2205 Readiness Feature Preview: Support for supplier diversity information in non-catalog purchases (GB-9570)

Feature ID: GB-9570
SAP Ariba Readiness Feature Preview -  Support for supplier diversity information in non-catalog purchases

This feature allows you to support diverse and socially responsible suppliers by designating them with diversity labels, like "Hispanic owned" or "independently owned". When guided buying users are creating non-catalog requests, they can quickly identify suppliers with these labels. If you want to further promote diversity through procurement, you can create a diversity program. Suppliers in your diversity program are branded with your diversity logo, and a description of your program is included in the supplier's details.

Planned Feature Release: SAP Ariba 2205 Release

2205 Readiness Feature Preview Support for supplier diversity information in non-catalog purchases (GB-9570).pdf1.40 MB
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