FAQ KB0392466
How do I add all Ariba web sites to my trusted sites in Internet Explorer?

How do I add all Ariba web sites to my trusted sites in Internet Explorer?


If you experience problems displaying Ariba web pages, try adding https://*.ariba.com to the trusted sites list in Internet Explorer:

  1. Go to Tools > Internet Options from the Internet Explorer browser menu.
  2. Go to the Security tab.
  3. Select the Trusted sites icon.
  4. Click the Sites button.
  5. Enter https://*.ariba.com, and click Add.
  6. Click Close > OK.

After adding the site to trusted restart the browser (make sure to close all browser windows).

Applies To

Core Procurement > Core Administration > Application Integration (between Buying & Sourcing)
Core Procurement > Core Administration > Performance
Invoicing > Contract-Based Invoices > Contract Invoicing Integration
SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain
Spend Visibility
Strategic Contracts > Strategic Contracts - General Performance
Strategic Sourcing
Strategic Sourcing > Strategic Sourcing - Application Integration (BUY & SRC)
Strategic Sourcing > Strategic Sourcing - Performance

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