Actualización de versión 195816
Correo electrónico
Mejoras en la experiencia de descuento del proveedor
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Feature Description

The early payment and discounting capability has been improved to help you more easily access, review, and accept offers. You can now download and print offers as PDF and choose to receive a daily digest of early payment offers.

Customer Problem

The Ariba Network experience is outdated and makes it hard for Suppliers to leverage the full potential of the Discounting solution. The non-intuitive navigation might create a barrier to adoption.

Customer Value Proposition

Through a modern, clear presentment of information, Suppliers have now better a better tool and process for their cash management. It is now easier to access offers and accept them, as well as reconcile and present audit trail. Last but not least, by aligning the functionality to the latest and greatest UX and technology, it is now easier for SAP Ariba to provide support and deliver future innovation.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

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Vista general de la función

Vista previa de la función de preparación 2105: Mejoras en la experiencia del proveedor de descuentos (PAY-5707) 

Soluciones aplicables

Ariba Network

SAP Ariba Discount Management

Requisitos previos

Debe revisarse; aún no se ha determinado


Debe revisarse; aún no se ha determinado

Se aplica a

SAP Business Network 2105

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