
SAP Ariba Procurement
Feature Name and Description
2408 Release

Please be advised the 2408 SAP Ariba Procurement feature release has been delayed to August 23rd, 2024.

  2408 Early Release Series What's New Guide Release Highlight Features Becoming Mandatory  

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Describes new or changed features included in the 2408 release. Discover the benefits coming with the 2408 release.
SAP Ariba Supplier Management
SAP Ariba Procure to Order
SAP Ariba Source to Contract

These features will be enabled for applicable customers with the release.  
  Watch this video to find out more about the upcoming new format and features in our documentation.  
  If you are looking for SAP Business Network feature list, click here.


  Features Becoming Mandatory
  Feature Name & Description Original Release Learn More  
  Support for Adding Groups to Requisition Approval Flows in Guided Buying [GB-24299] Guided buying users can add user groups to approval flows when submitting their requisitions. 2311   What's New    
  Faster User Interface Response Through Optimized Validation [GB-24841] Guided buying can now speed up user interface response by validating only necessary form fields. It validates only those fields that are used in the Expression sheet in your validation policy, and only when users open a saved request for editing or click Submit in the Checkout or Non-PO Invoice page. 2402   What's New    
  Decommission Document Approval API version 1 [PLAF-6918] Removes ability for customers to create new API Applications that use the older version 1
Note- This feature has been moved to a future release. 
2405   What's New    
  Disable Reply-To header field [SS-50729]
This feature disables (excludes) Reply-To fields in email message headers sent by SAP Ariba. Some buyer and supplier mail systems may block email messages with Reply-To fields. By disabling Reply-To fields, this feature may enable buyers and suppliers to receive previously blocked email sent from SAP Ariba
2311   What's New    
  Rate Limits for External Approval API for Sourcing and Supplier Management Version 2 [SS-54380] Rate limits will be enforced on the External Approval API for Sourcing and Supplier Management version 2 (v2) so that the requests made using the API do not exceed the defined limit. The rate limits will be in effect starting from the SAP Ariba 2408 (Q3 2024) release. 2405   What's New    


  General Features
  Security Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description
  Enable SAP Data Privacy Integration Service for Intelligent Opportunity Analyzer [OPAN-1883]
SAP Data Privacy Integration service is SAP Business Technology Platform service that offers data privacy functions such as:
- Maintain rules and trigger deletion of data that have reached the end of purpose.
- Defines the business context for the storage and processing of data and tag data with a purpose.
- Allows for purpose recalculation when data is moved and determines the end of purpose for data.


  SAP Ariba Procurement Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description
  Prevent Users from Downloading Attachments in SAP Procurement Mobile App [BMA-6207]
With this feature, mobile app users can be restricted to only view and not download the attachments that are PDF, TXT, and image files in the SAP Ariba Procurement mobile app.
  Manage Automatic Sign-Out for Users of SAP Ariba Procurement Mobile App [BMA-6260]
This feature enables buyer admins to prevent the automatic sign-out of mobile app users or to extend the period during which users are not asked for their sign-in details to a maximum of 365 days.
  Support for Purchase Requisition Approvals in SAP Ariba Shopping Mobile App [SAS-318]
With the role-based user interface in the SAP Ariba Shopping mobile app, approvers can easily search for requisitions in their to-do list, view the line-item details, and then approve or reject.


