FAQ 82386
Where do I find my Ariba Network ID (ANID) number?

Where do I find my Ariba Network ID (ANID) number?


Once you are logged into your SAP Ariba account, your account's ANID number will appear if you click your [user initials] in the upper-right corner of the application. It will be displayed below your [company name] in the drop down box.

Additional Information

If you are unable to access your account (unknown Username and / or Password) and the registered email address is accessible, please reset the password. The email you receive will reveal the Username and allow you to reset the password.

If you are unable to access your account (unknown Username and / or Password) and the registered email address is no longer valid or accessible, please contact your customer. They have your ANID on record and can share it with you on request.

Your ANID number acts as your company's account number in the Ariba system. It is used for a variety of tasks, including:

Applies To

SAP Ariba Contracts
SAP Ariba Sourcing
SAP Ariba Start Sourcing
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
SAP Business Network

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