Atualização de versão 200255
Suporte para a geração automática de faturas a partir de folhas de registro de serviços aprovadas
Código do recurso


Feature Description

This feature enables automatic generation of invoices from approved service entry sheets in Ariba Network in the Service Procurement with Ariba Network and SAP Fieldglass (4R2) integration scenario. Invoices are generated only for those service entry sheets that are associated with purchase order line items containing planned lean-service items and have tax information.

Customer Problem

In order to reduce a manual step to create an invoice from a service entry sheet, there is a requirement to auto generate an invoice from an approved service entry sheet. It should apply if the taxes, allowance and charges are sent in the purchase order. If the purchase order lean service line does not have the tax information in the purchase order lines, then Ariba Network will create the invoice draft that will be reviewed by the supplier to assign the taxes and send the invoice.

Customer Value Proposition

Remove a manual step of creating invoices from service entry sheets, therefore increasing productivity and reducing manual labor. This will reduce the time lag between the service entry sheet and invoice, thus adding to the cash flow of suppliers.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

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Resumo do recurso

2111 Visualização do recurso de disponibilidade: suporte para a geração automática de faturas a partir de folhas de registro de serviços aprovadas

Soluções aplicáveis

Ariba Network


Aplicável a

SAP Business Network 2111

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