FAQ KB0409406
Where can I find information about the list of reporting facts available under each of the SAP Ariba solution?

Where can I find information about the list of reporting facts available under each of the SAP Ariba solution?


Analytical reporting allows you to inspect your company's Buying and Sourcing data. The facts that are available for you to use in reports depend on your company’s SAP Ariba solution configuration. When you create a report, you decide what information you are looking for and choose the facts that will provide it.

You can find the list of available reporting facts for each of the SAP Ariba solution in the below links:

Buying (Downstream) reporting:

Sourcing (Upstream) reporting:

For example, if you want to report on the Requisitions, go to SAP Ariba Procurement Solutions reporting facts and click Requisition reporting fact. This page will give you information about the level of data that we are pulling in Requisition fact and the list of prepackaged reports that are built based on this fact.

SAP Ariba Reporting field dictionary is a Microsoft Excel workbook that provides detailed reference information about the fields in SAP Ariba reporting facts and dimensions.

You can download the SAP Ariba reporting field dictionary from the below path:

Help Center > Reference > Report Field Dictionary

The Instructions tab in the workbook describes how to read the data in the dictionary. The field dictionary tab of the SAP Ariba Reporting Field Dictionary workbook shows field information for SAP Ariba reporting facts. You can filter on the first column, Fact Name, to display information for specific facts. The field originating solution field shows you the name of the field from the transaction side to which the reporting field is mapped to.

Applies To

Invoicing > Analysis Reporting for Invoicing

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