Release Update KB0409119
Ability to add money and percentage terms as custom condition types in purchase info records
Feature ID


Feature Description

This feature enables buyers using the product sourcing features of SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite to map money and percentage terms as custom condition types in purchase info records. You can add a money or percentage term as custom condition types in purchase info records by setting the Add as custom condition in PIR option in the Edit term page to Yes. The Add as custom condition in PIR option appears for money and percentage terms only if External system field mapping for PIR is configured with a custom value.

Customer Problem

Until now only the standard price fields such as Gross Amount, Discount Amount, Discount Percentage, Surcharge Amount, and Surcharge Percentage were supported as condition types in the purchasing info record integration. Customers could consequently not use their own terms and map them to condition types in their external system.

Customer Value Proposition

This feature enables customers to send their specific pricing components of line items as part of the purchasing info record integration to their external system. They can do this by mapping their custom money and percentage type item terms to condition types in their external system.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: DMS-15780
Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite


Your site must have the purchase info record integration with an external system configured.

This feature is supported in the classic SAP Ariba Sourcing user interface and the guided sourcing user interface. To use this feature in the guided sourcing user interface, your site must have guided sourcing enabled and you must be a member of the Category Buyer group


None identified

Applies To

Strategic Sourcing 2202

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