リリース更新 200231
変更申請を含む注文書の MRP 例外のコラボレーション
機能 ID


Feature Description

To aid in handling MRP exceptions, this feature adds the ability to manage purchase-order change requests from the Ariba Network user interface. Buyers and suppliers can monitor and respond to the change requests they send or receive.

Customer Problem

In today’s competitive marketplace, with suppliers, trading partners, and logistics providers spanning across the globe, it is imperative for companies to have real-time, end-to-end visibility and control across their supply networks, ensuring that fluctuating customer demands are met, and revenues maximized. SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration for Buyers provides planning collaboration between buyer and supplier to enable this visibility and control. Currently it is not possible to easily convey or collaborate based on the exceptions generated in MRP which might significantly affect the existing or planned orders.

Customer Value Proposition

Value to buyer:
- This reduces significant time spent working on and communicating purchase order changes.
- Enables suppliers to work on the high priority purchase order changes first which would have the most significant effect for the buyer.
- Reduces number of purchase order versions as changes are pre agreed.
- All change requests and reasons are documented in the system which can be used across departments in the organization to provide updates or for analytics later.
Value to supplier:
- Gives opportunity to suppliers to provide feedback about proposed purchase order changes.
- This reduces time spent communicating about purchase order changes.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide


Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

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2111 Readiness 機能プレビュー: 変更申請を含む注文書の MRP 例外コラボレーション


SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration





サプライヤは、変更申請ごとに 1 つの回答または提案のみを行うことができます。

バイヤーは、変更申請ごとに、サプライヤの回答に対して 1 つの回答または提案のみを行うことができます。


SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2111

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