Release Update KB0409273
Ability to prioritize buyer-initiated discount offers over payment term offers
Feature ID


Feature Description

Buyers might want to obtain an additional early payment discount by passing a pre-existing discount amount to Ariba Network. However, if a payment term offer applies, no additional discount can be obtained. Therefore, Ariba Network now allows buyers to optionally prioritize Buyer-Initiated Discount Offers over any payment term offers.

Customer Problem

Ariba Network helps buyers obtain additional early payment discounts for invoices with pre-existing discounts if paid upon discount due date (e.g. 2 % 15 NET 30) using SAP Ariba’s buyer-initiated discount functionality. However, if payment term offer types apply and a scheduled payment is approved before the discount due date then buyers are unable to obtain additional early payment discounts for invoices.

Customer Value Proposition

Buyers may obtain additional early payment discounts for invoices with pre-existing discounts.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

Feature ID: PAY-7352
Feature at a Glance

2202 Readiness Feature Preview: Ability to prioritize buyer-initiated discount offers over payment term offers

Applicable Solutions

SAP Business Network


None identified

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain 2202

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