Release Update KB0409276
Send user's phone number to partner when selecting pre-qualified offers in SAP Supplier Financing
Feature ID


Feature Description

Supplier Financing now displays the user’s phone number, from their SAP Business Network profile, under the menu Settings. This phone number is sent along with the user’s email and name to the financing partner upon selection of a pre-qualified offer the partner has issued for further processing of the financing request.

Customer Problem

When the user selects the pre-qualified offer (PQO), the partner doesn't have valid info to contact the user who selected the PQO.

Customer Value Proposition

This feature allows further streamlining of the steps for suppliers to access funding.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: PAY-7092
Applicable Solutions

SAP Business Network


SAP Supplier Financing is only available to suppliers based in the United States.

You must have the Invoice Generation and Outbox Access Send user's phone number to partner when selecting pre-qualified offers in SAP Supplier Financing permissions to view the SAP Supplier Financing widget and access the SAP Supplier Financing page.

The first time you use SAP Supplier Financing, you must consent to sharing data, agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement, and agree to receive emails from SAP Ariba and potential financial partners.

To receive pre-qualified offers, you must provide your annual revenue. Financing offers are presented at the determination of the financial partner.


SAP Supplier Financing isn't accessible to users with the following business organization types: Sole Proprietorship and Non-Profit Organization.

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain 2202

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