Versionsaktualisierung 201587
Unterstützung für den direkten Import von Katalogdaten aus SAP-ERP-Systemen in SAP-Ariba-Procurement-Lösungen


Feature Description

With this feature, using SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway, buyers can import catalog data directly from SAP ERP systems to SAP Ariba Procurement solutions without routing it through Ariba Network.

Customer Problem

The current process of the catalog syndication happening from ERP to SAP Ariba Procurement through Ariba Network leads to performance limitations.

Customer Value Proposition

With this feature, using SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway, catalog data from SAP ERP systems can be directly imported to SAP Ariba Procurement solutions without routing it through Ariba Network.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

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Anwendbare Lösungen

Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Kontrollkästchen Upload von Stammdaten und Katalogstatus auf der Seite Schnittstelleneinrichtungsprogramm für Ariba Procurement aktivieren.


Keine identifiziert

Gilt für

SAP Ariba Buying 2202
SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing 2202
SAP Ariba Catalog 2202

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