  Strategic Sourcing
SAP Ariba Sourcing features are available in SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite 
Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description
  Allow Participants to Decline Participation in Guided Sourcing Events After Accepting Agreement [SS-50633]
This feature enables template administrators to create guided sourcing event templates that allow participants to decline participation in guided sourcing events after accepting the agreement.
  Disable Supplier Invitation in Sourcing Requests in Guided Sourcing [SS-50641]
This feature introduces a new self-service parameter that prevents buyer users from inviting suppliers to sourcing requests in guided sourcing.
  Support for Increased File Attachment Sizes in Guided Sourcing [SS-51238]
This feature adds support for the Application.AQS.FileUploadMaxSize site configuration parameter in guided sourcing.
  Disable the Event Publishing Capability in Guided Sourcing [SS-51749]
This feature allows template administrators to disable the event publishing capability for guided sourcing. Disabling event publishing at the template level prevents buyer users from publishing guided sourcing events by using the user interface.
Note- This feature has been moved to a future release. 
  Support for Items Rank Report in Guided Sourcing [SS-52849]
This feature enables buyer users to view and download the items rank report for events that have supplier bids.
  Extending the Ability to Delegate Rule Configuration to Event Owners in Guided Sourcing [SS-52859]
With this feature, configuration of most rules in guided sourcing can be delegated to event owners. In the template, if the template creator marks the rule as delegated, then the rule is visible in the event and event owners can configure the rule.
  Prevent Task Owners from Withdrawing External Approval Tasks in Guided Sourcing [SS-54207]
This feature introduces a new self-service parameter that prevents task owners from withdrawing external approval tasks in guided sourcing.
  Enhancements to Multi-Currency Guided Sourcing Events [SS-56949]
This feature introduces enhancements to multi-currency guided sourcing events that enable buyer users to allow event participants to bid in their currencies and define the initial value for event items by using the guided sourcing user interface. Buyer users are notified about the bidding currency when participants submit bids in a currency that is different from the event currency. Buyer users can also set the initial value by using the Event Management API.


  Strategic Sourcing For Industries
Features ONLY available with SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite 

Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description Automatically
  Enhancement to support dynamic lookup tables for sourcing requests [DMS-19809]
With this feature, buyers using guided sourcing can create the dynamic lookup table mappings from the event page for input values. Earlier, buyers could create the lookup table mappings only from the event template and not from the event page. Support for dynamic lookup tables enables buyers to use lookup tables in guided sourcing events and provides dynamic lookup based on lookup table versions and one-to-many mapping between an input column and terms.
  Support for Email Bidding in Advanced Pricing Conditions-Enabled Guided Sourcing Events [DMS-19863]
This feature extends support for email bidding to guided sourcing events with line items having terms that are advanced pricing conditions enabled. Suppliers receive a bid sheet in the form of an Excel file as an attachment in the invitation email. This also includes a pricing conditions sheet. Suppliers can submit values for line items having advanced pricing conditions-enabled terms in that sheet.
  Ability to Publish Public Sector Event Messages on the Public Access Page [ET-3926]
This feature enables public-sector buyers to publish specific event messages on the Public Access page by tagging the messages with the Public Q&A label.
  Enhancements to the View Product Questionnaire User Interface [SSR-6754]
This feature enables administrators to edit and save changes to product questionnaires directly from the View Product Questionnaire page.
  Enhancements to Product Questionnaire Sheets in Offline Bid Response Spreadsheets [SSR-7068]
The Product Questionnaires sheet in exported bid spreadsheets now includes item-specific information associated with the product questionnaire.
  Support for Basket Lots with Linked Items in Alternative Bids [SSR-7072]
This feature introduces support for basket lots with linked items in supplier alternative bids.


SAP Ariba Contracts features are available in SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite   
Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description Automatically
  Integrating SAP Ariba Contracts with Third Party Document Management Systems to Create and Update Contract Documents [SC-21846]
This feature enables buyers to integrate SAP Ariba Contracts with third party Document Management Systems (DMS) like DocuSign to create and update contract documents. Buyers can author contract documents and also perform tasks such review, approval and signature of the documents in the integrated third party DMS.
  Pre-Award Negotiation in Guided Sourcing [SC-21945] 
This feature allows buyers to engage and negotiate contractual terms with suppliers involved in a guided sourcing project during the commercial negotiation phase or after an initial assessment. The pre-award negotiation process enables buyers to define the necessary terms and conditions of their sourcing requirement using a baseline contract. The baseline contract serves as the foundation for suppliers to bid and subsequently enables buyers to negotiate with the selected suppliers.


