
2022 Release Resources: SAP Business Network
A list of features released in 2022


  Early Release Series
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      What's new in SAP Ariba
Describes new or changed SAP Ariba features included in the 2022 releases.

2202 Release Summary

2205 Release Summary

2208 Release Summary

2211 Release Summary



  Network Procurement
  Feature Name & Description Release Enablement Model   Learn More  
  Payment days late widget [BNA-2] - Supplier Feature 
The Payment days late widget calculates the Average Payment Days Late KPI and displays the number of paid invoices by the number of payment days late on a bar graph.  The data can be displayed for All customers or a specific customer and for payments received in the Last month, Last quarter, or Last 12 months.
Payment days late, in conjunction with the On-time payment rate and Paid invoices widgets, helps you identify the extent to which you are paid late. It also helps you understand the payment behaviors and patterns of your customers.
  Payment days late benchmark widget [BNA-7] - Supplier Feature 
The Payment days late benchmark widget calculates the average number of payment days late using the same calculation method as BNA-2: Payment days late KPI widget. It enables suppliers to compare the Average Payment Days Late KPI of their customers against the aggregate performance of the network by supplier region, buyer industry, and buyer performance quartile.
  Allow buyers to view return shipments [CSC-27347]
This feature adds the Fulfillment > Extended Collaboration > Return  Shipments page for buyers. This page was previously only available for suppliers. Buyers can use this page to view their returned shipments.
  E-invoicing enhancements for Germany to support X-Rechnung invoices [NG-4694]
Ariba Network supports creating and processing of X-Rechnung invoices to address relevant German B2G regulations, if the buyer activates this feature. In this case, the X-Rechnung invoice issued in the Ariba Network shall constitute the legal invoice, whereas the cXML file is used only for data transfer and processing purposes. Both files are derived from the same data.  The X-Rechnung invoice is available under the Attachment(s) section. As the cXML does not constitute as a legal invoice (as compared to Ariba Network German invoice processing for German invoices), it will not be digitally signed.
  E-mail channel enabled for external CFDI documents for Mexico [NG-4793]
Buyers on Ariba Network who use the Mexico Tax Invoice add-on, can now receive inbound invoices from suppliers via e-mail. Suppliers need to send their invoices as an attachment to the following e-mail ID,

Ariba Network accepts the e-mail with CFDI document as an attachment and processes the CFDI invoice document to the relevant buyer using the Tax ID in the attached invoice.  By product recommendation, up to 10 CFDI files can be attached to each email for processing.
  Allow suppliers to send information purposes only invoices [NP-29885]
Buyer administrators can choose to make the "Information Purposes Only" checkbox visible (or not) to their suppliers by enabling a business rule in the buyers' Ariba Network accounts. The business rule that is introduced is "Allow invoices for information purposes" and is unchecked by default. Suppliers will now be able to view and mark an invoice as an "Information Purposes Only" invoice only if their buyers enable this business rule.
  Allow buyers to require invoice attachments for supplier groups or suppliers in a specific country/region [NP-29886]
Previously, buyers had the option to require suppliers to send invoice attachments. Suppliers had to add attchments to invoices and credit memos as configured by buyers on Ariba Network.

Now, buyers can choose to require supplier groups or suppliers in a specific country/region to send invoice attachments by enabling the corresponding invoice rules in Ariba Network. The rule Require suppliers to send invoice attachments requires supplier groups or suppliers in a specific country/region to include attachments when they create invoices. The rule Require suppliers to send credit memo attachments requires supplier groups or suppliers in a specific country/region to include attachments when they create credit memos against purchase orders or invoices.
  Allow buyers to specify if invoice date must be after the purchase order date [NP-29887]
Previously, suppliers on Ariba Network had the ability to send an invoice with a date prior to the date on the purchase order to their buyers on Ariba Network.

