Release Update KB0409147
Support for workflows with internal forms in modular questionnaire projects
Feature ID


Feature Description

This feature adds support for workflows that include one or more internal forms and To Do tasks in addition to the main questionnaire in both internal and external modular questionnaire projects. You can use these internal forms and associated To Do and approval tasks to create questionnaire workflows that not only collect information from the main questionnaire recipient but also allow internal stakeholders to provide supplementary information or analysis, or affirm actions performed in other systems.

Customer Problem

Currently internal forms and To Do tasks are not supported in modular questionnaire.

Customer Value Proposition

Migration to process flow based qualification would be possible so that customers can continue configuring scores the way they do in their legacy systems.

Product Area

Supplier Management



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

Feature ID: SM-30222
Feature at a Glance

2202 Readiness Feature Preview: Support for workflows with internal forms in modular questionnaire projects

Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance
SAP Ariba Supplier Information and Performance Management
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
SAP Ariba Supplier Risk


For SAP Ariba Supplier Information and Performance Management, this feature requires the "new architecture."Support for workflows with internal forms in modular questionnaire projects

A customer administrator in your organization must enable the feature using the following self-service configuration parameters:

Remember: always enable or disable these parameters together.

To create and edit modular questionnaire project templates, you must be a member of both the Template Creator and SM Modular Questionnaire Manager groups. To enable workflows with internal forms and To Do tasks in a modular questionnaire project template, on the Overview tab of the template, set the Allow multiple internal forms property to Yes.

To edit an internal form in a modular questionnaire project, you must be either the project owner or the owner of an active To Do task on that form.

Stand-alone external modular questionnaire projects are supported. Stand-alone internal modular questionnaire projects aren't supported. Internal modular questionnaire projects are only supported in the following conditions:


Certificate management features aren't supported in internal forms in a modular questionnaire project. Certificates collected in Certificate questions and certificate sections in internal forms:

Always collect certificate information using Certificate questions or certificate sections in the key questionnaire in the project, where certificate management is supported, rather than in internal forms.

The new questionnaire project details page doesn't include Web Assistant in-context help.

Applies To

Strategic Sourcing 2202
Supplier Information & Performance Management 2202
Supplier Lifecycle & Performance 2202
Supplier Risk 2202

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