2205 Readiness Feature Preview: Supplier onboarding of PDF Invoices using the test account (NP-31388)

Feature ID: NP-31388
SAP Ariba Readiness Feature Preview -  Supplier onboarding of PDF Invoices using the test account

This feature enhances the current PDF invoice onboarding process and requires suppliers to use the test account to onboard and test the PDF invoice functionality before using the production account to submit PDF invoices to customers. This helps suppliers in understanding the process and restrictions of the PDF invoice functionality on Ariba Network. Test accounts enable suppliers to test and validate the solution with different samples of production invoices, review the extracted invoice data, ensure additional configurations like the email-based PDF invoice flow are working correctly and offers a better understanding of the functionality including the PDF invoice tiles and draft invoices. Once the onboarding and testing are completed, suppliers can immediately start submitting invoices to their customers on the production account.

Planned Feature Release: SAP Ariba 2205 Release

2205 Readiness Feature Preview Supplier onboarding of PDF Invoices using the test account (NP-31388).pdf1.12 MB
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