Now, by enabling a new business rule in their Ariba Network accounts, buyers can specify if an invoice date must mandatorily be on or after the purchase order date. The business rule that is introduced is "Require invoice date to not be before the order date". Therefore, suppliers will now be able to send an invoice with a date prior to the date on the purchase order only if their buyers have this rule disabled in their Ariba Network accounts. Note: This rule is not checked by default.
  Enforcing suppliers to enter at most one instance of VAT or GST per category [NP-29892]
Previously, suppliers in Ariba Network were allowed to enter more than one instance of tax for VAT and GST for various categories such as allowances, charges, shipping costs, and so on at the header and line level of invoices. Now, buyers can enforce their suppliers in Ariba Network to enter at most one instance of tax (VAT and GST) for such categories at the header and line level of invoices, thus avoiding the duplication of taxes for the same category. For buyers to achieve this control, they can enable a business rule that reads Require suppliers to enter only one instance of VAT or GST category at the header and line-item level for charges, allowances, shipping costs, and special handling costs. This rule is disabled by default.

Buyers in Ariba Network can extend this rule to their supplier groups and to their country-based invoicing rules.
  Buyer report for supplier legal profile status [NP-30120]
Ariba Network already provides a legal profile, as part of its tax invoice functionality, for suppliers to set up their company registration information (for example, GST ID in Singapore) currently in Hungary, India, Italy, and Singapore. These countries use a clearance model wherein the invoice generated in Ariba Network, along with this tax information, has to be cleared by the tax authority before being issued to the buyer. Because this is a prerequisite for generating tax invoices in these countries, it impacts the audit on the buyer side if it requires tax invoices.