  Supplier Management
Features in this group are also available with SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite 

Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description
  Upgrade Registration and Modular Questionnaire Projects to the Most Recent Template Version for Selected Suppliers [SM-42948]
This feature allows you to select suppliers before upgrading their registration or modular questionnaire project templates to the most recent version. To selectively upgrade only some suppliers, you must export all the suppliers (on a specific project template) in a CSV file, download and edit the CSV file to include only the desired suppliers, and import the file back into SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance using a new functionality called Upgrade via Import. You can also search for a specific supplier in your site and generate a list of all the projects that the supplier is part of by using the newly introduced SM Vendor ID field.


  Supplier Risk
Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description Automatically
  Custom Risk Categories [ARI-16780]
Risk categories can now be expanded to include up to 25 custom risk categories. With custom risk categories, the risk exposure can include data from engagement projects, customer data, and external data from third-party data providers.

(Starting 2502)

(Starting 2408)
  Supplier Risk Segmentation and Analysis [ARI-20913]
This feature allows SAP Ariba Supplier Risk users to view suppliers based on country/region and commodity risk to your organization and export a segmentation report to a spreadsheet.
  Self-Assessed Questionnaire Version Upgrade Notification [ARI-22401]
When a buyer attempts to send a modular questionnaire to supplier for assessment, this feature compares the existing version of questionnaire available in SAP Ariba Supplier Risk with that of SAP Business Network. If the version in the SAP Business Network is more recent than that of SAP Ariba Supplier Risk, an alert icon is displayed on the Engagement page. The authorized buyer administrator also receives an email prompting that the assessment needs an upgrade to match the current assessment on SAP Business Network.
  Multiple Supplier Engagement Request Status and Administrative Functionalities [ARI-22417]
After submitting Bulk Engagement Requests, users can now monitor the status of Bulk Engagement Requests and Send Assessments. The feature also includes retry options for failed Engagement Requests and Send Assessments.
  Risk Exposure Calculation Model Improvements [ARI-22870]
The risk exposure calculation has been updated with a new calculation model that combines the incident model and supplier model. A supplier's risk exposure now includes the data from both models providing a more robust view of their potential risk exposure.
  Filter Alerts by Risk Category [ARI-23782]
The Alerts area of SAP Ariba Supplier Risk now includes a new search filter called Risk Category. Along with the other search filters, you can also use the Risk Category filter to further refine your search based on one or more risk category options. The search results display alerts for your monitored suppliers that have the chosen risk category.
  Import Country Risk Score to Configure Risk Exposure [ARI-23844]
SAP Ariba Supplier Risk now provides you the flexibility to import and use your own source of country risk score information for use in configuring risk exposure of suppliers. This is optional and you can use it when you prefer to import and use your own source of country risk score information rather than the default World Economic Forum (WEF) data to configure risk exposure.
  Activity Status in the Supplier Profile Summary [NGSM-3108]
This feature adds a new Activity Status area to the header of the supplier profile summary to show if a supplier is inactive or has a common block. With the prominent display of this information, users can quickly see whether the supplier is available for transactions and supplier management activities.
  Navigation Between Guided Sourcing Pages and the Supplier Profile Summary [NGSM-4725]
This feature adds navigation between guided sourcing pages, the supplier profile summary, and profile detail pages. Category managers and other sourcing users can now open the profile summary from common guided sourcing workflows, and can use breadcrumbs to easily navigate back to guided sourcing events and other pages after viewing supplier profile summaries and profile details.
  Enhancing the user experience for Finding and Event Collaboration [NGSM-6674]
Enhanced user experience with better security and performance,  by configuring Access Control, Authentication and security settings for Finding and Event Collaboration.
  Unified Data Privacy Capabilities for Finding and Event Collaboration with NextGen Data Privacy Integration [NGSM-7089]
To provide unified Data Privacy capabilities for Finding and Event Collaboration on the SAP Business Technology Platform, Finding and Event Collaboration now migrates from the existing integration with the Data Privacy Integration - default plan, to Data Privacy Integration NextGen- ngdpi plan. Along with enhanced data privacy and protection, Data Privacy Integration NextGen also provides better user experience with enhanced user interface.


