Atualização de versão 200257
Provisão no Ariba Network para controlar a disponibilidade da opção de alternância de centro de dados do CIG
Código do recurso


Feature Description

The SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway (CIG) US data center is available (in addition to the Europe data center). Existing users (with any of the North, Central, and South American countries set under their Company Profile) have the option of switching from the Europe data center to the new US data center.
Previously, this option was available to all users regardless of their roles in the organization. If a user initiated the switching of the data center without the SAP Ariba recommended configuration and testing, it could lead to undesirable consequences.
Therefore, to avoid accidental or premature switching of the CIG data center, a provision is now made in Ariba Network such that the availability of the data center switching option is available only to an administrator user.

Customer Problem

With the availability of a new SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway (CIG) US data center, provision was made in Ariba Network to provide an option where a user can switch to the US CIG data center. However, as this option was available to all eligible users irrespective of their roles/permissions, probability of accidental switch or premature switching initiation (without taking care of the necessary pre-requisites) was high. This switching, being functionally irreversible, may cause issues in the existing setup/integrations of users if the necessary reconfigurations and testing were not done before initiating the switch.

Customer Value Proposition

With this enhancement, the option to switch the SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway (CIG) data center is made available only to Ariba Network account administrators. This reduces the chances of accidental or premature initiation of the CIG data center switching process.


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Soluções aplicáveis

Ariba Network

SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway


Nenhum identificado


Nota: todos os outros usuários que têm acesso à tela de configuração do SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway podem exibir informações sobre a disponibilidade do centro de dados dos EUA. No entanto, a opção de iniciar a alternância de centro de dados não estará disponível para eles.

Aplicável a

SAP Business Network 2111

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