2402 Readiness Feature Preview: Support for Updating Invoice Conversion Templates with Additional Fields (NP-38480)

Feature ID: NP-38480
SAP Ariba Readiness Feature Preview - Support for Updating Invoice Conversion Templates with Additional Fields

The intelligent invoice conversion templates are used to annotate available fields for extraction and once activated, these templates can be used to process PDF and scanned paper invoices. Currently only a minimal set of fields are available for extraction that can be annotated by the supplier.
To provide support for additional invoice data extraction from these invoices, this feature provides a mechanism by which additional fields are made available for extraction incrementally and the suppliers can update their template to consume these fields as per their business needs.

Planned Feature Release: SAP Ariba 2402 Release

2402 Readiness Feature Preview Support for Updating Invoice Conversion Templates with Additional Fields (NP-38480).pdf637.94 KB
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