  Buying & Invoicing Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description
  Enhanced handling of accounting fields for requisitions imported from SAP Fieldglass [ACSS-1640]
For requisitions imported from SAP Fieldglass, buyer administrators can now configure their site to ensure that the accounting fields are not updated for such requisitions even when the associated contract information is changed in the SAP Ariba solution.
  Copy Non-PO Invoices with Custom Forms [AINV-2108]
Previously, users could copy non-PO invoices but if the invoice was created using a form, line item details didn't copy onto the new invoice. Now, when users copy non-PO invoices created from a form, all the details copy onto the new
  Removal of Iframes for PunchOut Catalog Sessions [CM-10985]
SAP Ariba Catalog now allows punching out to supplier sites without using inline frames (iframes). The supplier sites are displayed within the same browser but iframes are not used.

Starting 2411)

(Starting 2408)
  Enhanced Handling of URLs in SAP Ariba Catalog [CM-11560]
To address security vulnerabilities, parameters such as UserId, password, PunchinId, and others in the DOWNLOADJSON value for the FUNCTION parameter that are used to extract catalog data, are now in the request body and not in the request URL.
  Support for updating prices of customer catalog line items with price configuration in requisitions from external systems [CP-26879]
With this feature, buyers can import and submit a requisition with a customer catalog line item enabled with price configuration that contains a price different from the mapped price in the customer catalog through the Import Requisition(s) web service without any error.


  Guided Buying
Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description

  Support to Classify Line Item Level Attachments to be Shared With Suppliers in the 2NV and 3EN Integration Scenarios for SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud [GB-17568]
In the Guided Buying Capability with SAP Ariba Buying (2NV) integration scenario and the Guided Buying for Central Procurement with SAP Ariba Buying (‏3EN‏) integration scenario, this feature enables buyers to indicate in a request whether a line item level attachment is to be shared with suppliers. This information about sharing the attachment with suppliers is sent in the request to SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
  Support for OData V4 APIs in the 2NV and 3EN Integration Scenarios for SAP S/4HANA Cloud [GB-21738]
This feature enables support for version 4 OData APIs in guided buying with SAP S/4HANA or SAP S/4HANA Cloud in the 2NV and 3EN integration scenarios. Version 4 OData APIs are used for actions on purchase requisitions, such as, creating, updating, and deleting.
Includes feature: GB-24957
  Copy Additional RFQ Information to Requisitions [GB-23882]
Guided buying can now copy more information from RFQ events to purchase requisitions, so users and suppliers have needed information for ordered items or services.


(Starting 2408)
  More Complete Shipping Information for Requisitions with SAP S/4HANA in 2NV and 3EN Integration Scenarios [GB-26715]
When this feature is enabled, additional shipping information from requisitions in guided buying are available in SAP S/4HANA in the 2NV and 3EN integration scenarios. Previously, only basic shipping information was sent to SAP S/4HANA. Additional information, like the phone number, fax number, and email address, wasn't included. This might have caused a delay in the receiving process. Now, additional shipping information on requisitions is sent to SAP S/4HANA, which could help users receive items or services more quickly.


  Catalog & Spot Buy
Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description Automatically
  There are no features for 2408        


