FAQ KB0402494
How do I access RequisitionRealTimeBudgetExportRequest and RequisitionBudgetCheckExportRequest payloads?

How do I access RequisitionRealTimeBudgetExportRequest and RequisitionBudgetCheckExportRequest payloads?


The mapping payloads sent from Procurement are not visible in SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network Transaction Tracker because these are synchronous requests. If assistance is needed, contact your consulting team.

The mapping payload sent from Managed Gateway for Spend&Network to ERP can be obtained using a trace in transaction SRT_UTIL.

See Also

If you need further help in RequisitionBudgetCheckExportRequest mappings, access the SAP Article How to do mapping for RequisitionBudgetCheckExportRequest using Managed Gateway for Spend&Network Mapping tool?

Applies To

SAP Integration Suite Managed Gateway > Managed Gateway for Business Network SCC > Managed Gateway for Buyer Business Network SCC

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