Release Update KB0409246
Generate email notifications when order confirmation tolerance deviations need approval
Feature ID


Feature Description

This feature adds email notifications when order confirmation tolerance deviations need approval. Emails are sent to buyers to let them know there are deviation alerts to address.

Customer Problem

Order confirmation deviation approval process in Ariba Network allows suppliers to set a notification when the order confirmation approval status changes. However, there isn’t a similar notification for buyers. Today, Ariba Network allows buyers to set an email notification for all purchase order updates. Customers are looking for updates specific to exception scenarios, such as the Order Confirmation approval process.

Customer Value Proposition

With a buyer notification specific for order confirmation deviation approval, buyers can act on order confirmation approvals immediately without scanning through multiple notifications, thereby saving precious time in the order confirmation process. The overall supply chain process is also expedited as a result.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

Feature ID: CSC-20519
Applicable Solutions

SAP Business Network for Supply Chain


None identified


None identified

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2202

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