Release Update KB0409272
Enhanced invoice transaction workbench for suppliers
Feature ID


Feature Description

Invoice-based workbench tiles have been enhanced with additional filters, columns, and available actions. Users can now group columns on invoice-based workbench tiles and export the tile data. The Credit memos, Debit memos, Draft invoices, Paid invoices, Overdue invoices (Approved), and Overdue invoices (Unapproved) tiles are now available on the homepage and Workbench.

Customer Problem

Suppliers need additional filters, columns, and actions available in the invoice-based workbench tiles.

Customer Value Proposition

Suppliers have access to enhanced invoice-based workbench tiles with additional filters, columns, and actions. This gives suppliers more flexibility to manage invoices in the invoice-based workbench tiles.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: NP-30610
Applicable Solutions

SAP Business Network


None identified


The Overdue invoices (Approved) and Overdue invoices (Not approved) tiles only show information for customers that send the payment net due date to SAP Business Network from their invoice processing system.

The Paid invoices tile only shows information for customers that send an update to SAP Business Network from their invoice processing system when an invoice is paid.

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain 2202

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