Release Update KB0409278
CSV upload of discount offer configuration
Feature ID


Feature Description

Discount offer configurations can be uploaded or downloaded in CSV format. This makes it easier for buyers to upload and migrate configurations to production.

Customer Problem

When the buyer has a significant number of payment terms, the setup is time consuming and error prone. Another pain point is the duplicate migration of the configuration from TEST to PRODUCTION accounts.

Customer Value Proposition

With this feature, there is less effort to configure the system and easier efforts to migrate to production. It also supports customers who fail to standardize terms by allowing them to convert existing payment terms to a sliding scale.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: PAY-5416
Feature at a Glance

2202 Readiness Feature Preview: CSV upload of discount offer configuration

Applicable Solutions

SAP Business Network
SAP Ariba Discount Management


Buyers must have SAP Ariba Discount Management enabled on their accounts in order to use this capability.


The upload and download option doesn't apply to buyer-initiated offer types.

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain 2202

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