Release Update KB0409162
Ability to modify members in existing conversations in the Messages popup
Feature ID


Feature Description

This feature enables buyers to modify team members and participants in an existing conversation in the Messages popup.

Customer Problem

Users can't add other team members to Messages, or forward Messages to other team members.

Customer Value Proposition

Allow users to add or copy other team members on Messages.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: SS-28994
Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Sourcing
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite


This feature is supported only in the guided sourcing user interface.

Your site must have guided sourcing enabled and you must be a member of the Category Buyer group.

You must be the event owner or have project owner capabilities for the event.


None identified

Applies To

Strategic Sourcing 2202

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