Release Update KB0409265
Enforcing suppliers to enter at most one instance of VAT or GST per category
Feature ID


Feature Description

Previously, suppliers in Ariba Network were allowed to enter more than one instance of tax for VAT and GST for various categories such as allowances, charges, shipping costs, and so on at the header and line level of invoices. Now, buyers can enforce their suppliers in Ariba Network to enter at most one instance of tax (VAT and GST) for such categories at the header and line level of invoices, thus avoiding the duplication of taxes for the same category. For buyers to achieve this control, they can enable a business rule that reads Require suppliers to enter only one instance of VAT or GST category at the header and line-item level for charges, allowances, shipping costs, and special handling costs. This rule is disabled by default.
Buyers in Ariba Network can extend this rule to their supplier groups and to their country-based invoicing rules.

Customer Problem

Suppliers can send invoices where they have added more than one VAT or GST for a charge by mistake, which the buyer must reject manually.

Customer Value Proposition

Buyers can now prevent suppliers from sending an invoice where there is more than one VAT or GST for a charge on the invoice. This minimizes the number of invoices that the buyer has to reject due to incorrect VAT or GST charges on the invoice.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

Feature ID: NP-29892
Applicable Solutions

SAP Business Network


None identified


None identified

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain 2202

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