FAQ KB0398863
How do I approve or reject a supplier user?

How do I Approve or Reject a supplier user?


To Approve or Reject a supplier user when using Supplier Information and Performance Management (SIPM), please follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click Manage > Administration.
  2. Click Supplier and Customer Manager and then select Users.
  3. Put all available search filters to Either.
  4. Enter user information and click Search.
  5. Select user.
  6. Click Approve or Reject.

See Also

You must be a member of the Supplier/Customer Manager group in order to perform this function.

If you need to have the supplier approved in order to invite them to a sourcing event, confirm that the organization is active. If you see the organization's name grayed out, the organization profile is deactivated. Please see How to I reactivate an organization profile?

Applies To

Supplier Information & Performance Management

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