Previously, buyers did not have visibility into the legal profile setup status of suppliers that they have a trading relationship with. Now, this functionality is being provided through a new legal profile report that can be manually run or scheduled. Buyers can filter the report for all or some of these countries, and also specifically filter only the supplier addresses that do not have a legal profile set up. Using this report, buyers can ensure that they receive only tax invoices by alerting suppliers who have not configured legal profiles for their company addresses in these countries.
  Enhanced invoice transaction workbench for suppliers [NP-30610] - Supplier Feature 
Invoice-based workbench tiles have been enhanced with additional filters, columns, and available actions. Users can now group columns on invoice-based workbench tiles and export the tile data. The Credit memos, Debit memos, Draft invoices, Paid invoices, Overdue invoices (Approved), and Overdue invoices (Unapproved) tiles are now available on the homepage and Workbench.
  Enhancement of DQM string checker [NS-12104]
This feature introduces DQM string checker validation for Contact name on the profile page.
  Post-login reminder to update the Profile fields [NS-15521]
This feature introduces post login reminders to update the profile information so that business partner have reliable information for screening and billing.
  Web assistant for buyers and suppliers in Ariba Network [NS-7308]
This feature introduces Web assistant help in the Ariba Network interface for both buyers and suppliers. Web assistant is a tool to give buyers and suppliers information they need from right within the application. Web assistant help is available as in-context help accessible by clicking the question mark icon at the top right corner of the user's home page.
  CSV upload of discount offer configuration [PAY-5416]
Discount offer configurations can be uploaded or downloaded in CSV format. This makes it easier for buyers to upload and migrate configurations to production.
  Prompts to set up early payment email notifications [PAY-5420] - Supplier Feature 
Ariba Network now prompts you to set up early payment email notifications to keep you updated on early payment offers. If you have set up instant email notifications and have received more than 5 instant notifications in the last business day, Ariba Network prompts you to set up daily summary notifications to avoid sending you too many notifications.
  Send user's phone number to partner when selecting pre-qualified offers in SAP Supplier Financing [PAY-7092] - Supplier Feature 
Supplier Financing now displays the user’s phone number, from their SAP Business Network profile, under the menu Settings. This phone number is sent along with the user’s email and name to the financing partner upon selection of a pre-qualified offer the partner has issued for further processing of the financing request.
  Ability to prioritize buyer-initiated discount offers over payment term offers [PAY-7352]
Buyers might want to obtain an additional early payment discount by passing a pre-existing discount amount to Ariba Network. However, if a payment term offer applies, no additional discount can be obtained. Therefore, Ariba Network now allows buyers to optionally prioritize Buyer-Initiated Discount Offers over any payment term offers.
  Configuring retention period and managing deletion of revoked users in Ariba Network [REGAN-5265]
Ariba Network users can request the administrator of their account to remove their personal information from the system. This is called a revocation request. If the request is approved, users cannot log in to Ariba Network any longer, and their personal information is no longer visible to other users.
  Support for additional invoicing actions from Workbench order tiles [SA-14871] - Supplier Feature 
You can now create credit memos, line-item credit memos, and line-item debit memos from order-based Workbench tiles.
  Trading partner marketing profile [SA-26716] - Supplier Feature 
The new trading partner marketing profile helps suppliers win more business by standing out to potential customers across the entire SAP Business Network.
  Component Shipment report and field additions to Open Orders report [CSC-18313]
This feature adds the Component Shipment report type in Excel for buyers and suppliers who are enabled for SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration. This feature also adds more functionality to the Open Orders report type for both buyers and suppliers.
  Peppol integration for Ariba Network [NG-1403]
Buyers in Ariba Network can now receive invoices from suppliers who are registered on Peppol Network. 
Ariba Network enables buyers to create and register their profile at Peppol Network using SAP Peppol Access Point. A unique Peppol ID is created for each profile which then can be shared with the supplier to exchange documents. Additionally, you can publish the Peppol ID in Peppol directory so that other Peppol registered suppliers can also identify the buyer in the network.