  SAP Ariba Category Management
Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description Automatically
   Ability to View Supplier Risk Level in SAP Ariba Category Management [CAT-5800]
This feature enables organizations to integrate SAP Ariba Category Management with SAP Ariba Supplier Risk. The integration allows category managers to view and assess the risk level (Low, Medium, and High) associated with each supplier in SAP Ariba Category Management. Understanding the risk level associated with a supplier can help category managers with their strategy decisions.
  Support for Simplified Provisioning in SAP Ariba Category Management [CAT-6779]
This feature allows you to request provisioning for the SAP Ariba Category Management solution through your SAP for Me account. Creating a provisioning request for SAP Ariba Category Management on SAP for Me triggers an automatic provisioning process for the SAP Ariba Category Management subscription on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). This automatic provisioning reduces the number of manual steps required to set up the SAP Ariba Category Management subscription on SAP BTP, thus simplifying the setup process for SAP Ariba Category Management.
Includes feature: CAT-8090
  Ability to Maintain Attachments in the Develop Strategy and Plan App [CAT-6798]
This feature enables you to add attachments for strategy and plan documents in the Develop Strategy and Plan app. You can add a file or URL type of attachment to the Develop Strategy and Plan app to complement your category strategy and execution processes. You can now attach a variety of file types, add links as attachments, and preview your attachments.
  Change of SCIM System to a New Connector for Provisioning Users in SAP Ariba Category Management [CAT-7671]
This release introduces a new connector named SAP Ariba Category Management within the Identity Provisioning service, specifically designed for provisioning users to SAP Ariba Category Management. This connector replaces the SCIM System that was used earlier for user provisioning in SAP Ariba Category Management.
  Ability to Create Cost Structures from Market Intelligence Provider Data [CAT-7893]
This feature allows you to do the following:
- As a category management administrator, you can import custom domain codes from market intelligence providers into SAP Ariba Category Management and map the provider's codes to your categories. You must also map API data fields with cost structure data points, which allows you to retrieve cost structure component details.
- As a category manager, you can create cost structures by selecting the relevant report from market intelligence providers within the Develop Strategy and Plan app. This report contains all the details associated with the cost structure components provided by the data provider.
This allows category managers to consume the data directly in the Cost Structure tool of the strategy and plan document.
  Change of Support Component for SAP Ariba Category Management [CAT-9368]
This release introduces a new support component, S2P-SRC-CATM, for SAP Ariba Category Management. The new S2P-SRC-CATM support component replaces the BNS-ARI-CAT support component that was previously used to submit support requests (cases) related to SAP Ariba Category Management.



  Extensibility & Configurability - APIs Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description
  Ability to View Supplier Risk Level in SAP Ariba Category Management [CAT-5800]
This feature enables organizations to integrate SAP Ariba Category Management with SAP Ariba Supplier Risk. The integration allows category managers to view and assess the risk level (Low, Medium, and High) associated with each supplier in SAP Ariba Category Management. Understanding the risk level associated with a supplier can help category managers with their strategy decisions.
  SAP Ariba SCIM API for User and Group Data [PLMDS-7786]
The SAP Ariba SCIM API is a REST API based on the SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) 2.0 specification. It is intended for use as an interface between SAP Cloud Identity Services and SAP Ariba cloud solutions that are not on SAP Business Technology Platform, to transfer user information as part of user management.
  Pre-Award Negotiation in Guided Sourcing [SC-21945]
This feature allows buyers to engage and negotiate contractual terms with suppliers involved in a guided sourcing project during the commercial negotiation phase or after an initial assessment. The pre-award negotiation process enables buyers to define the necessary terms and conditions of their sourcing requirement using a baseline contract. The baseline contract serves as the foundation for suppliers to bid and subsequently enables buyers to negotiate with the selected suppliers.
  Enhancements to Multi-Currency Guided Sourcing Events [SS-56949]
This feature introduces enhancements to multi-currency guided sourcing events that enable buyer users to allow event participants to bid in their currencies and define the initial value for event items by using the guided sourcing user interface. Buyer users are notified about the bidding currency when participants submit bids in a currency that is different from the event currency. Buyer users can also set the initial value by using the Event Management API.


  Intelligent Configuration Manager 
Enablement Model    
  Feature Name & Description Automatically
  There are no features for 2408        


This information reflects the status of SAP Ariba Procurement planning as of July 2024 and the features discussed are subject to change at any time without notice. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions and nothing in this web page should be construed to represent any commitment by SAP to include any specific new features in any version of the SAP solutions. Please contact your Customer Success Partner for additional details.




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