manufacturers need the ability to revise the batch and component information assigned to a purchase order, and to have those revisions delivered automatically to the relevant documents in their customers' ERP systems. With the "Order confirmation batch assignment" feature, contract manufacturers can update order confirmations ”including those for subcontracts ”ship notices, and component consumption updates. |
See release guide |
Ariba Network Suppliers with Collaborative Supply Chain Buyer Relationship |
Invoice from ordered or received quantity triggered on a PO line item basis Ariba Network suppliers can invoice based on ordered or received quantities. Buying organizations configure this option based on default invoicing rules or supplier group rules. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation – Invoice Automation |
Export supplier responses in a semicolon-separated file Buyers can also export supplier responses in a semicolon-separated file. This feature helps buyers who use semicolon-separated files for comparison of supplier responses. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Quote Automation |
Search and invite test account suppliers to bid on RFQs Buyers can use buyer test accounts to search and invite test account suppliers to bid on RFQs. This feature helps buyers to test the complete flow of RFQ bidding. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Quote Automation |
Specify award currency while awarding a bid By default, quote automation allows buyers to award a bid in the currency which is specified in the bid by the supplier. With this feature, while awarding, buyers can select the currency in which the RFQ was posted. This feature is useful for buyers in cases where the item will be shipped from a local office and the regional rules require the purchase order to be issued with the correct currency. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Quote Automation |
Show closing date for each RFQ on the RFQ postings page for suppliers and buyers Quote automation displays the response deadline date for each RFQ on the postings page in SAP Ariba Discovery. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Quote Automation |
Show details of a bid award When buyers split an award, quote automation displays the details of the split award so that buyers can refer to the details of how they have split the award. This feature is helpful if the buyer has split the award between multiple suppliers and wants to refer to the split award details at a later time. |
See release guide |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Quote Automation |
Improved comparison of data in the exported supplier responses file When buyers export supplier responses, the CSV file additionally includes the following details:
* Buyer initial values * Exchange rate at the time of review
Buyers with RFQs having more than 20 line-items and more than 5 supplier bids per line-item can make a comparison to take decisions offline. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Quote Automation |
Show a list of deleted RFQs on Terminated tab Quote automation displays all the deleted RFQs in a new Terminated tab. This feature helps buyer administrators move the deleted RFQs into the Terminated tab so that buyers will not see unwanted RFQs. The buyer would like to move postings that are withdraw from the ERP to a terminated status. Buyer administrators would like to move these RFQs out of the work queue of the individual buyers. |
SAP Ariba Commerce Automation - Quote Automation |
Participant Read Only Line Items This feature allows you to lock suppliers down on pricing for certain items while you continue to negotiate the price of other items within a sourcing event. |
Sourcing |
Hide Price on Purchase Orders This feature will enable requesters/approvers to optionally hide the Price/Amount of a Non catalog item on a Collaborative Requisition Request and a PO that is sent to Supplier on Ariba Network.
If any item is hidden, the order total is also hidden. The hidden values are presented as "Undisclosed" for the supplier. |
Procurement |