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2405 Readiness Feature Preview: Support for Bulk Actions on Staged Network Catalog Products (BNCAT-2498)

Feature ID:  BNCAT-2498
SAP Ariba Readiness Feature Preview - Support for Bulk Actions on Staged Network Catalog Products

Description - Suppliers can perform bulk actions on the staged network catalog products, such as publishing products, sending products for approval, and approving products. The specific actions available depend on the supplier's role and the status of the products.

1. Publish all Products: Suppliers with both the product approver and product manager roles or an administrator role can publish the products with the complete status and matching the page filter criteria, to the online version.

2. Send all Products for Approval: Suppliers with the product manager or an administrator role can send products only with the complete or rejected status and matching the page filter criteria for approval.

3. Approve all Products: Suppliers with the product approver or an administrator role can approve the products with the pending approval status and matching the page filter criteria. 

Planned Feature Release: SAP Business Network 2405 Release

2405 Readiness Feature Preview Support for Bulk Actions on Staged Network Catalog Products (BNCAT-2498).pdf591.37 KB
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