2402 Readiness Feature Preview: Support for Document Annotation within the Guided Onboarding for Intelligent Invoice Conversion (NP-38184)

Feature ID: NP-38184

SAP Ariba Readiness Feature Preview - Support for Document Annotation within the Guided Onboarding Page for Intelligent Invoice Conversion 

As part of the Intelligent invoice conversion onboarding, the template activation step is the most important and currently this has a few user actions to activate the template and the Annotation Document user interface also opens as a new application interface outside the onboarding.

To improve this user experience the template activation step has been further simplified and the document user interface now is within the guided onboarding.

These are user interaction improvements being made to simplify the onboarding experience further.

Planned Feature Release: SAP Ariba 2402 Release

2402 Readiness Feature Preview Support for Document Annotation within the Guided Onboarding for Intelligent Invoice Conversion (NP-38184).pdf621.40 KB
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