FAQ KB0396732
How do I invite participants to my event?

How do I invite participants to my event?


To invite suppliers to an event, Edit the event and follow these steps:

  1. Click Suppliers on the left side of the Event page.
  2. Click Invite Participants. Alternatively, you can click Excel Import to import a list of suppliers.
  3. Search for the supplier to add or click Create Participant if the supplier is not currently in your database.
  4. In the search results, select the participants that you want to add. If you want to add more participants, click Add More.
  5. When you are done searching for participants, click OK to return to the Suppliers page.

When you publish your event, invited participants will receive email invitations. If you invite a new participant, you must add them to an existing organization or create a new one.

Applies To

Strategic Sourcing > Sourcing Events

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