リリース更新 201606
X-Rechnung 請求書をサポートするためのドイツ向け電子請求書処理の機能強化
機能 ID


Feature Description

Ariba Network supports creating and processing of X-Rechnung invoices to address relevant German B2G regulations, if the buyer activates this feature. In this case, the X-Rechnung invoice issued in the Ariba Network shall constitute the legal invoice, whereas the cXML file is used only for data transfer and processing purposes. Both files are derived from the same data.

The X-Rechnung invoice is available under the Attachment(s) section. As the cXML does not constitute as a legal invoice (as compared to Ariba Network German invoice processing for German invoices), it will not be digitally signed.

Customer Problem

Public buyers (or formerly state-owned companies) are required to support the receipt and processing of “X-Rechnung” invoices (UBL 2.1 syntax). Suppliers doing business with the before mentioned public entities are mandated to issue X- Rechnung. Buyers must also be able to handle X-Rechnung.

Customer Value Proposition

Once activated by German buyers, all invoices from German suppliers onboarded to the Ariba Network will be issued in X-Rechnung (UBL) format. That helps buyers and their suppliers using the Ariba Network to fulfil local German requirements.

Product Area



Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide


Feature Enablement

Automatically On

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2202 Readiness 機能プレビュー: X-Rechnung 請求書をサポートするためのドイツ向け電子請求書処理の機能強化


Ariba Network


バイヤー: [設定  国別の請求書ルール  一般的な請求書ルール] で、Ariba Network バイヤーアカウントでルール [サプライヤはタックスインボイスドキュメントを送信する必要がある] を有効化します。これにより、ドイツのサプライヤは X-Rechnung 形式で請求書を送信することができます。

ルール [サプライヤは Ariba Network アカウントでタックスインボイスドキュメントを送信する必要がある] を有効化していない場合、請求書は X-Rechnung 形式で発行されません。請求書は、電子署名とともに標準の cXML 形式で提供されます。





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