Release Update KB0409174
Sealed bidding in guided sourcing events
Feature ID


Feature Description

This feature enables buyers to see supplier participation status and logs entries but prevents buyers from seeing incoming bids in a guided sourcing event which has been published and is in open state to receive bids from suppliers.

Customer Problem

Customers want to create a level playing field for all suppliers by keeping the bids hidden and not exposing bid details until all supplier bids have been received.

Customer Value Proposition

Using sealed bidding, all bidders submit sealed bids in response to an event invitation. The sealed bid is not opened until the stated date, at which time all bids are opened together. Thus the best supplier bid is usually awarded in the process.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: SS-28998
Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Sourcing
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite


This feature is supported only in the guided sourcing user interface. This feature adds support in guided sourcing for sealed bidding. The SAP Ariba Sourcing classic user interface also supports sealed bidding, refer to Allow owner to see the following information before event closes.

Your site must have guided sourcing enabled and you must be a member of the Category Buyer group.

You must be the event owner or have project owner capabilities for the event.


You must set the event rule Can owner see responses before event closes to No to see the event rule Allow owner to see the following information before event closes and all of its options.

Note: the event rule Can owner see responses before event closes is visible when the event rule Show lead bid to all participants is set to No. And the event rule Show lead bid to all participants is visible when the event rule Show participant responses to other participants is set to No.

Applies To

Strategic Sourcing 2202

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