2205   Contact your SAP Ariba Customer Engagement Representative for details    
  Support for CFDI document version 4.0 for Mexico [NG-5191]
Ariba Network now supports external Comprobante Fiscal Digital por Internet (CFDI) document version 4.0 from 3.3 for business transaction (tax invoices and payment receipts) between suppliers and buyers in Mexico.  The Mexican Tax authority, Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT), mandates the usage of CFDI document version 4.0 effective July 2022. It is recommended that the suppliers and buyers upgrade their systems to process CFDI 4.0 documents.
  Support for displaying contract information from SAP S/4HANA Cloud in Ariba Network [NP-27757]
With this feature, contract information derived from lean-service orders received into Ariba Network from the buyer’s SAP S/4HANA Cloud can be displayed in documents transacted on Ariba Network such as orders, service sheets, and invoices.
  Support for automatic generation of invoices for mixed orders in the 4R2 integration scenario [NP-30076]
This feature enables automatic generation of invoices in Ariba Network against mixed orders containing both material and lean-service items in the Service Procurement with Ariba Network and SAP Fieldglass (4R2) integration scenario. Invoices are automatically generated from approved receipts (for material items) and approved service entry sheets (for lean-services items).
  Enhancements to Draft configuration Notification preferences and new PDF Attachment viewer support [NP-31339] - Supplier Feature 
With this feature, when PDF invoices are configured for drafts, the notification preference for the creation of drafts currently available on Ariba Network is made mandatory, during the PDF Invoices onboarding. This ensures that suppliers would always provide an email address to be notified when a draft is created for review, from a PDF invoice after conversion.
  Supplier onboarding of PDF Invoices using the test account [NP-31388] - Supplier Feature 
This feature enhances the current PDF invoice onboarding process and requires suppliers to use the test account to onboard and test the PDF invoice functionality before using the production account to submit PDF invoices to customers. This helps suppliers in understanding the process and restrictions of the PDF invoice functionality on Ariba Network. Test accounts enable suppliers to test and validate the solution with different samples of production invoices, review the extracted invoice data, ensure additional configurations like the email-based PDF invoice flow are working correctly and offers a better understanding of the functionality including the PDF invoice tiles and draft invoices. Once the onboarding and testing are completed, suppliers can immediately start submitting invoices to their customers on the production account.
  Allowlist for public sector organization postings in SAP Ariba Discovery [NS-15908]
Public sector postings will not go through the quarantine process for review.
  SAP S/4HANA for supplier quotation management (SAP S/4HANA for product sourcing) integration with SAP Business Network [NS-16679]
SAP S/4HANA for supplier quotation management (SAP S/4HANA for product sourcing) can now integrate with SAP Business Network and buyers can invite their vendors to view and manage sourcing projects on SAP Business Network.
  New registration flow - Standard account - Purchase Order [NS-7151]
This feature introduces a new, rebranded purchase order letter template for standard accounts. It also provides an updated registration experience for standard account suppliers.
  Pin action for workbench tiles [SA-24175] - Supplier Feature 
The pin action is now available on many workbench tiles, allowing you to easily follow up on documents you mark important. Documents that you pin are available on the Pinned documents tiles on the workbench and in the SAP Business Network Supplier mobile app.
  Return items workbench tile [SA-24601] - Supplier Feature 
The Return items tile has been added to the workbench, allowing suppliers to quickly and efficiently manage items marked as return items by their customers.
  Enhancements to workbench order tiles [SA-24634] - Supplier Feature 
Workbench order tiles have been enhanced to allow suppliers to resend failed orders, search for orders with inquiries, and search by inquiry date. The ability to view hidden orders has been improved with a new Visibility filter.
  Ability to Switch Accounts on SAP Business Network mobile app [SA-26592] - Supplier Feature 
Users can now switch to linked user IDs from within the SAP Business Network Supplier mobile app, allowing them to monitor activity on each account more efficiently.

