Release Update KB0409261
Buyer report for supplier legal profile status
Feature ID


Feature Description

Ariba Network already provides a legal profile, as part of its tax invoice functionality, for suppliers to set up their company registration information (for example, GST ID in Singapore) currently in Hungary, India, Italy, and Singapore. These countries use a clearance model wherein the invoice generated in Ariba Network, along with this tax information, has to be cleared by the tax authority before being issued to the buyer. Because this is a prerequisite for generating tax invoices in these countries, it impacts the audit on the buyer side if it requires tax invoices.
Previously, buyers did not have visibility into the legal profile setup status of suppliers that they have a trading relationship with. Now, this functionality is being provided through a new legal profile report that can be manually run or scheduled. Buyers can filter the report for all or some of these countries, and also specifically filter only the supplier addresses that do not have a legal profile set up. Using this report, buyers can ensure that they receive only tax invoices by alerting suppliers who have not configured legal profiles for their company addresses in these countries.

Customer Problem

Buyers don't have visibility into the legal profile status of their supplier's legal entities, which is a prerequisite if suppliers want the ability to send tax invoices in clearance countries that Ariba Network supports.

Customer Value Proposition

Buyers now have visibility into their supplier's legal profile status and can reach out to them with the data from this new report.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: NP-30120
Applicable Solutions

SAP Business Network


None identified


Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain 2202

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