Release Update KB0409285
Trading partner marketing profile
Feature ID


Feature Description

The new trading partner marketing profile helps suppliers win more business by standing out to potential customers across the entire SAP Business Network.

Customer Problem

Suppliers want to win more business but do not have a good way to stand out and showcase the information about their business/services, experience, expertise & accomplishments effectively.

Customer Value Proposition

By consolidating relevant information about the supplier's profile into a single placeholder i.e. the marketing profile, SAP Business Network is offering an efficient way of updating & managing information that helps suppliers improve their visibility amongst buyers and showcase their uniqueness to prospects.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: SA-26716
Feature at a Glance

2202 Readiness Feature Preview: Trading partner marketing profile

Applicable Solutions

SAP Business Network


None identified


The new Marketing profile does not support rich text formatting. Any rich text in the Company description from the legacy Company profile is lost when edited in the new Marketing profile.

Your Address, Certifications, and company logo are displayed in but cannot currently be edited from the Marketing profile. Edit your Address, Certifications, and company logo from the Company profile.

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain 2202

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