  Topical workbenches [SA-28999] - Supplier Feature 
The classic document list pages have been replaced by topical workbench pages. Object-oriented menus now direct to these topical workbench pages.
  New Buyer Trading Partner Portal Experience (New Buyer Portal) [SA-23239]
The Ariba Network buyer homepage has been redesigned to become a true trading partner portal, part of the SAP Business Network. The new buyer homepage features simplified navigation consistent with other SAP cloud solutions, a more powerful search bar, an instant overview of your transactions in a new tile-based design, and a new My widgets section that you can customize with various insights and promotional widgets.
  Customer-specific attributes [SA-25166] - Supplier Feature
Suppliers can now view customer-specific attributes in workbench tiles as filters and columns.
  Column grouping for orders tiles [SA-28637] - Supplier Feature 
You can now group columns in order-based workbench tiles.
  Delivery execution widget on buyer homepage [BNA-316]
This feature adds the Delivery execution widget to the new Ariba Network buyer homepage. The widget provides a glance at the delivery execution metrics of your supply chain.
  Prevent duplicate orders [CSC-25252]
This feature adds a default transaction rule that, when enabled, prevents sending a duplicate of an existing order to the hosted or integrated supplier.
  Shipment tracking widget for suppliers [CSC-27783] - Supplier Feature 
This feature adds the Shipment tracking widget to the supplier Home page. This widget lets suppliers quickly access the Purchase order tracking page of an order, for an overview of the order's progress.
  Do not allow non standard UOMs in Ship Notice [CSC-29962]
This feature validates the Unit of Measure (UOM) value entered by the supplier during the online ship notice creation to avoid failures on the buyer backend system.
  Tax round-off for Japan [NG-5325]
Ariba Network now provides a round-off value for the tax amount during the total tax calculation per invoice for all the items in the transaction. This provides the buyers with correct invoice summary and total value of the amount on the invoices.
  TCS calculation enhancements for India GST [NG-5343] - Supplier Feature 
Ariba Network now automates calculation of Tax Collected at Source (TCS) amount for suppliers during creation of invoices. The TCS taxable amount is calculated based on the line item amount, GST, cess, discount at the line item, and charges. This feature helps suppliers to avoid manual calculation of TCS amount.
  Support item sets with hierarchical lists in documents in the 42K integration scenario [NP-29731]
This feature introduces support for processing service orders containing item sets with hierarchical lists, and related documents in the 42K integration scenario. When confirming such orders, suppliers can confirm items at the child-item level.
  Supplier invoice status portal [NP-29917]
The SAP invoice status portal can receive invoices and status updates to invoices from the buyer's back end systems. All suppliers for the buyer will be able go to the invoice status portal at any time to see the status of all the invoices they have sent to the buyer. The SAP invoice status portal can also be used by the buyer to look up status of invoices across systems.
  Integrate hierarchies in the SES/Invoice in the 42K integration scenario [NP-30074]
This feature supports the integration of hierarchies in service entry sheets (SES) and invoices. Invoices are automatically generated from approved receipts (for material items) and approved service entry sheets (for lean-services items). The 42K Information published on SAP site integration scenario involves integration between SAP S/4HANA Cloud, SAP Fieldglass, and Ariba Network for services procurement and supports the exchange of documents such as orders, service sheets, and invoices. All data is routed through SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway.
  Additional support for document numbering preferences [NP-30257]
Buyers can now configure document numbering preferences for suppliers for documents including credit memos, debit memos, line item credit memos, non-PO invoices, and contract invoices in addition to standard invoices and service entry sheets.
  Decimal precision and Rounding for service entry sheets [NP-31062]
This feature extends the option to overwrite the decimal precision for the amounts and unit price to prevent sending service entry sheets with the wrong information. It provides configurable options to define the decimal precision for the unit price and amounts into the service entry sheets.
  Extend existing relationship with additional collaboration [NS-16420]
Buyers can add a further collaboration to their existing relationship with a supplier. To add a collaboration, buyers use a specified API that makes it possible for them to invite their suppliers on Ariba Network to participate in SAP S/4HANA for product sourcing collaboration. After the supplier accepts the request, they have extended their relationship with an additional collaboration.
  New standard account registration experience for the invoice copy and ICS invoice quick enablement methods [NS-17107]
The supplier invitation letters for the invoice copy and ICS invoice quick enablement methods have been updated to include SAP Business Network branding. Suppliers registering this way are onboarded as standard accounts using the new SAP Business Network experience.
  Ariba Network Supplier Profile API enhancements [NS-17937]
The following additional public data is now returned in response to a GET call to the Ariba Network Supplier Profile API:
The Last Updated timestamp - the date on which the profile was last updated
Links to three social networks, if available in a profile - the three networks are,, and
