2208 Readiness Feature Preview: Risk domain changes for 2208 (ARI-11569/ARI-15755/ARI-15804/ARI-15805)

This preview covers the following SAP Ariba Supplier Risk features.

ARI-11569: Ability to use control effectiveness levels to calculate residual risk by risk domain
ARI-15755: Calculate engagement-level residual risk from risk domain values
ARI-15804: Calculate supplier-level inherent and residual risk from risk domain values
ARI-15805: Allow using control-related issues to calculate residual risk by risk domain

Planned Feature Release: SAP Ariba 2208 Release

2208 Readiness Feature Preview Risk domain changes for 2208 (ARI-11569ARI-15755ARI-15804ARI-15805).pdf651.92 KB
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