Quote Automation
This section provides step-by-step instructions to help facilitate the Quote process within SAP Business Network.
The quote automation feature is useful for procurement personnel who are tasked with occasional non-catalog purchases that involve low spend amounts and do not require complex sourcing processes. Quote automation provides direct integration between your ERP system, SAP Business Network, and SAP Business Network Discovery to quickly build and publish tactical Request for Quotation (RFQ) events.
Quote automation supports the following document types:
- QuoteRequest
- Represents the RFQ event
- QuoteMessage
- Represents the supplier’s response, and is also known as RFQ response.
- Quote automation automates the flow of RFQs and RFQ responses.
When a procurement personnel creates a purchase requisition in the ERP system, an RFQ event originates in the ERP system and is sent across SAP Business Network to SAP Business Network Discovery, where an RFQ posting is created and published. Once an RFQ event is posted on SAP Business Network Discovery, the customer cannot edit it.
Customers can use quote automation to perform the following tasks in SAP Business Network Discovery:
- Invite suppliers to bid on an RFQ posting.
- Award the business to a supplier.
- Split the business and award to different suppliers.
- Export the supplier responses.
You can use quote automation to perform the following tasks in SAP Business Network Discovery:
- Respond to an RFQ posting by providing a bid.
- Add attachments to line items on a quote.
- View the bid history for a quote.
SAP Business Network Discovery matches suppliers based on the commodities and sales territories specified in the QuoteRequest document and suppliers are invited to participate and respond to the RFQ posting. If the supplier is not registered, SAP Business Network Discovery sends an invitation requesting the supplier to register and participate in the RFQ posting.
SAP Business Network Discovery then sends all, leads or winning bids based on the value specified in the QuoteRequest document to the customer’s ERP system.
Notification of Automated RFQ Event
- An email invitation from Discovery to participate in a Quote (RFQ) event is received.
- Click View Lead in the body of the email.
- Log in using your SAP Business Network Supplier Account Username and Password.
Note: Create a separate email address and folder for these events (please inform your Buyer of any change of email address). This will make it easier for you to keep track of the incoming QA requests.
Response – Quote All
- Click Quote All to respond to all of the included lines.
- Complete *Required fields:
- Click Submit to send a quote through.
Response – Editing Submitted Quote
Edit quote details:
- Scroll to the Line Details.
- Click Edit Quote.
- Update quote details.
- Click Submit.
Response – Upload CSV Quote
- Click Upload your Quote.
- Click Download bid template (if this is the first time you are using this functionality).
- Save the Bid Template (see example below) in CSV format on your local drive.
- After completing the file you can move back to the same screen and upload the file via: Choose file – Upload my Quote.
View Bid History
- View all bids placed.
- Click Bid History.
- Click View to review your company’s bid history.
Winning and Awarded Bids
- A ‘congratulatory’ email will be sent out to the winner of the business.
- Click on View the RFQ on Discovery.
- Bids can also be tracked on Discovery; Open Leads – Select Wins – Click on the Quote Name (e.g. FF15-Approved) to open and view the Winning RFQ in more detail).
- After selecting you as a winner the buyer will contact you regarding the Award and specify the requirements.
Not Interested
Advise your buyer that you are not interested in submitting a bid.
- Click Not Interested.
- Select from the options:
- Wrong Product and Service Category
- Wrong Ship-to or Service Location
- Other (Tell us Why…)
- Complete pop-up box with details.
Note: Discovery uses the product and service categories and ship-to or service locations specified in your company profile to match you with new business opportunities. Verify that your company profile is up-to-date to ensure you receive all the business opportunities that meet your company’s capabilities.
