Release Update KB0409114
Ability to specify an external system while creating material quote requests
Feature ID


Feature Description

This feature enables buyers using product sourcing features of SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite to specify an external system while creating a material quote request (Get quote). This feature makes external system value mandatory for sourcing projects if the site is integrated with one or more external systems and ensures that only the materials that are present in the external system that is specified in a sourcing project are displayed when buyers search for materials to add to the sourcing project.

Customer Problem

Currently, when using SAP Ariba Direct Materials dashboard, customers have no option to choose an external system while creating a material quote. This causes issues while creating PIRs if the quote request contained materials from different external systems. Additionally, there is no mapping between material search and the external system configured for a sourcing project. This causes inefficiencies since the customer must manually reconcile the relevant materials and external systems.

Customer Value Proposition

Customers will now have the capability of being able to choose their external systems within SAP Ariba Direct Materials dashboard, while creating a material quote and viewing relevant materials from the external system of their choice.

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: DMS-15520
Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Sourcing
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite


This feature is supported in the classic SAP Ariba Sourcing user interface and the guided sourcing user interface. To use this feature in the guided sourcing user interface, your site must have guided sourcing enabled and you must be a member of the Category Buyer group.

You must have run the scheduled task ExternalSystemSync after setting up the integration with external systems. The scheduled task ExternalSystemSync configures the site parameters as described in the following table and populates the external system table with details of the external systems with which the site is integrated:

Site parameter When only one external system is configured When more than one external systems are configured
DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM External system name Blank
PIR_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM External system name Blank

None identified

Applies To

Strategic Sourcing 2202

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