Mise à jour de version 198025
Plusieurs vues pour les processus de planification
ID de la fonctionnalité


Feature Description

This feature allows buyers to create views, referred to as custom views, for planning processes and set conditions for them. Prior to this feature, only one view, the standard view, was available for all planning items in a planning process.

Customer Problem

Ariba Network gives buyers the flexibility to determine a specific set of key figures to be displayed for each process type. The customers' planning administrator users can decide to hide or rename standard key figures or add new custom key figures of their choice.
At the moment, there can only be one such set of key figure for each process type , but customers may want to have more granularity and display different views for different planning records of a given process type.
For example: Forecast records that belong to the line of business Wholesale, need to show a different set of key figures from the Forecast records of the line of business Retail. But at the moment there can only be one Forecast view which gets assigned all Forecast records.
This makes the planning collaboration inefficient as the customers have to educate the suppliers to ignore key figures that are not relevant for certain planning records on a case by case basis.

Customer Value Proposition

With the new flexible view management, the buyer administrator makes planning collaboration with their suppliers more efficient by tailoring multiple planning views to fit the specific business needs and assigning the most appropriate view to each planning record.
This ensures easier adoption for suppliers by minimizing errors and improving communication between trading partners.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide


Feature Enablement

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Fonctionnalité en un coup d'œil

Aperçu des fonctionnalités de disponibilité 2108 : plusieurs vues pour les processus de planification

Solutions applicables

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration

Conditions préalables

Vous devez être un administrateur Acheteur ou un acheteur disposant du droit d'accès Visibilité pour une collaboration sur la planification pour créer des vues personnalisées.

Vous devez être activé pour le composant Collaboration sur inventaire ou le composant Collaboration sur les prévisions.


La vue Prévisions agrégées à travers les sites ne peut pas être dupliquée.

S'applique à

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2108

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