

SAP Business Network 2402 Release


    What's New Guide 2402 Early Release Series Release Summary    
    Describes new or changed features included in the 2402 release. An interactive forum to engage with product experts providing simple, direct answers to your questions. Provides a downloadable overview of planned features with links to additional feature content.    


SAP Business Network is committed to delivering quality across our business commerce solutions. With this in mind, we have identified a need to modify the deployment plan for the 2402 release. Features communicated on this site, planned for the SAP Business Network 2402 release, will be gradually introduced over the next several weeks. In a few cases, features are postponed until a future release. 
This change only applies to the SAP Business Network release. There is no change to the SAP Ariba Procurement release.
  Beginning March 2, 2024, SAP Ariba Applications and SAP Business Network will only support the following browser versions:
  • Google Chrome (version 88 or greater)
  • Microsoft Edge (version 88 or greater)
  • Mozilla Firefox (version 87 or greater)
  • Apple Safari (version 15 or greater)

We recommend that you upgrade to a supported browser version as soon as possible to ensure compatibility and support beyond March 2, 2024.



  SAP Business Network
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  Feature Name & Description
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  Renamed Items to Confirm and Items to Ship Workbench Tiles [BCS3-1629]
The Items to Confirm and Items to Ship tiles have been renamed as Item Confirmation Status and Item Shipment Status respectively.

  Allow Suppliers to Add Carbon Emission Data Related to the Network Catalog Products [BNCAT-2027] - Feature For Suppliers
Suppliers with an administrator or a product manager role can add carbon emission data related to the network catalog products using the product detail template.
  Support Bulk Actions on Network Catalog Products [BNCAT-2191] 
Suppliers with a product approver role or an administrator role can reject multiple products that are sent for approval. The products selected for rejection must have the same rejection reason. Also, suppliers with a product manager role or an administrator role can move multiple products from the online version to the staged version of the network catalog.
  Self-Service Account Deletion [NP-36683] - Feature For Suppliers
This feature allows users to submit account deletion request after clearing their outstanding payments from company account and associated account(s).
  Support for Document Annotation Within the Guided Onboarding Page of Intelligent Invoice Conversion [NP-38184] - Feature For Suppliers
As part of the Intelligent invoice conversion onboarding, the template activation step has been further simplified and the document user interface is within the guided onboarding.
  Listing Tiles for IIC and PDF Invoice-Based Invoice Conversion on the Workbench [NP-38457] - Feature For Suppliers
The current PDF invoice tiles only represents the listing of the invoices converted from PDF files but with the new Intelligent invoice conversion, these tiles have to been extended to image files that represent scanned paper invoices too. To make it consistent and keeping the future to support any invoice format, the current tiles will be changed to Invoice conversion tiles and will be available to both the current PDF Invoice partner solution and for the new Intelligent invoice conversion.
  Support for Updating Invoice Conversion Templates with Additional Fields [NP-38480] - Feature For Suppliers
The intelligent invoice conversion templates are used to annotate available fields for extraction and once activated, these templates can be used to process PDF and scanned paper invoices. 
  Improved Task Experience for Suppliers [NS-24298] - Feature For Suppliers
This feature updates existing supplier task management tab with new more intuitive wording and hidden buyer tasks section.

  New SAP Business Network Registration Flow for SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance and SAP Ariba Sourcing Suppliers [NS-23667]
This feature brings an updated network registration experience for responding to supplier management questionnaires and sourcing events.

Note: Availability of this feature has been delayed.  It is planned to be available July 22. 
  External Marketplace Integration for Public Sector [PAY-13779]
You can use SAP Ariba APIs to post RFx events on portals and web sites outside the usual discovery area.
  Respond To Sourcing Linked Postings [PAY-13780] - Feature For Suppliers
Enabling suppliers to respond to postings created by guided sourcing customers.
  Catalog Matching [PAY-17147]
This is one of the first initiatives to expand the discovery matching from profile to catalogue. In the future, we will include the keyword/transaction data.
  Retrieve EcoVadis Ratings with EVID [SA-39830] - Feature For Suppliers
With this feature, Suppliers need to provide their EVID which is EcoVadis specific to retrieve their ratings from EcoVadis. Previously imported ratings will not be affected.
  Trading Partner Profile Certification API to Retrieve Certification Details and Download Certification Files from Supplier Profiles [SA-47743]
The Trading Partner Profile Certification API enables you to retrieve details of supplier certifications and download certification files from supplier profiles.
  Customer Configured        
  Purchase Orders Analytics for Suppliers [BCS3-2478] - Feature For Suppliers
With this feature, SAP Business Network offers data analytics on your purchase orders to help you better understand your customers and business. The information is presented in the Purchase Orders Overview view of the new Analytics dashboard in the SAP Business Network user interface for suppliers.
Note: Though included on this page, this feature is not available with the 2402 release. It is planned to be available in the 2nd half of 2024.

  Invoices Analytics for Suppliers [BCS3-2488] - Feature For Suppliers
With this feature, SAP Business Network offers data analytics on your invoices to help you better understand your customers and business. The information is presented in the Invoices Overview view of the new Analytics dashboard in the SAP Business Network user interface for suppliers.
Note: Though included on this page, this feature is not available with the 2402 release. It is planned to be available in the 2nd half of 2024.
  Analytics on Purchase Order Items [BCS3-2493] - Feature For Suppliers
With this feature, SAP Business Network offers data analytics on your purchase orders and purchased items to help you better understand your customers and business. The information is presented in the Purchase Order Items view of the new Analytics dashboard in the SAP Business Network user interface for suppliers. 
Note: Though included on this page, this feature is not available with the 2402 release. It is planned to be available in the 2nd half of 2024.
  Peppol Integration for Japan [NG-5329]
SAP Business Network now extends Peppol integration for Japan. This feature enables buyers to receive external documents in UBL format from non-SAP Business Network suppliers through the Peppol service. Both the supplier and buyer must be registered users of Peppol.
Note: The availability of this feature has been delayed. 
  Support for Nondomestic Suppliers to generate X-Rechnung invoices for Germany [NG-5711]
SAP Business Network now supports generation of X-rechnung invoices for suppliers outside of Germany that wish to conduct business transactions with buyers in Germany. When a nondomestic supplier creates an invoice in SAP Business Network, the system generates the X-Rechnung invoice. SAP Business Network then sends the created invoice along with the X-Rechnung invoice to the relevant buyer.

Note: Though included on this page, this feature is not available with the 2402 release. It is planned to be available with the 2408 release.


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  Versioning and Deleting Customization Projects [CSC-39004]
With this feature, buyers can now create a new version of a customization project and delete an unpublished customization project
  Supplier Email Notifications for Buyer Planning Collaboration Updates [CSC-39638] - Feature For Suppliers
This feature adds supplier email notifications when buyers make planning collaboration updates. These notifications help suppliers be more responsive to their buyers. Prior to this feature, suppliers could only find out about the planning collaboration updates that their buyers made by checking in SAP Business Network.
  Quality Collaboration Changes [CSC-40349]
This feature makes enhancements to quality inspections and quality notifications. For quality inspections, these enhancements include a new field for suppliers to input comments about their results, improved filters, and others. For quality notifications, the user details for the supplier who made the updates are added when the supplier submits a quality notification in SAP Business Network.



This information reflects the status of SAP Procurement and SAP Business Network planning as of July 2023 and the features discussed are subject to change at any time without notice.  SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions and nothing in this web page should be construed to represent any commitment by SAP to include any specific new features in any version of the SAP solutions. Please contact your Customer Engagement Executive for additional details.


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