2205 Readiness Feature Preview: Peppol integration for Ariba Network (NG-1403)

Feature ID: NG-1403
SAP Ariba Readiness Feature Preview -  Peppol integration for Ariba Network

Buyers in Ariba Network can now receive invoices from suppliers who are registered on Peppol Network.  Ariba Network enables buyers to create and register their profile at Peppol Network using SAP Peppol Access Point. A unique Peppol ID is created for each profile which then can be shared with the supplier to exchange documents. Additionally, you can publish the Peppol ID in Peppol directory so that other Peppol registered suppliers can also identify the buyer in the network.

Planned Feature Release: SAP Ariba 2205 Release

2205 Readiness Feature Preview Peppol integration for Ariba Network (NG-1403).pdf256.27 KB
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