Marketing attachments, if available in a profile - attachments that might be added to a profile to showcase an organization, such as customer presentations, case studies, and so forth.
All certification levels, if available in a profile.
  Account subscription audit log [NS-18079] - Supplier Feature 
Suppliers can now review the history of their account subscription by accessing the new Account Subscription Log, which displays when and by whom their account subscription was changed.
  Support for extending the existing Fulfillment collaboration type with S/4HANA for product sourcing [NS-18690]
The Supplier Invite API has been enhanced to support extending the existing Fulfillment collaboration type with S/4HANA for product sourcing collaboration type for a trading relationship on SAP Business Network
  Invoice cycle time KPI widget [BNA-8] - Supplier Feature
The Invoice cycle time KPI widget allows suppliers to track the invoice processing performance of their customers and identify potential credit and collection issues. Invoice cycle time KPI measures the time required to process (intake, review, matching, approval and payment setup) a single supplier invoice within the Accounts Payable department. The data can be displayed for All customers or a specific customer and for invoices in the Last month, Last quarter, or Last 12 months.
  Approved invoices widget [BNA-217] - Supplier Feature
The Approved invoices widget calculates the quantity and value of approved invoices. It works with the invoice cycle time KPI widget to help suppliers understand customer performance. The data can be displayed for All customers or a specific customer and for invoices in the Last month, Last quarter, or Last 12 months.
  Enhance routing configuration on Ariba Network and enhancement for component ship notice [CSC-29545] - Supplier Feature
This feature provides a way for the supplier’s AN administrator to segregate the routing of the document sub types based on the supplier capability. This feature supports separate routing options for ProductActivity and OrderRequest message for Ariba Network. The routing configuration enhances and supports the Resend option for component ship notices.
  Support Country of Origin at batch level [CSC-30878] - Supplier Feature
This feature adds the Country of Origin field at the batch level in the online Ship Notice and also supports and validates the field for integrated Ship Notices.
  MRP Exception Process with Suppliers [CSC-31280]
MRP Exceptions Collaboration - Split Response
  Peppol integration for Norway, Belgium, and Netherlands [NG-5327]
Ariba Network now extends Peppol integration for countries like Norway, Netherlands, and Belgium to receive invoices from suppliers and buyers. Both the supplier and buyer must be registered users of Peppol.
Note: Peppol in the Netherlands supports invoices in SI 1.2, 2.0 and UBL 3.0 formats. Ariba Network only supports UBL 3.0, so we recommend that suppliers do not send SI 1.2 and SI 2.0 invoices.
  Enhancements to PunchOut catalog configuration and creation [NP-32037] - Supplier Feature
Suppliers can now specify index file settings that are applicable across buyers on the PunchOut catalog creation page and the PunchOut configuration listings page, create multiple PunchOut URLs, and enable or disable server name indication (SNI).
  Post-login reminders and validations for contact information [NS-13072]
When logging on to SAP Business Network, if your first name, last name, or email address is missing, or if your phone number contains non-Latin characters or hyphen (-), you get a post-login reminder to update these fields. When you update your contact information based on post-login reminder, SAP Business Network validates your contact information against data quality rules. If validation fails, an error message is displayed, prompting you to update the fields with the correct information.
  Allow buyer and supplier administrator users to select all permissions when creating roles [NS-14271]
This feature allows buyer and supplier administrator users to select all available permissions when creating new Ariba Network roles. By clicking on the checkbox above the permission list, buyer and supplier administrator users can select all the available permissions at once during the role creation process.
  SAP Business Network account verification [NS-15586]
For any account on SAP Business Network, a verification is performed to check the validity of the company profile information against data quality rules. If an account fails the verification, an automated email notification is sent to the email address used to create the account. If the company profile information is updated, the account is set for reverification. If it is not updated within 30 days of receiving the email notification, the account will be expired.
  Trading relationship requests for standard accounts [NS-15904]
SAP Business Network buyers can now send trading relationship requests to unregistered suppliers that allow them to register new standard accounts on SAP Business Network.
  New standard account registration experience for the payment proposal [NS-18080]
The supplier invitation letters for Payment Proposal enablement method have been updated to include SAP Business Network branding. Suppliers registering this way are onboarded as standard accounts using the new SAP Business Network experience.
  Supplier self-service to convert account type into standard account [PAY-9197] - Supplier Feature
Suppliers no longer have to contact SAP Ariba Support Services to convert from an enterprise account to a standard account. The convert option is now entirely self-service.
  SAP Supplier Financing with Taulia Accounts Receivable Financing [Pay-9757] - Supplier Feature
Taulia is now part of SAP and is the provider of choice for Accounts Receivable Financing via SAP Supplier Financing.




  Supply Chain Collaboration  
  Feature Name & Description Release Enablement Model   Learn More  
  Component Shipment report and field additions to Open Orders report [CSC-18313]
This feature adds the Component Shipment report type in Excel for buyers and suppliers who are enabled for SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration. This feature also adds more functionality to the Open Orders report type for both buyers and suppliers.
  Extend order confirmation deviation approval process to scheduling agreements and scheduling agreement releases [CSC-18834]
This feature extends the order confirmation deviation approval process to scheduling agreements and scheduling agreement releases.
  Generate email notifications when order confirmation tolerance deviations need approval [CSC-20519]
This feature adds email notifications when order confirmation tolerance deviations need approval. Emails are sent to buyers to let them know there are deviation alerts to address.
  Generic framework for upload and download - ship notice [CSC-2325] - Supplier Feature 
With this feature, suppliers enabled for SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration can download a ship notice template in Excel format and create ship notices for multiple orders by editing and uploading the downloaded template.

  Display line items in orders up to 2 MB [CSC-25694]
For buyers who are enabled for SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration, the Ariba Network user interface for buyers can now show line items in orders up to 2 MB. This change applies to purchase orders, scheduling agreements, and scheduling agreement releases.
  Formula-editor elements to reference past key-figure values [CSC-26481]
This feature adds elements to the key figure formula editor. You can now create formulas referencing the same key figure in the previous time bucket. You can also create formulas referencing another key figure in the previous time bucket.
  Delivery execution data analytics story [NP-27291]
This feature introduces the Delivery execution data analytics story. Delivery execution story presents a high-level overview of the suppliers in terms of delivery of ordered goods measured against requested delivery dates and ordered quantities. Dates and quantities in receipts are compared against requested delivery dates and quantities in purchase orders to assess delivery execution. A delivery is considered to be on time if the receipt date is earlier than or same as the requested delivery date, and it is considered to be in full if the received quantity is same as the requested quantity. A delivery is considered to be perfect if it is both on time and in full.
  Custom rejected-reason codes for order confirmation. [CSC-25705]
This feature enables buyer administrators to upload a custom list of rejected-reason codes and then display those codes to suppliers during order confirmation. Suppliers can reject items or orders using the custom codes.
  Additional advanced packaging tasks for handling unit profiles [CSC-25761]
This feature provides more advanced packaging tasks that a buyer administrator can enable in a supplier's handling unit profile.
  Simplify electronic signatures for quality inspections using DocuSign [CSC-26878]
This feature simplifies the buyer administrator setup for electronic signatures of quality inspections using DocuSign. It also changes how suppliers select signers.
  Improved functionality for managing customization projects and customizing quality notifications [CSC-27210]
With this feature, buyers can now create a new version of a customization project and delete an unpublished customization project. Buyers can also define when to apply a customization to quality notification documents – when the quality notification is created or is edited, or both. Additional customization options include adding a second condition to a field rule and hiding selected document sections and tabs.
  Remove System ID check and Stock Transport Order quantity from transactional key figures calculation [CSC-27325]
This feature changes how transactional key figures handle System ID values and Stock Transport Order quantities in their calculations, to improve calculation accuracy.
  Upload/Download support for supplier responses to order change requests [CSC-27847]
With this feature, suppliers can generate an Excel file prepopulated with order change requests that need their response, and use the file to send multiple responses in one operation. Buyers can also generate this information, but not send responses.
  Transaction Monitoring Visibility permission [CSC-28411]
This feature adds the Transaction Monitoring Visibility permission. This permission enables buyers who do not have the administrator role to access the Transaction Document Report job type in Upload/Download.
  Copy forecast quantities to commit quantities for Forecast jobs [CSC-28670] - Supplier Feature
This feature introduces new functionality to automatically copy forecast quantities to commit quantities within the same time bucket for Forecast jobs.
  Customized Ship Notice template for Upload/Download [CSC-21145]
This feature enables buyer administrators to create a customization project for the Ship Notice Excel template that is used by the Upload/Download feature.
  Improvements for order confirmation of scheduling agreements and scheduling agreement releases [CSC-23151]
With this feature, the logic to retain previous confirmation when a new version of the scheduling agreement or scheduling agreement release is received has been improved. Now, when only the delivery date of the schedule line changes in the new version, confirmation is not retained. Hence, supplier must provide a new confirmation.   In addition, open quantities for confirmation are now downloaded at the schedule line level, instead of at item level. This change applies to scheduling agreements and scheduling agreement releases as well as to regular orders. As a consequence, confirmation process is simplified.
  Buyer Workbench tile and supplier template for managing change requests [CSC-26669]
This feature provides more tools to help buyers and suppliers manage purchase-order change requests. A new tile for the buyer Workbench helps buyers send and monitor change requests to their suppliers. And a new Upload/Download template enables suppliers to reply to multiple change requests from their buyers.
  Increase the maximum number of customer-defined attributes to 30 [CSC-27326]
This feature increases the maximum number of customer-defined attributes to 30. It also enables buyer administrators to configure up to 10 root and searchable attributes respectively.
  Custom attributes and customization projects for the Ship Notice Upload/Download template and Workbench tiles for Items to Confirm, Orders, and Items to Ship [CSC-27541]
This feature allows buyers to create custom attributes, and include these attributes in customization projects for order confirmations, purchase orders, and ship notices. Custom attributes contain additional information relevant to buyers and add to the standard Ariba Network fields. Buyers and suppliers use custom attributes to improve collaboration.
  Make obsolete the previous component ship notice [CSC-28757]
When Ariba Network receives a change to a component ship notice, this feature automatically makes obsolete the previous version of the component ship notice.
  Order confirmation deviation approval improvements [CSC-25909]
This feature adds two improvements to the order confirmation deviation approval process. First, buyers can now choose actions for approving order confirmation deviations. Second, the Order confirmation approval alerts page displays a new column with the item description.
  Support for multiple descriptions in quality notification sections [CSC-27172]
With this feature, buyers and suppliers can add multiple descriptions to the description fields in quality notification sections. They can also view the description histories, which contain all the published descriptions.
  Customizations to quality notification sections [CSC-27211]
This feature provides additional customizations to certain sections of a quality notification. Buyers can hide a section or make a section read only. Buyers can also limit the number of sections their suppliers can create and prevent their suppliers from removing previously-submitted sections.
  Component planning collaboration [CSC-28384]
This feature adds component planning collaboration to SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration.
  Enhance routing configuration on Ariba Network and enhancement for component ship notice [CSC-29545] - Supplier Feature
This feature provides a way for the supplier’s AN administrator to segregate the routing of the document sub types based on the supplier capability. This feature supports separate routing options for ProductActivity and OrderRequest message for Ariba Network. The routing configuration enhances and supports the Resend option for component ship notices.
  Prevent component consumption that exceeds the authorized quantity [CSC-30446]
This feature prevents a supplier from entering for consumption a quantity of a component that is greater than the amount the buyer authorized for consumption.
  Enable supplier updates to stock-on-hand levels [CSC-32030]
With this feature, suppliers can update their stock-on-hand levels in the Ariba Network user interface.

SAP Ariba assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions and nothing in this web page should be construed to represent any commitment by SAP Ariba to include any specific new features in any version of the SAP Ariba solutions.
Please contact your Customer Engagement Executive for additional details.

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